Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |OT| The bomb has been planted

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How is it on ps3? The netcode that is?

I'll buy a EuroServer tonight, 5 v 5. Mixture of all game modes.

It will all have to wait until I get back tonight.


Eh, it's casual mode. It's for shit's and giggles.

Yeah, I played a bunch of casual last night. Even though dead teammates can talk to live ones, I really didn't hear it going on when I was playing (and believe me, I was dead a LOT). Maybe a lot of people just don't know you can do it yet, though.

Yep, im still having this same issue aswell...It was working fine a few hours after launch. Really needs to be fixed.

I really hope they fix that. I am playing on pc, but will definitely double-dip to play with my PS3 friends. I've been plugging it to them, but I won't recommend that they buy it if parties aren't working; we had enough frustration with BF3 when parties didn't work in that.


Same for me, seems to be really random as to who's affected, perhaps NAT related?

My network settings are ok, my nat was always open. It's not a problem about connecting to people, it's a netcode issue.

Maybe there's a problem with the matchmaking, i keep finding matches with people from all around the world (from america to europe) and maybe that's why this is unplayable, like cod 2.

I've got 4/5 friends who tried it online and it doesn't work for them either (we are all from italy).


Encountering horrific lag on 360 at present [UK].

I thought the game was on dedicated servers?

Okay so this really does need discussing, because it's seemingly really inconsistent, and not actually the player's own connection.

I was just in a game that was smooth as butter, perfect connection. Played for about an hour with a group of players and everything was going fine. I was beasting, top of the board, loving it. Then all of a sudden the jittery lag returns, and it coincides with a couple of new faces in the game. It's clear to me that the lag is a result of something happening when certain connections meet. Perhaps NAT, perhaps different nationalities, but it's the only explanation for the game going from an absolute perfect connection to unplayable, jittery lag in literally the click of a finger.

Needs fixing by Valve. It's unacceptable.
I think it's because sometimes you'll get people from different side of the world into your game. Or just somebodies with laggy connections anyway. Just love to wait and see how 'soon' there'll be a patch for consoles...


Okay so this really does need discussing, because it's seemingly really inconsistent, and not actually the player's own connection.

I was just in a game that was smooth as butter, perfect connection. Played for about an hour with a group of players and everything was going fine. I was beasting, top of the board, loving it. Then all of a sudden the jittery lag returns, and it coincides with a couple of new faces in the game. It's clear to me that the lag is a result of something happening when certain connections meet. Perhaps NAT, perhaps different nationalities, but it's the only explanation for the game going from an absolute perfect connection to unplayable, jittery lag in literally the click of a finger.

Needs fixing by Valve. It's unacceptable.

I thought that maybe there's something in the number of players in the game.

I noticed that with 6/7 people the game is working fine. As soon as the game hits 8/10 people, it becomes unplayable.

I tried with 5 friend in a private game hosted by me, and everything was fine...Has anyone tried a 7+ private match?
I bought the game on PC but just decided to try out the 360 trial anyway. I can't believe how bad the game looks graphically, I know it's obviously gonna be worse than the PC version but it's graphics are hardly anything to shout about. The movement feels really weird, like I'm skating on ice and the aiming seemed laggy as well.

I'm really surprised since TF2 felt fine with a controller, it seems like a pretty bad port.


I thought that maybe there's something in the number of players in the game.

I noticed that with 6/7 people the game is working fine. As soon as the game hits 8/10 people, it becomes unplayable.

I tried with 5 friend in a private game hosted by me, and everything was fine...Has anyone tried a 7+ private match?

That's a good shout.

When the game was perfect there was perhaps 6 players in the game, but then once both teams filled out it devolved into an absolute laggy apocalypse. Sounds as good a theory as any.

Such a shame too, because when this game was working like it just was, it's pretty much the perfect multiplayer shooter, in my opinion. The mechanics are just vintage CS, and they've even translated fairly well to the controller, but it's the connection holding the game back. Right now I wouldn't recommend this to anyone, and that's so odd when you consider how fucking good it is, or could be. I just want Valve to do something about it, or acknowledge that they're doing something about it.

The game is that good that I'll happily wait a couple of weeks for a fix.

Oh, and for those on 360 still struggling for a sensitivity fix, I'll reiterate that 1.30 is perfect for me.
It seems the problems are mostly with people outside the US. I played a good amount yesterday and only had issues early in the morning (when joining a lobby with players from EU).

Other than that the game has been near perfect.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
It seems the problems are mostly with people outside the US. I played a good amount yesterday and only had issues early in the morning (when joining a lobby with players from EU).

Other than that the game has been near perfect.

i'll chime in again - huge lag issues on 360. USA.

my thoughts are it has to be a bug. seems very random in who is affected. i admit, i dont have the best internet, but this is worse than anything i've ever played. i'm sure it will be fixed down the road. i wonder if in a few weeks i can try the trial again. i certainly wont buy on blind faith.


chime in again - huge lag issues on 360. USA.

my thoughts are it has to be a bug as this is worse than anything, lol. i'm sure it will be fixed down the road. i wonder if in a few weeks i can try the trial again. i certainly wont buy on blind faith.

One thing it definitely isn't is the player's connection. You've mentioned it, and so have others and I, but my connection is perfectly fine for every other game I care to mention. And the fact that my game before devolved from a buttery smooth connection to unplayable, mind bending lag in literally seconds has me convinced more than ever that this is a more complicated and serious issue than certain players having bad connections.

I really want Valve to acknowledge and fix it, because as I say, when this game is working smoothly it's peerless.


I was playing on pc and in the two servers I went on, everyone had some lag as well. The ping was about 110 at most times, and there was definite rubber banding. At one point, it took me back about 2 seconds.

I am sure it will get smoothed out eventually; I remember how terrible the rubber-banding was on PS3 Battlefield 3 at first.
Did the Deagle get nerfed recently or am I just awful? I was running around with nothing but that and doing well until yesterday, and now I can't kill anyone with it. The only game mode I'm consistently good in is gun game, or Arms Race or whatever it's called in this one.

I'm really enjoying the game, I just suck badly at it right now.

I was playing on pc and in the two servers I went on, everyone had some lag as well. The ping was about 110 at most times, and there was definite rubber banding. At one point, it took me back about 2 seconds.

I am sure it will get smoothed out eventually; I remember how terrible the rubber-banding was on PS3 Battlefield 3 at first.

As for lag on the PC, I have experienced some rubber banding but it usually only happened for about a second then the rest of the match was smooth.


I know the talk is centered around the consoles right now but I just wanted to comment on the PC version :)

Played for a few hours yesterday. Was pleased with the matchmaking. Chose classic competitive and that's what I got. 5v5 matches. Strangely I chose defuse the first time and the second map was office but whatever, was still fun. Just wish the matchmaking took ping into account. Half the time I had a 30ms ping, the other half it was 150ms. Sometimes I just kept reconnecting until I got a better server.

Game is good. Hitboxes are a little tighter than they were in CS:S which I think is a good thing. Weapon handling feels roughly the same. Feels good to play a CS game again.

I still have no idea where this ELO system is. Am I missing something obvious?


Another frustration I'm having is every time I reload the game I have to manually change my crosshair back to static.

Perhaps it's the old CS player in me, but a dynamic crosshair just looks stupid, in me opinion. I used to play CS with the smallest possible crosshair available, and that's how I want it here. Helps me get headshots better, as long as I'm vaguely aware of how the bloom and spread works in the game, which I am.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Did the Deagle get nerfed recently or am I just awful? I was running around with nothing but that and doing well until yesterday, and now I can't kill anyone with it. The only game mode I'm consistently good in is gun game, or Arms Race or whatever it's called in this one.

Deagle seems fine to me.


Strangely I chose defuse the first time and the second map was office but whatever, was still fun.

I still have no idea where this ELO system is. Am I missing something obvious?

Yeah matchmaking definitly only takes you map choice into account foe the map currently played, next map can be anything.

You find your elo ingame when looking at the score or in the menue under Stats, I'm not really sure though if it actually has an influence on on what server you get.


Another frustration I'm having is every time I reload the game I have to manually change my crosshair back to static.

Perhaps it's the old CS player in me, but a dynamic crosshair just looks stupid, in me opinion. I used to play CS with the smallest possible crosshair available, and that's how I want it here. Helps me get headshots better, as long as I'm vaguely aware of how the bloom and spread works in the game, which I am.

Dude I seriously have no idea why you're playing a PC game on a console
^ Comments like that should just get you banned.

Port boasting should be seen as being as bad as port begging.

I was late to work this morning because I was playing CSGO this morning. Ended up getting an achievement for killing 4 people within 15 seconds. Complete luck.


^ Comments like that should just get you banned.

Port boasting should be seen as being as bad as port begging.

I was late to work this morning because I was playing CSGO this morning. Ended up getting an achievement for killing 4 people within 15 seconds. Complete luck.

Not boasting or console warring, but this is a twitch shooter with a focus on headshots and controlling recoil, and CS has always been a "PC game" (lots of custom maps and mods), it makes no sense not to get it on PC especially if he's an old school CS player
Not everyone has access to a gaming pc.

Or he might have more mates that play on consoles.

Myriad of reasons, fact is, its irrelevant whether one version is superior than the other.
has anyone tried to get the "win arms race without dying? trophy?
did it against bots, it was pretty easy. i'm not sure what the map is called, but the first one that looks like a blueish warehouse, you can pretty much just camp the right-hand side and pick them off as they go center.

arnie said:
Another frustration I'm having is every time I reload the game I have to manually change my crosshair back to static.
i hated dynamic at first too, but then i got used to it. just pay attention to the dot instead of the cross. it feels wierd, since 1.6 didn't have a dot and only a cross, but you'll get used to it.
did it against bots, it was pretty easy. i'm not sure what the map is called, but the first one that looks like a blueish warehouse, you can pretty much just camp the right-hand side and pick them off as they go center.

i hated dynamic at first too, but then i got used to it. just pay attention to the dot instead of the cross. it feels wierd, since 1.6 didn't have a dot and only a cross, but you'll get used to it.


I did the weapons course and beat the company time. Surprised it wasn't a steam achievement.


Dude I seriously have no idea why you're playing a PC game on a console

I don't have a gaming PC anymore. I used to, and I used to play CS all the time, but now I'm making the best of my current situation. And whilst I'll readily admit that playing with thumbsticks is nowhere near as precise as playing with a mouse, take it from me as someone who's experienced both, it isn't as bad a step down as I'm sure a lot of PC players are imagining. Mostly because it's a level playing field, and aiming is still important.

CS translates to consoles quite well.


Just looked at the Steam stats page and 1.6 has more players right now, and even Source has a lot. It seems like they're getting a whole bunch of new players but not the ones from the old versions. I'm a bit curious about it but as a 1.6 player I suspect I just won't like it and it'll be 15€ down the drain.


I'd be in the dick
Just got a patch on PS3. Anyone know what it does?

EDIT: Huh, looks like Steam integration might be in now. It failed to connect though.


Just looked at the Steam stats page and 1.6 has more players right now, and even Source has a lot. It seems like they're getting a whole bunch of new players but not the ones from the old versions. I'm a bit curious about it but as a 1.6 player I suspect I just won't like it and it'll be 15€ down the drain.
You should just wait until it hits a dirt cheap price in a Steam sale. By then, more mods will have been made for GO and more updates will have been released. You'll have paid for GO in a better state than it is now, while saving money.


I still think they should have gone the route of TF2 and changed the formula drastically. By making this just CS:S v.1.5, all they really accomplished is further splitting the fanbase. Sure, there will be new players, but people who left after playing CS:S to death will see it's more of the same and leave again even faster.
Just looked at the Steam stats page and 1.6 has more players right now, and even Source has a lot. It seems like they're getting a whole bunch of new players but not the ones from the old versions. I'm a bit curious about it but as a 1.6 player I suspect I just won't like it and it'll be 15€ down the drain.
lol i actually started playing 1.6 again because of this game. just to make sure to see how it compares and its not just nostalgia goggles. i actually liked source too, even if not as much as 1.6. since i'm playing cs:go on console now, it isn't really fair to compare. other than the (new) weapons, i don't really like it that much at all.


people who left after playing CS:S to death will see it's more of the same and leave again even faster.

I completely disagree. This is your opinion, I don't think it makes sense for you to make generalizations about other people.

I played CS:S for years ("to death"), got bored of it and completely stopped playing it. now I'm back for more with CS:GO. really enjoying it, could see myself playing it on-again off-again for a long time, especially with mods.

it's a different game and much improved.


Xbox controls are seriously laggy or something.. wtf, it feels impossible to aim or time a shot. Booted the Modern Warfare 2 singleplayer demo right after to see if it was a case of me being too used to the mouse controls now and no, definitely a world of different in responsiveness between that and the xbox csgo. Not talking about the lack of aim assist, just the responsiveness of the sticks and buttons.

And it's technically such an halfhassed port. Runs slow, it's super blurry, lowres everything, jaggies galore... blah it sucks that Valve just tosses their games on console for a quick buck without giving a fuck about bringing them somewhat to the standard of the top console games.
Xbox controls are seriously laggy or something.. wtf, it feels impossible to aim or time a shot. Booted the Modern Warfare 2 singleplayer demo right after to see if it was a case of me being too used to the mouse controls now and no, definitely a world of different in responsiveness between that and the xbox csgo. Not talking about the lack of aim assist, just the responsiveness of the sticks and buttons.

And it's technically such an halfhassed port. Runs slow, it's super blurry, lowres everything, jaggies galore... blah it sucks that Valve just tosses their games on console for a quick buck without giving a fuck about bringing them somewhat to the standard of the top console games.
Or even the standard of slightly above average console games. It just doesn't feel right and it's certainly no looker. That said though it does have bots and it does have no respawns in most of the modes so I can't complain too much. I just wish Valve had put a little more work in to it.


I will preface this by saying I am not a previous Counter Strike player. So I don't have that history with the game, and I did try this on the 360.

So far my impression is luke warm. I think the game does some things well, but graphically and from an animation stand point this game feels dated. Control wise it also feels like a PC game ported to a console (which I understand it is). Things like "toggle to walk or run" just scream PC keyboard play. Analogue movement is so much better, I really wish that had been incorporated. Lack of iron sight aiming also feels like it should have been in game.

All said and done, for what the 360 version is, there are better shooters to play in my library. $15 does make the game tempting but this really does feel just average on the 360 so I don't know.

I will continue to give it a try as I have a little more time on my trial, however this has been a bit of a disappointment so far.

Mikey Jr.

Do you guys think we will see support for this game like we did for TF2?

If yes, will that translate to the console versions as well?
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