Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |OT| The bomb has been planted

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i havent played cs since source back in 05. unfortunately i dont have a desktop anymore and my laptop isnt very good for gaming. is this game worth picking up for psn?
I am dumb and a disgrace. I could have sworn a gun like the AK47 had iron sight zooming.
well the zoom on the aug and sig didn't use a scope like the sniper rifles do. haven't tried either weapon on cs:go yet.

kevo_huevo said:
i havent played cs since source back in 05. unfortunately i dont have a desktop anymore and my laptop isnt very good for gaming. is this game worth picking up for psn?
for $15 yes, but i'd recommend not going in with high expectations. as much as i love cs, it definitely does feel like a $15 game.


I havent played CS actively in years and a lot of people in this game are actually...nice.

No annoying mic chat, lots of "ns", no bigotry. This has to be some sort of miracle
which wont be repeated today
First time CS player, bought it for PS3, and I am loving it. It is pretty satisfying when you turn a corner in to an enemy, and you instantly twitch fire and blow their head off. It has only happened for me like one time so far, but it was pretty awesome.

I also like the map where CT's look like they are wearing big, floppy blue berets and kinda look like mushrooms
I havent played CS actively in years and a lot of people in this game are actually...nice.

No annoying mic chat, lots of "ns", no bigotry. This has to be some sort of miracle
which wont be repeated today

I've had the complete opposite experience so far. I don't think I've played a game yet that didn't involve vitriolic language.


Trucker Sexologist
Oh god can you imagine how bad it would be if this game had iron sights.

They pretty much strip out all the skill in aiming.
Not at all. They would only be a handicap if they didn't affect recoil. That's how the iron sights in SS3 work. They don't do anything.


I've had the complete opposite experience so far. I don't think I've played a game yet that didn't involve vitriolic language.
I've had the complete opposite experience, every game I've played I've had decent, usually hilarious conversations through voicechat with everyone else on the server. Everyone is usually very nice and "normal".

You just have bad luck, man. Also, I play on PC. I assume the console experience would be as Phanatic described.


the fucking stupid annoying vote system. The fuck were they thinking?

it's veeeeeeeeeeeeeery easy to troll/grief with the current voting system

First time CS player, bought it for PS3, and I am loving it. It is pretty satisfying when you turn a corner in to an enemy, and you instantly twitch fire and blow their head off. It has only happened for me like one time so far, but it was pretty awesome.

I also like the map where CT's look like they are wearing big, floppy blue berets and kinda look like mushrooms
The CS_Italy Terrorists are hilarious, they look like Scarecrow with berets


Not at all. They would only be a handicap if they didn't affect recoil. That's how the iron sights in SS3 work. They don't do anything.

I just think they prohibit the range of aiming available, especially with an analogue stick, which ends up herding people into firing at the general direction of the enemy rather than aiming for the head. In a game as fast as counterstrike, I don't think they'd add much, if anything.
CS:Source will always have a place in my heart for the amount of fun I had dying, then spectating and watching the ragdoll physics blw my mind, with people getting shot and falling over ledges, terrorists being blown up and flying into walls, and people running parralel to walls and being headshottedbefore even knowing they were in someone's sights, leaving a nice patch of blood over the wall.

Hoping to rekindle some of that when Valve put it out in the EU on the PS3.


Its sad that people choose not to use the auto sniper rifles because of some dumb stigma attached to it. Just use the damn guns that are in the game ffs

Coincidentally I have the most fun with this game when I'm on servers that allow random weapons at spawn. Variety mang
I've had the complete opposite experience, every game I've played I've had decent, usually hilarious conversations through voicechat with everyone else on the server. Everyone is usually very nice and "normal".

You just have bad luck, man. Also, I play on PC. I assume the console experience would be as Phanatic described.

When I play with my friend from college, we dick around with each other and talk about stupid shit. It seems like most people we've played with enjoy the dumb shit we say. Give help to newer players if need-be. Lighten up on conversations if the game is close or we are behind, and dick around more when we're cruising.


Maybe a bit difficult to answer this since it is a bit subjective, but how does the controls feels on the console version (mainly interested in the PS3 version)? Lets say compared to the CoD controls.


Maybe a bit difficult to answer this since it is a bit subjective, but how does the controls feels on the console version (mainly interested in the PS3 version)? Lets say compared to the CoD controls.

No aim assist and default settings are clunky, set horizontal and vertical sensitivity to 1.30 and you are good.
Maybe a bit difficult to answer this since it is a bit subjective, but how does the controls feels on the console version (mainly interested in the PS3 version)? Lets say compared to the CoD controls.
it's really difficult to compare, since there's no aim assist and CoD has loads of aim assist. A lot looser, you might say

No aim assist and default settings are clunky, set horizontal and vertical sensitivity to 1.30 and you are good.
Personally I need much higher sensitivity than 1.3, but your results may vary


Hm I can't hear the chat and probably the others don't hear me, I checked the headset everything is fine and checked the Voice options.. no clue.

(xbox version)


Its sad that people choose not to use the auto sniper rifles because of some dumb stigma attached to it.

yeah, this is some old-school ingrained bs, i never understood it. while i guess the AWP does probably beat the autosniper in general, they're still awesome weapons.

i love camping longhall as T on office or the house as T on italy with one.. pop pop pop pop lololol


formerly sane
this is some old-school ingrained bs, i never understood it. while i guess the AWP does probably beat the autosniper, i love camping longhall as T on office or the house as T on italy with the autosniper. pop pop pop pop lololol

It's not bs

No one says the guns beyond ak, or colt are garbage hell almost if not all all the guns are quite useful if used on the right level at the right time. The problem with say an autosniper or the aug is the price. In a competitive match that is the difference between having guns for 2-4 rounds or just one.


I do have one major complaint against the gameplay: it's very difficult to see where your shots are going when spraying. In 1.6, it's very obvious. Difficult to control spray as a result.


I sunk about 4 hours into it now. They need to change the character models, hard as shit to tell who is who. The AK also seems to be gimped, not anywhere near the power it had in 1.6.


What does everyone thing about the character models changing from map to map?

I've gotten used to it, but I do think it would be better if the kept the same 2 models for every map.


It's not bs

No one says the guns beyond ak, or colt are garbage hell almost if not all all the guns are quite useful if used on the right level at the right time. The problem with say an autosniper or the aug is the price. In a competitive match that is the difference between having guns for 2-4 rounds or just one.

Yeah I'll pick one up if I come across it but never buy anything more then the AK/M4 + grenade.
I sunk about 4 hours into it now. They need to change the character models, hard as shit to tell who is who. The AK also seems to be gimped, not anywhere near the power it had in 1.6.
agreed. a lot of the time I can only tell who's who after they turn around and start shooting me


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Is it just me, or is the bomb arming area really small for what is (I suppose?) the be the area on the maps/red area? I can go to the edge but still be in the red area and not arm unless I'm right on top of the X for A/B. Kinda annoying.

I just gotta win an arms race round without dying (seems impossible even with easy AI since you can't regen health/buy armor), kill an airbourne enemy (something bots rarely do) and knife-on-knife battle someone and I've got all the achievements/trophies on PS3. >_>

Bomb pick-up and arm can be done with bots. FF=on, harm them don't kill them. AI bots kill them, pick bomb up. Arm it quickly and it has to blow. No eleminations.

(I tried some online and the online is stuttery for me. So good thing Valve/devs included bots.

Double good that Valve/devs included Keyboard and Mouse and I weep that Sony didn't mandate all FPS have it as an option with a server filter/exclusion for people to lazy to plug a keyboard in. :|)

Mr YuYu

Can't agree with this.

Walking's such an integral part of CS that I'm fucking ecstatic they didn't relegate the function to just part of the analogue movement. I mapped Walk to LT personally, I see it as that important. I like to hold it when I'm moving through indoor areas, like the apartment in Italy, etc, so my enemies don't know I'm coming. And it's a great way to steady your aim.

You can't rely on the analogue stick in the same way as a hard button. And it's not 'toggle', by the way, it's hold.

LT for walking seems like a great idea! Can i get your complete config pls? Can you assign something to left or right?

Tommorow i'll fuck around with the button config a little. Can i even dump the ' 180 turn' and replace it with nades?

I think i am hooked to cs again :-(


First time CS player, bought it for PS3, and I am loving it. It is pretty satisfying when you turn a corner in to an enemy, and you instantly twitch fire and blow their head off. It has only happened for me like one time so far, but it was pretty awesome.

I also like the map where CT's look like they are wearing big, floppy blue berets and kinda look like mushrooms

Haha, this sounds like the opposite of my experience on PC.
Turn a corner to an enemy, both have AKs and spray point blank, missing almost every shot. One player awkwardly fumbles to pistol, the other switches to knife. 10 second shootout involving lots of bunny hopping commences before someone gets lucky.


Can't agree with this.

Walking's such an integral part of CS that I'm fucking ecstatic they didn't relegate the function to just part of the analogue movement. I mapped Walk to LT personally, I see it as that important. I like to hold it when I'm moving through indoor areas, like the apartment in Italy, etc, so my enemies don't know I'm coming. And it's a great way to steady your aim.

You can't rely on the analogue stick in the same way as a hard button. And it's not 'toggle', by the way, it's hold.

I'd hope not, seeing as there's no actual analog movement in CS. Would be weird as hell to switch between the two.

Edit: sorry for double!


works for Gamestop (lol)
Haha, this sounds like the opposite of my experience on PC.
Turn a corner to an enemy, both have AKs and spray point blank, missing almost every shot. One player awkwardly fumbles to pistol, the other switches to knife. 10 second shootout involving lots of bunny hopping commences before someone gets lucky.


That sounds like the crappiest game
Haha, this sounds like the opposite of my experience on PC.
Turn a corner to an enemy, both have AKs and spray point blank, missing almost every shot. One player awkwardly fumbles to pistol, the other switches to knife. 10 second shootout involving lots of bunny hopping commences before someone gets lucky.

Thats the best description of the console version.
Haha, this sounds like the opposite of my experience on PC.
Turn a corner to an enemy, both have AKs and spray point blank, missing almost every shot. One player awkwardly fumbles to pistol, the other switches to knife. 10 second shootout involving lots of bunny hopping commences before someone gets lucky.

Why can't I face people like this when I play? Anyone who runs out gets headshotted almost instantly when I play.
Bought it yesterday. Feels different from 1.6 and CS:S...can't really put my thumb on it though.

Had fun for about 2 hours, going mostly even on KD since I haven't played CS since like January this year. I like the radial menu they implemented, sounds are good too.


My favorite thing to do in the limited time I tried Counterstrike Source, was to buy the most expensive weapon in the game, that huge machine gun with the handle on top, and then try to catch people off guard with it around corners. I'm a terrible player of games in general and games with fast reaction/aiming in particular, so it was hilarious when I would get lucky and actually catch the "good" players on the server with sudden point blank heavy MG fire. DON'T NEED TO AIM SO WELL NOW, DO I. :p


What does everyone thing about the character models changing from map to map?

I've gotten used to it, but I do think it would be better if the kept the same 2 models for every map.
I like it, but the italy t and ct models look way too similar.

the voice for dust ct is sooooooo good though lol


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Is it just me, or is the bomb arming area really small for what is (I suppose?) to be the area on the maps/red area? I can go to the edge but still be in the red area and not arm unless I'm right on top of the X for A/B. Kinda annoying.

Anyone? Is it just me? Is it a bug? By design? It's pretty annoying to go into an area, hide in the area that is on the mini-map an "objective area" arm and not be able to because I'm not in the arming area according to the game?

Like Dust (1, not 2) A if you go near the barrels for cover you can't arm there on Classic non-Casual/Hardcore.
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