Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Just an OT FYI for anyone who doesn't use twitter or go to OT here. Neil Armstrong died today.
Just an OT FYI for anyone who doesn't use twitter or go to OT here. Neil Armstrong died today.
Just an OT FYI for anyone who doesn't use twitter or go to OT here. Neil Armstrong died today.
Just an OT FYI for anyone who doesn't use twitter or go to OT here. Neil Armstrong died today.
I guess he will take the truth about the moon landing to the grave.
I guess he will take the truth about the moon landing to the grave.
Just an OT FYI for anyone who doesn't use twitter or go to OT here. Neil Armstrong died today.
I guess he will take the truth about the moon landing to the grave.
Neil Will be missed. A hero not for America but for all of Humanity. Forever immortalized through his actions and achievements.
Right. It was a team effort. But that doesn't diminish the importance of Armstrong and the fact that he deserves respect.RIP of course but people should remember that Armstrong didn't do that much really, not compared to those who made Moon landing possible, all the engineers etc people who built and designed the spacecraft for that.
Sorry, i just don't like hailing people as heroes or symbols when they don't do that much, other people usually make their accomplishments possible.
RIP of course but people should remember that Armstrong didn't do that much really, not compared to those who made Moon landing possible, all the engineers etc people who built and designed the spacecraft for that. (EDIT also, it could be argued Yuri Gagarin would be more important being the first human in space but then again he just flew the rocket, he didn't build it)
Sorry, i just don't like hailing people as heroes or symbols when they don't do that much, other people usually make their accomplishments possible.
Anyone got any HDMI captures of Halo 3 Clips they would be willing to send my way?
Preferably sharp/not-compressed enough to still see the aliasing (I.E. not Youtube clips)?
Is there some website with raw clips you can download directly maybe?
I wanna try something out in After effects, but I don't got a capture card yet.
Also, what card would you guys recommend that could get this level of clarity, and will I need a spare HDD or SSD to record at that rate?
Yes, team effort. People should always remember that when talking about heroes like Armstrong or GagarinRight. It was a team effort. But Armstrong was awesome and deserve's respect.
you fuckin' commie bastard, how dare you
RIP of course but people should remember that Armstrong didn't do that much really, not compared to those who made Moon landing possible, all the engineers etc people who built and designed the spacecraft for that. (EDIT also, it could be argued Yuri Gagarin would be more important being the first human in space but then again he just flew the rocket, he didn't build it)
Sorry, i just don't like hailing people as heroes or symbols when they don't do that much, other people usually make their accomplishments possible.
RIP of course but people should remember that Armstrong didn't do that much really, not compared to those who made Moon landing possible, all the engineers etc people who built and designed the spacecraft for that. (EDIT also, it could be argued Yuri Gagarin would be more important being the first human in space but then again he just flew the rocket, he didn't build it)
Sorry, i just don't like hailing people as heroes or symbols when they don't do that much, other people usually make their accomplishments possible.
Because he's the icon. I doubt any people in the space program back then are salty about Neil getting praise. Deserves every bit of respect and dedication he's getting right now.
Really? Armstrong is a legend regardless of what you think. The sight of him landing on the moon alone was a HUGE morale boost to the citizens of the United States. To say that he isn't as important as he obviously is, is a huge low blow. Bad form.
RIP of course but people should remember that Armstrong didn't do that much really, not compared to those who made Moon landing possible, all the engineers etc people who built and designed the spacecraft for that. (EDIT also, it could be argued Yuri Gagarin would be more important being the first human in space but then again he just flew the rocket, he didn't build it)
Sorry, i just don't like hailing people as heroes or symbols when they don't do that much, other people usually make their accomplishments possible.
Oh i understand that. And i don't doubt many people don't care about being famous etc. they're content knowing they did their job. I'd be such one.
But i just ask people to remember that this couldn't have happened without all the thousands nameless and faceless people who made it possible.
I understand this even less.... Especially given the way the world was at the time.EDIT can't really give a shit about someone being a morale boost though, no matter the nationality. But then i'm not patriotic even slightly. One world, one species, one nation.
You ever hear about Apollo 1?
Well there goes my reality show idea.
Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin should have toured the US beating people up who thought the moon landings were a hoax.
I'm guessing you only get you'er news from main steam media outlets right? Sheeple will always believe what the magical TV tells them. The Russia find the joke of a american moon land quite funny. They were way ahead of us with a space program and knew it could not be done. By the way on the moon landing anniversary NASA some how lost the original crystal clear tapes to the historic moon landing. Do some research there is more evidence that prove we didn't go then we did. All you have is there word and the most grainy footage they could produce. Their are american astronauts that don't beleive it happened. We landed on the moon 40 years ago and never been back. Don't you think we should have a base on the moon by now?
I understand this even less.... Especially given the way the world was at the time.
I'm guessing you only get you'er news from main steam media outlets right? Sheeple will always believe what the magical TV tells them. The Russian's find the joke of a american moon land quite funny. They were way ahead of us with a space program and knew it could not be done. By the way on the moon landing anniversary NASA some how lost the original crystal clear tapes to the historic moon landing. Do some research there is more evidence that prove we didn't go then we did. All you have is there word and the most grainy footage they could produce. Their are american astronauts that don't beleive it happened. We landed on the moon 40 years ago and never been back. Don't you think we should have a base on the moon by now?
I'm guessing you only get you'er news from main steam media outlets right? Sheeple will always believe what the magical TV tells them. The Russian's find the joke of a american moon land quite funny. They were way ahead of us with a space program and knew it could not be done. By the way on the moon landing anniversary NASA some how lost the original crystal clear tapes to the historic moon landing. Do some research. There is more evidence that prove we didn't go then we did. All you have is there word and the most grainy footage they could produce. Their are american astronauts that don't beleive it happened. We landed on the moon 40 years ago and never been back. Don't you think we should have a base on the moon by now?
What about it?
Woorlong, when you climb into a pressurized, flammable tube and navigate to, land on, and return safely from the moon using a graphing calculator, then you can say it's overrated![]()
Engineering is one thing. *Doing* is another.
I'm guessing you only get you'er news from main steam media outlets right? Sheeple will always believe what the magical TV tells them. The Russian's find the joke of a american moon land quite funny. They were way ahead of us with a space program and knew it could not be done. By the way on the moon landing anniversary NASA some how lost the original crystal clear tapes to the historic moon landing. Do some research. There is more evidence that prove we didn't go then we did. All you have is there word and the most grainy footage they could produce. Their are american astronauts that don't beleive it happened. We landed on the moon 40 years ago and never been back. Don't you think we should have a base on the moon by now?
I'm born in 1990, i've never lived Cold War. I live in a world where nationalism is very weak, i live in a world where i was raised to be just a human, not a Finn or European or Westerner or anything.
Really? Wow. I don't see how an event can be more important than the people directly involved. People are us. Without us the world is just another ecosystem. We are unique, and without the human equation the events wouldn't exist.I'm not saying what Armstrong did was overrated, frankly it sounds very scary. I'm not sure i could've done it.
But ultimately the person who did the job isn't that important though, it was the job itself that mattered.
Again, this view stems from how i see the world, i do not see people as important as the events themselves. Even though inviduals can have great impact on the history.
Shit got all political up in this. I just want to talk about the Gundams in Halo 4.
It was the very first of the Apollo series of spacecraft, as indicated by the name. Several years before 11, three astronauts got into the personnel module in the lab, in controlled conditions, and it randomly burst into 3000 degree flames and incinerated them all.
There's also the more famous case of Apollo 13, which had a movie made about it if I recall correctly.
My point is, every single one of those astronauts were heroes, who did what they did under perilous circumstances. To say that they were anything other than heroes is an insult to their memory.
Ain't even political. Just wingnut conspiracy craziness.Shit got all political up in this. I just want to talk about the Gundams in Halo 4.
I'm guessing you only get you'er news from main steam media outlets right? Sheeple will always believe what the magical TV tells them. The Russian's find the joke of a american moon land quite funny. They were way ahead of us with a space program and knew it could not be done. By the way on the moon landing anniversary NASA some how lost the original crystal clear tapes to the historic moon landing. Do some research. There is more evidence that prove we didn't go then we did. All you have is there word and the most grainy footage they could produce. Their are american astronauts that don't beleive it happened. We landed on the moon 40 years ago and never been back. Don't you think we should have a base on the moon by now?
I'm guessing you only get you'er news from main steam media outlets right? Sheeple will always believe what the magical TV tells them. The Russian's find the joke of a american moon land quite funny. They were way ahead of us with a space program and knew it could not be done. By the way on the moon landing anniversary NASA some how lost the original crystal clear tapes to the historic moon landing. Do some research. There is more evidence that prove we didn't go then we did. All you have is there word and the most grainy footage they could produce. Their are american astronauts that don't beleive it happened. We landed on the moon 40 years ago and never been back. Don't you think we should have a base on the moon by now?
Zakus wouldn't fit in with Halo 4's style. Reach, on the other hand![]()
All great efforts will claim people... so yes, they're heroes because their sacrifice (if it can be called that) made anything built upon that possible.
So, when i ask people to remember the people who made Armostrong's and his team's landing possible, i ask people to remember people who died to make it possible.
I'm guessing you only get you'er news from main steam media outlets right? Sheeple will always believe what the magical TV tells them. The Russian's find the joke of a american moon land quite funny. They were way ahead of us with a space program and knew it could not be done. By the way on the moon landing anniversary NASA some how lost the original crystal clear tapes to the historic moon landing. Do some research. There is more evidence that prove we didn't go then we did. All you have is there word and the most grainy footage they could produce. Their are american astronauts that don't beleive it happened. We landed on the moon 40 years ago and never been back. Don't you think we should have a base on the moon by now?
I'm guessing you only get you'er news from main steam media outlets right? Sheeple will always believe what the magical TV tells them. The Russian's find the joke of a american moon land quite funny. They were way ahead of us with a space program and knew it could not be done. By the way on the moon landing anniversary NASA some how lost the original crystal clear tapes to the historic moon landing. Do some research. There is more evidence that prove we didn't go then we did. All you have is there word and the most grainy footage they could produce. Their are american astronauts that don't beleive it happened. We landed on the moon 40 years ago and never been back. Don't you think we should have a base on the moon by now?
I guess he will take the truth about the moon landing to the grave.
I'm guessing you only get you'er news from main steam media outlets right? Sheeple will always believe what the magical TV tells them. The Russian's find the joke of a american moon land quite funny. They were way ahead of us with a space program and knew it could not be done. By the way on the moon landing anniversary NASA some how lost the original crystal clear tapes to the historic moon landing. Do some research. There is more evidence that prove we didn't go then we did. All you have is there word and the most grainy footage they could produce. Their are american astronauts that don't beleive it happened. We landed on the moon 40 years ago and never been back. Don't you think we should have a base on the moon by now?
Yall can thank me later.
(Today, 03:48 PM)
Can i? I've never felt anything comparable. I cannot know or understand (yet) how people then felt. I accept that maybe it was important but otherwise it won't affect me. It is just history to me.So because you are born 20 years after something you are supposed to have absolutely no empathy? Ok.
You can understand and appreciate a situation without being directly involved in it.
Really? Wow. I don't see how an event can be more important than the people directly involved. People are us. Without us the world is just another ecosystem. We are unique, and without the human equation the events wouldn't exist.