I'm socially liberal, but on the fiscal side, I'm open to ideas and experimentation to see what works and what doesn't (we already know that trickle down doesn't work).
I liked the principles behind Simpson-Bowles, which Huntsman embraced as a solid blueprint. Sure, it would have lowered marginal tax rates, but would have traded it for elminating deductions and loopholes -- simplifying the tax code while resulting in theoretically a net zero change in revenue.
I'm also open to experimentation on the healthcare side. I'm for public option or single payer, but I can't ignore the success that Switzerland has had, for example, with a private healthcare system built around an individual mandate.
I hope not.
He's a generic died in the wool Republican dude. And you like him. You like him a lot.
Huntsman had a much more pragmatic/logical foreign policy stance than any other Republican candidate. Which is what people should focus on when discussing Presidents.
Mostly saying the optics didn't work as well for me. It's hard to say he's not in charity for the glory when A) that charity is practically mandatory for him B) it's the Mormon church, and C) he goes and inflates his tax numbers by adding it and saying he pays over 20% because of it
This is factually incorrect. The expectation of paying a full 10% tithe is highly important for active Mormons.So what you're saying is, if he gave away all his money to charity, you'd have a problem because he paid 0% in taxes? Not all Mormons tithe, just as not all 'regular Christians' tithe, even though the Bible requires it. I have a hard time knocking someone for it, even though I'm not into Church at all.
This is factually incorrect. The expectation of paying a full 10% tithe is highly important for active Mormons.
You made a comparison to other Christians, saying the situation was equal. It's really not.I didn't say there wasn't an expectation, I said that not all Mormon's tithe. That is factually correct.
His two big "I'm here to save the GOP issues:"
Gay rights: Opposed to gay marriage but for civil unions, not exactly taboo in the Party, but definitely taboo at CPAC
Environment: He supports expanded offshore drilling, drilling in Alaska and the pipeline.
There is nothing different about him except he thought that branding himself a GOP "reformer" would get him press credit which would get him public attention. He was right on the first but that didn't translate to the second.
You made a comparison to other Christians, saying the situation was equal. It's really not.
He also acknowledges global warming and evolution and the general idea that science and data should have a more prominent role in decision making and not ideology (whether he can execute this in practice is another story, but we can say that about any candidate).
On gay rights, I give the man daps (huge daps) for his stance given that he was the governor or Utah, home to one of the most conservative -- if not the most conservative -- voting bases in the US. Obama himself favored civil unions heading into his presidency.
On drilling and domestic oil production, if you haven't noticed, domestic oil production has risen during the Obama administration.
As well, I've never placed myself in the camp that opposes domestic oil production; if you should know anything about me it's that I'm a pragmatist and not an idealist. I build software for a living and idealism only leads to late projects; pragmatism above all else.
If Hilary runs, Christie will have even more time (2020) to lose weight, hed probably start losing it naturally due to old age.
You made a comparison to other Christians, saying the situation was equal. It's really not.
Re: Christie. Ask New Jersey-ites what they think.
As of when?59% approval rating. So I guess they like him?
As of when?
Have you not read about the police situation in Trenton, for one thing?
Or the damn tunnel?
Taking a step back, it's hilarious that we think of 4-9% above 50 to be a great number.Apparently it's 54% as of the latest July QP poll. 59% was early Spring.
Apparently I care about those things as much as the people in New Jersey.
I feel that Huntsman is a severely misunderstood candidate and didn't get a fair shake by his party; he would have been a much more electable, much more moderate and centrist candidate than Romney.
The juxtaposition of the mall in the background with the environment in the foreground is everything I hate about modern American developmentChris Christie is a fuck-nut for cancelling the ARC tunnel project which was shovel-ready, would have brought a lot of jobs to the region, and also improved the transportation options into and out of NYC for decades and would have paid for itself over time.
He is also an ass-hat for giving out a huge tax credit for the Xanadu project (yeah, just what New Jersey needs -- another fucking mall. Oh, and it looks like a giant stack of shipping containers...) while cutting state funding for education and property tax relief for seniors (we have insane property tax rates here) while refusing to raise taxes on the wealthiest earners in the state....
Fuck Christie.
Edit: this abomination:
I really don't think this is true -- or I'll assume you mean he would have appeared more moderate and centrist. If Romney had played to his record, he would have been significantly more moderate than the former governor of Utah, but obviously he and Huntsman made opposite decisions about presenting themselves in the primary, and it makes Huntsman look like the reasonable one of the two. In reality I suspect the two men are very similar in personal beliefs (unsurprisingly, since they've probably been to temple together more than once, being cousins and all). Maybe they flipped for it.
I think you're far too forgiving of Huntsman, Charlie. He only looks tolerable standing next to the clowns that occupied the rest of the stage.
Also, didn't even know this until this morning: http://redalertpolitics.com/2012/08...-made-by-a-minority-from-rnc-speech-coverage/
EDIT: It did see two minority speeches - Nikki Haley and the guy who used to be an Obama campaign organizer (or whatever). Not sure if that was on Fox or MSNBC.
Taking a step back, it's hilarious that we think of 4-9% above 50 to be a great number.
Fuck me. Fuck us.![]()
As of when?
Have you not read about the police situation in Trenton, for one thing?
Or the damn tunnel?
Y'know, thinking back to Matthews ripping Reince Priebus a new one: I almost feel bad for the guy. At the end, you could see defeat in his face. He looked like he wanted to cry. I don't doubt he's super conservative, but you can tell even he must go to bed every night extremely mad and frustrated with the growing number of loonies in his party and not knowing how to deal with them.
i still think he would lose to a strong democratic challenger though, regardless of his approval rating. there are so many democrats in this state, if a candidate can get them riled up he can't lose.
I listened to the convention much of last night. What a fucking embarassment of lies.
I'm sorry Conservative Gaf but listening to fuck after fuck roll on stage and tout the same horseshit about "didn't build it" and "700 billion medicare disaster" is something you ought to be ashamed of.
And Ann Romney - Bob Shiefer literally said it was one of the greatest political speeches he's ever heard. Tome for the retirement home. Even if you LOVE ann and Mitt, in what way was that even a political speech?
I heard one fuck tell people that Obama was "forcing middle class people to get health insurance even if they couldn't afford it" - which apart from being inaccurate COMPLETELY glosses over the fact that our country needs to be fucking ashamed of the fact that middle class people can't afford healthcare.
You know what they offered you last night? Thinly veiled racism and a dream of bootstraps. And fuck all else.
I'm not even watching the convention, I like my healthy pulse.
I'm sure it will be In terms of spinning economic and job narrativesThe Democratic one will be just as fluffy and possibly as useless, but at least it won't be entirely composed of fabrication.
You're singing my song. The built environment in this country is depressing and putrid. Most exceptions are from areas that were built before the automobile.. when buildings and communities were built for, umm, humans instead of cars.The juxtaposition of the mall in the background with the environment in the foreground is everything I hate about modern American development
I'm sure it will be In terms of spinning economic and job narratives
wow cnn is staying awfully quiet about their employee's mistreatment
wow cnn is staying awfully quiet about their employee's mistreatment
Chris Christie is a fuck-nut for cancelling the ARC tunnel project which was shovel-ready, would have brought a lot of jobs to the region, and also improved the transportation options into and out of NYC for decades and would have paid for itself over time.
He is also an ass-hat for giving out a huge tax credit for the Xanadu project (yeah, just what New Jersey needs -- another fucking mall. Oh, and it looks like a giant stack of shipping containers...) while cutting state funding for education and property tax relief for seniors (we have insane property tax rates here) while refusing to raise taxes on the wealthiest earners in the state....
Fuck Christie.
Edit: this abomination:
Also, I know PoliGAF likes to pump up democrats, but don't pump up NJ Democrats. They are a horrible incredibly corrupt political class outside of a few outliers (See: Ronald Rice & Reed Gusciora). Heck, in Southern NJ one could argue that there are few fundamental differences between the local Republicans & Democrats - they all take their marching orders from George Norcross (See: The failed attempt to merge Rutgers Camden & Rowan University), who is just a modern day version of Nucky Johnson.
wow cnn is staying awfully quiet about their employee's mistreatment