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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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UPDATE: Chalian was fired. That was fast.

I know many here loathe Breitbart.com, but I think this is an important question they raise: "In what atmosphere does a so-called reporter feel comfortable firing off this kind of vicious joke?"

This is who the media is. This is what Romney and all Republicans are up against. In what atmosphere does a so-called reporter feel comfortable firing off this kind of vicious joke?

Well, the answer is easy: In an atmosphere where you're surrounded in a bubble by elite, ignorant, hate-mongering, ideologically-bigoted leftists just like yourself.

The media cannot be reasoned with nor can a peace be brokered.

We must defeat these people because that's what they intend to do to us. When you believe our nominee is happy to party while black people drown, you can only believe that we possess no humanity. You can't reason with people who hate you. You just can't.


But I do question the fact they are having this while a major state is getting wreaked. But they really couldn't move it.

I still love how the conservatives pretend to be the be the non-racist party.

I know many here loathe Breitbart.com, but I think this is an important question they raise: "In what atmosphere does a so-called reporter feel comfortable firing off this kind of vicious joke?"
No its not. They want to silence all talk of race. The fact that New Orleans is majority black is a factor whether they want to admit it or not.

Kirsten Dunst - b. 1982
Calista Flockhart - b. 1964
Jay Mohr - b. 1970
Tara Reid - b. 1975

How'd you miss Bynum, Reilo!?

So Glenn Hubbard told Yahoo News today that Romney's tax play is still deficit neutral and will cut everyone's taxes. When told how, he basically said the same old BS of economic growth (which no economist agrees with since he's lying) and base broadening.

When is the media going to call out "base broadening." Base broadening = tax raises. There is no way around this. You cannot claim you're cutting taxes for everyone and base broadening at the same time. It's a contradiction. Fuck you, media.



But I do question the fact they are having this while a major state is getting wreaked. But they really couldn't move it.

I still love how the conservatives pretend to be the be the non-racist party.

I left out the Breitbart response because I thought it was a good question to talk about without their slanted take.

Ugh, you just made me click on a Breitbart link.

Could've posted something from an actual website.

You guys crack me up - who gives a shit what website it's from - the facts of this are pretty clear. Let me look over on TPM for the story - nope nothing there. Still hyping up the CNN Camerawoman story, which was abhorrent, but quickly handled by security at the RNC in what seems to be an appropriate manner without delay.
This is who the media is. This is what Romney and all Republicans are up against. In what atmosphere does a so-called reporter feel comfortable firing off this kind of vicious joke?

Well, the answer is easy: In an atmosphere where you're surrounded in a bubble by elite, ignorant, hate-mongering, ideologically-bigoted leftists just like yourself.

The media cannot be reasoned with nor can a peace be brokered.

We must defeat these people because that's what they intend to do to us. When you believe our nominee is happy to party while black people drown, you can only believe that we possess no humanity. You can't reason with people who hate you. You just can't.

Interesting. So what does it mean when people feel comfortable throwing peanuts at a black woman saying, "This is how we feed the animals?" What kind of atmosphere allows that level of comfort?

You guys crack me up - who gives a shit what website it's from - the facts of this are pretty clear. Let me look over on TPM for the story - nope nothing there. Still hyping up the CNN Camerawoman story, which was abhorrent, but quickly handled by security at the RNC in what seems to be an appropriate manner without delay.

But your post raised such an interesting question. You don't want to discuss it?
That yahoo guy shouldn't have said Romney's happy. I think Romney doesn't see black people differently in an way.

Now, had he said "the GOP base likes to party when...," it would have had some truth to it. Still, some things you don't say out loud when you're part of the media.


I left out the Breitbart response because I thought it was a good question to talk about without their slanted take.

its not really a provoking question though. The answer unfortunately flies in the face of conservative thought.

The answer is when we run news as a for profit industry.
That yahoo guy shouldn't have said Romney's happy. I think Romney doesn't see black people differently in an way.

Now, had he said "the GOP base likes to party when...," it would have had some truth to it. Still, some things you don't say out loud when you're part of the media.

I do think Mitt himself itsn't racist. But I think a better way of framing it would be the GOP "doesn't care" rather than is "happy"
What follows doesn't pertain to CharlieDigital, as he legitimately likes Huntsman's platform. The Left's love affair with Huntsman is a fitting portrayal of why the Democratic party is so weak. Huntsman's policy prescriptions are not centrist by any metric outside of "oh, he's okay with Civil Unions!" The guy is selling the same bullshit that other contemporary Republicans are, he just wraps it up in a package saying "science is awesome!" The focus on pet issues and superficial evaluations is what allows national Democrats to be Eisenhower Republicans. You see the exact same thing happening in Liberal punditry often: Paul Ryan's seriousness and Jeb Bush's "rational centrism." All these clowns harp about "the middle" and "bi-partisanship" but then take centrist policies and call them hyper-partisan because their party, who PUBLICLY stated that their strategy was to try and force Obama's policy initiatives to fail, voted against it in lock-step.

Well keep falling for that bullshit. But don't be surprised at the results being something you abhor.

I seriously don't see it.

There is no way I can lump him in there with Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, and Jeb Bush.

And not only that, the man stuck to his guns and for the most part stood his ground on his positions even though they didn't poll well.

I cannot fathom how a guy can piss off the left and the right at the same time.


"The exclusive event, hosted by a Florida developer on his yacht 'Cracker Bay,' was one of a dozen exclusive events meant to nurture those who have raised more than $1 million for Romney's bid."
I'm not even watching the convention, I like my healthy pulse.

I honestly don't know why anybody would ever watch any convention. Electoral politics is easy. Vote for the least bad guys. Don't give it another second's thought. Then resume the real work of criticizing everybody (and organizing around substantive issues).
WTF is this shit? . . .

Hubbard says Romney is still committed to making his tax cuts "revenue neutral"--in other words, not leading to an increase in the deficit.

When I asked how this was possible, given the magnitude of the cuts (20% across the board on personal income taxes, along with a 10-point cut to corporate income taxes), Hubbard explained that the cuts would be offset by:
Stronger economic growth, and
"Broadening the base" of taxpayers (in other words, having poor and lower-middle-income Americans pay income tax)

In the past, Romney has also promised to increase revenue by eliminating some loopholes and deductions. Romney has never been specific about which loopholes he would eliminate, and Hubbard did not provide any specifics.

First of all "tax cuts" and "revenue neutral" are contradictions.

I think what the mean to say is "We get tax cuts and the fucking useless poor people need to pay more."

I can't believe how many suckers
just think "GOP = cut taxes" when Mitt's team is actually saying that he is going to raise their taxes but uses coded language to do it ("we are going to 'broaden the base' and 'eliminate loopholes' (that help the low & middle-class)") .
Well it looks like he didn't even say Mitts name

"They're not concerned at all. They're happy to have a party with black people drowning,"

Ah, well then. He just shouldn't say that where those he doesn't want to hear can hear it.

I like how Kosmo tries to make this equal to throwing peanuts at a woman and calling her an animal.
WTF is this shit? . . .

I can't believe how many suckers just think "GOP = cut taxes" when Mitt's team is actually saying that he is going to raise their taxes but uses coded language to do it ("we are going to 'broaden the base'").

That is brilliant word play.

Why are Republicans so good at this?
WTF is this shit? . . .


First of all "tax cuts" and "revenue neutral" are contradictions.

I think what the mean to say is "We get tax cuts and the fucking useless poor people need to pay more."

I can't believe how many suckers just think "GOP = cut taxes" when Mitt's team is actually saying that he is going to raise their taxes but uses coded language to do it ("we are going to 'broaden the base'") .

Yup, here's what I wrote earlier this page

So Glenn Hubbard told Yahoo News today that Romney's tax play is still deficit neutral and will cut everyone's taxes. When told how, he basically said the same old BS of economic growth (which no economist agrees with since he's lying) and base broadening.

When is the media going to call out "base broadening." Base broadening = tax raises. There is no way around this. You cannot claim you're cutting taxes for everyone and base broadening at the same time. It's a contradiction. Fuck you, media.

Broadening the base = tax raises. This needs to called out. They're flat out lying.

And tax cuts cannot pay for themselves. This has been decidedly proven. And Hubbard knows this.
WTF is this shit? . . .

Hubbard says Romney is still committed to making his tax cuts "revenue neutral"--in other words, not leading to an increase in the deficit.

When I asked how this was possible, given the magnitude of the cuts (20% across the board on personal income taxes, along with a 10-point cut to corporate income taxes), Hubbard explained that the cuts would be offset by:
Stronger economic growth, and
"Broadening the base" of taxpayers (in other words, having poor and lower-middle-income Americans pay income tax)


First of all "tax cuts" and "revenue neutral" are contradictions.

I think what the mean to say is "We get tax cuts and the fucking useless poor people need to pay more."

And that is what makes "offsetting" the tax cuts by "stronger economic growth" impossible. Redistributing money from the poor to the rich (which is all Romney's plan accomplishes) will result in a net loss of aggregate demand and a weaker economy, not a stronger economy.


I honestly don't know why anybody would ever watch any convention. Electoral politics is easy. Vote for the least bad guys. Don't give it another second's thought. Then resume the real work of criticizing everybody (and organizing around substantive issues).

I look forward to the following speakers:

Conventions are what political junkies like myself enjoy. I vote for the "lesser of two evils" sure, but at least lately that distinction is more clear.

Awww shit, top ten and low cost of living. Hoosier living is the way to be!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I left out the Breitbart response because I thought it was a good question to talk about without their slanted take.

You guys crack me up - who gives a shit what website it's from - the facts of this are pretty clear. Let me look over on TPM for the story - nope nothing there. Still hyping up the CNN Camerawoman story, which was abhorrent, but quickly handled by security at the RNC in what seems to be an appropriate manner without delay.

And they fired this jackass without delay. Meanwhile no mainstream site has picked up the "peanuts" story. You're pointing to TPM as if it's representative of what?


I can't believe how many suckers
just think "GOP = cut taxes" when Mitt's team is actually saying that he is going to raise their taxes but uses coded language to do it ("we are going to 'broaden the base' and 'eliminate loopholes' (that help the low & middle-class)") .

Works for me - I have have said that until we get everyone with skin in the game and people paying at least 1% in federal income taxes, regardless of income, we can't really have a real conversation about what proper tax rates are across the board. You can't have an honest debate when almost 50% of the country pays no federal income taxes because Democrats always run and say "TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH!!!" - well duh, they are the only ones paying federal income taxes.

I think you'd find a lot more give from conservatives in raising the top rates if you were on board with that.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
And that is what makes "offsetting" the tax cuts by "stronger economic growth" impossible. Redistributing money from the poor to the rich (which is all Romney's plan accomplishes) will result in a net loss of aggregate demand and a weaker economy, not a stronger economy.

Dat trickle.
And that is what makes "offsetting" the tax cuts by "stronger economic growth" impossible. Redistributing money from the poor to the rich (which is all Romney's plan accomplishes) will result in a net loss of aggregate demand and a weaker economy, not a stronger economy.

Hey, I actually agree with EV on something! :)

Giving money to people that will just buy gold bars, stocks, foreign investments, BMWs, Swiss Bank accounts, round-the-world trips, or other such stuff is NOT going to stimulate the economy. The economists are quite strident about the fact that tax cuts to the rich are less stimulative than money to the middle class, infrastructure projects, etc.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Works for me - I have have said that until we get everyone with skin in the game and people paying at least 1% in federal income taxes, regardless of income, we can't really have a real conversation about what proper tax rates are across the board. You can't have an honest debate when almost 50% of the country pays no federal income taxes because Democrats always run and say "TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH!!!" - well duh, they are the only ones paying federal income taxes.

I think you'd find a lot more give from conservatives in raising the top rates if you were on board with that.

oh god


I know many here loathe Breitbart.com, but I think this is an important question they raise: "In what atmosphere does a so-called reporter feel comfortable firing off this kind of vicious joke?"

Silly question to ask, since he was immediately fired. You think the next reporter will feel so comfortable about it?
Is Kosmo aware that those 50 percent don't pay taxes because they don't make enough income for the government to even take out?

And that they pay all sorts of taxes, sales tax, FICA, state, etc.

I swear we've had this redundant argument dozens of times. -__-
Works for me - I have have said that until we get everyone with skin in the game and people paying at least 1% in federal income taxes, regardless of income, we can't really have a real conversation about what proper tax rates are across the board. You can't have an honest debate when almost 50% of the country pays no federal income taxes because Democrats always run and say "TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH!!!" - well duh, they are the only ones paying federal income taxes.

I think you'd find a lot more give from conservatives in raising the top rates if you were on board with that.

The idea of 50% not paying income taxes is stupid. For one, they pay payroll taxes and excise taxes (like gas). For another, a large chunk of people in that 50% don't pay because they have nothing to pay.

That number includes college students, disabled, the elderly poor, and people who lost their jobs and have almost no income this past year.

It wasn't close to 50% until the recession, either. The recession put a lot of people out of work. You want to increase taxes on people who can barely pay their way through life. It's fucking stupid.

The GOP keeps focusing on "income tax," ignoring that it's the only progressive tax we have and all the others are highly regressive like sales, payroll, and gas.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Is Kosmo aware that those 50 percent don't pay taxes because they don't make enough income for the government to even take out?

And that they pay all sorts of taxes, sales tax, FICA, state, etc.

I swear we've had this redundant argument dozens of times. -__-

Notice his use of "skin in the game". Wonder which conservative blog he picked that one up from?


Is Kosmo aware that those 50 percent don't pay taxes because they don't make enough income for the government to even take out?

And that they pay all sorts of taxes, sales tax, FICA, state, etc.

I swear we've had this redundant argument dozens of times. -__-

And I was just waiting for that chicken to get fucked again.


Notice his use of "skin in the game". Wonder which conservative blog he picked that one up from?
Something the Dems have complete failed to emulate is the GOP's masterful ability to inject (misleading) catchphrases into political discourse.

"Skin in the game"
"Broaden the base"
Obamacare was "shoved down our throats"
"Sanctity of life"

It adds an extra layer of bullshit you have to wade through before you can even address the underlying substance of their arguments.
The idea of 50% not paying income taxes is stupid. For one, they pay payroll taxes and excise taxes (like gas). For another, a large chunk of people in that 50% don't pay because they have nothing to pay.

That number includes college students, disabled, the elderly poor, and people who lost their jobs and have almost no income this past year.

It wasn't close to 50% until the recession, either. The recession put a lot of people out of work. You want to increase taxes on people who can barely pay their way through life. It's fucking stupid.

The GOP keeps focusing on "income tax," ignoring that it's the only progressive tax we have and all the others are highly regressive like sales, payroll, and gas.

Also, don't forget that the rich pay the same amount of taxes that the poor pay in the lowest (technically all) rates.

Edit: Don't mean to single out the rich either. Every single American pays the same rate of taxes for income in each bracket, it just so happens that most people don't have any income in the highest brackets.


Works for me - I have have said that until we get everyone with skin in the game and people paying at least 1% in federal income taxes, regardless of income, we can't really have a real conversation about what proper tax rates are across the board. You can't have an honest debate when almost 50% of the country pays no federal income taxes because Democrats always run and say "TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH!!!" - well duh, they are the only ones paying federal income taxes.

These people pay no federal income tax because they are too poor. If you charge them income tax, you'll just need to create new social programs to provide them with the money you took away from them by raising taxes. Then you'll complain about fraud and insist on investing in enforcement programs to make it harder for people to enroll in the social programs you created to provide them with services they can't afford because you paid for them by raising their taxes.

Why do you love big government so much, Kosmo?

That said, I'd be happy to institute a minimum federal income tax provided we simultaneously abolished the payroll tax. Seems fair, right?
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