Joe Molotov
Galactic Cyclone Bryger 25
My lack of maturity was my undoing here.
There's no way "Uranus Smells of Death" is the real title of that episode, the subbers had to be having a laugh on that one.
Galactic Cyclone Bryger 25
My lack of maturity was my undoing here.
What in the holy fuck...Chuunibyo is their second worst franchise though, right after Haruhi.
There's no way "Uranus Smells of Death" is the real title of that episode, the subbers had to be having a laugh on that one.
Overtly detailed writing doesn't necessarily mean good writing. On the opposite end of the spectrum: Weren't you gonna watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes?Horizon 1
That was probably the most complex opening episode I've seen so far. All those names, political entities, organisations... They just threw you right into the middle of all that. I didn't do a lick of research on this show before watching this, so I wasn't even aware of the exact genre. I couldn't follow the ending narration at all. Something about humanity basically 'reliving' history, then the Dark Ages happen, and everything screws up? And now there's war between Divine States who are in different periods of time or something? I might need to rewatch this episode later.
The chase scene was exciting and it showed off everyone's powers a bit. Based on first impressions, I liked sensei the most. Tomi has waaaay too smug a smile.
Not immediately sold on this, I am.
When you guys said that Accel World was set in the same universe as SAO I thought you were joking!!!
Ultimate rankings:
Fumoffu / Nichijou (fumoffu is funnier; nichijou is gorgeous)
Clannad (may go up if I ever bother watching After Story)
other KEY stuff
Don't want to place chunikoi until it's over, although it's probably haruhi-tier.
I don't understand the hate for Haruhi. I mean S1 was pretty good.
S2 is a different story...
S1 Haruhi in chronological order is fucking boring. Peaks too early.I don't understand the hate for Haruhi. I mean S1 was pretty good.
S2 is a different story...
the secret best thing kyoani's made is shiawasette naani
Overtly detailed writing doesn't necessarily mean good writing. On the opposite end of the spectrum: Weren't you gonna watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes?
Overtly detailed writing doesn't necessarily mean good writing. On the opposite end of the spectrum: Weren't you gonna watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes?
I've been thinking about one major component in what makes Girls und Panzer so charming, and that would be the way the music is done. One of the things I really noticed about the effectiveness of the music is how it has really nice arrangements of marching tunes and folk music which characterizes certain countries. So I looked up who the composer was, and Shirou Hamaguchi basically started his career at Squaresoft doing arrangements for Final Fantasy music, especially the vocal theme songs. Arrangement definitely seems to be his strong point, since I found his music in Hanasaku Iroha less noteworthy. It wasn't bad or anything, but it didn't really jump out at me like the tunes here.
You and 7th agree on something!Haruhi S1 has ugly Keyface art; unwatchable. They should remake it with superior K-ONface art of Disappearance/S2.
While I can't comment on it critically, I did note that Haruhi S1 contains more variety of stories, while Haruhi S2 is one episode for Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody, five for Sighs, and eight for E8.
Yeah I think that's why I enjoyed S1 a lot more than S2. Really the only episode I enjoyed was Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody while everything else in S2 was pretty average in my opinion.
The movie was good despite being fairly long.
ag;ajsljga;fajgl;anga'dgam g;an;aoeoeonegedavadvCartman straight up looks the Nerve Gear up on Wikipedia in one episode.
Haruhi S1 has ugly Keyface art; unwatchable. They should remake it with superior K-ONface art of Disappearance/S2.
You did nothing but enable AnimeGAF to take things in the usual ridiculous direction, don't worry.
Some people just like to hate good things. There is even people who hate K-ON!! believe it or not!I don't understand the hate for Haruhi. I mean S1 was pretty good.
S2 is a different story...
Some people just like to hate good things. There is even people who hate K-ON!! believe it or not!
I've been thinking about one major component in what makes Girls und Panzer so charming, and that would be the way the music is done. One of the things I really noticed about the effectiveness of the music is how it has really nice arrangements of marching tunes and folk music which characterizes certain countries. So I looked up who the composer was, and Shirou Hamaguchi basically started his career at Squaresoft doing arrangements for Final Fantasy music, especially the vocal theme songs. Arrangement definitely seems to be his strong point, since I found his music in Hanasaku Iroha less noteworthy. It wasn't bad or anything, but it didn't really jump out at me like the tunes here.
what else has the composer for Sora no Woto done? I loved that stuff. Although it was probably a bit too classy to work with girls Und Panzer.
S1 Haruhi in chronological order is fucking boring. Peaks too early.
ENG Dub, chronological order is the only way to watch Haruhi S1.
"to not" is the only way to watch S2.
Agreed.Best avatar is back!
I was so happy when I found that page in the manga
ENG Dub, chronological order is the only way to watch Haruhi S1.
"to not" is the only way to watch S2.
That implies one should be watching haruhi s1 in the first place though
which of course, no one would ever imply, considering that Haruhi S1 is a festering pile of gross
ENG Dub, chronological order is the only way to watch Haruhi S1.
Don't you like K-ON
guys so how long until Disney buys KyoAni
you know it's gonna happen eventually
I've heard a fair bit of Hamaguchi's work for both games and anime, and I agree that he is a better arranger than original composer.
Michiru Oshima. Good composer. Her music is currently being featured in Zetsuen no Tempest.
Sugita dub, broadcast order son.
K-On is good
Haruhi is the work of the devil
It's not hard to figure out!
That's the only way to watch it.
Sugita makes everything better.
guys so how long until Disney buys KyoAni
you know it's gonna happen eventually
in b4 7th comes in with some idolm@ster crap
I would disagree with all of those. But it really isn't about what is better when you already have a sound engrained into you mind.
For me it's Akira. After watching it many times with the English dub (Including the first time I watched it), I can not watch it in Japanese. It may be better, but it just sounds wrong to me.
^^^^the signs were there
i told you guys
i told you
in b4 7th comes in with some idolm@ster crap
This discussion is stupid because every single episode of Hyouka is great.