Go ahead. Save me some shopping for Reigun.
which is why i haven't made that simping thread too
Was looking for something to read, and saw the cover I knew I had to get this. I always moan about the lack of minorities in fantasies. Premise is she is a necromancer tasked with rezzing the god of fire(no doubt to power her hot comb).
I forget the poster but he was constantly whining about stuff. Like not getting christmas presents when he is like 26 or pretty girls not riding his jock. Dy called him on it, and it was glorious. That when I knew that if Dy ever needed a kidney, I would put my spare change in his donation cup at the local Piggly Wiggly.
26 tho? Dude deserved it.I forget the poster but he was constantly whining about stuff. Like not getting christmas presents when he is like 26 or pretty girls not riding his jock. Dy called him on it, and it was glorious. That when I knew that if Dy ever needed a kidney, I would put my spare change in his donation cup at the local Piggly Wiggly.
Stocking full of KFC would be pretty beast.Go ahead. Save me some shopping for Reigun.
are cancer and ass.
Why wasn't any of black gaf recognized in the "intelligent posters" listing? I saw maybe two mentioned once.
Devo and Kinitari were mentioned, though I know kinitari doesn't really post here now.
which is why i haven't made that simping thread too
I just picked this up. her ethnicity is never really mentioned (outside of a vague reference to skin color) but the book is good.
Still the best bunch of shit I've seen in a while.
"When the sun comes back and the first quail calls,
Follow the drinking gourd.
For the old man is a-waiting to carry you to freedom
If you follow the drinking gourd."
We used this to help escape back then.
once again:
the way to a man's heart is through his stomach right?
women really believe that shit? i don't like where this is going...
the way to a man's heart is through his stomach right?
women really believe that shit? i don't like where this is going...
Worked on my dad and me in the past so its not untrue with the right food.
I dunno, there's some truth to that.
That's part of the charm. Sets the thread up for failure from the get go.Someone else make it, I get accused of making race threads enough as it is hahaha
"Helping Nikas never tasted so good"
Was just at the store, and hahahaha
Just going over the Zwarte Pieten thread again. I did what I could. Nothing left but to watch it burn. Props to macuser for making me laugh.
jay pharoah killing katt williams on snl
dat voice lmao.
aw damn.
nah, i asked cause the girls next door made us thanksgiving dinner but for some reason they had to use our kitchen to do it. the main girl that was cooking kept feeding me and feeding me while she was going along. i cant even lie, i enjoyed that shit too.
in other news...i really wish i could go to sleep but im so hungover it hurts to lay down lol.
I give up on that thread. I wonder how long until a "well you're racist for thinking it looks like a black guy" post.
Bought bus tix home for thanksgiving im so excited i miss my fam. But not looking forward to an 7 hour bus ride.
Was just at the store, and hahahaha
Only struggle bus ride I've ever done was ATL to Knoxville, TN. It only took 3 hours. The only thing semi-notable that happened - some little high school girl saying, "awe, man!" when I sat beside someone else. I ain't that much of a GAFer.
Took a Greyhound bus ride from Atl to New Orelans
....don't do that shit folk
Maaaaaaaaaan, fuck Zwarte Piet!
Were you at the pax meet? I don't remember much of it hehOmaha -> Seattle (for PAX) and back
My two Greyhound trips:
Omaha -> Toronto (Canada) and back
Omaha -> Seattle (for PAX) and back
yeah, we need high speed rail because fuck people that think the Greyhound is the non-plane solution to travel. The first one was tolerable, the second one was a test of endurance
i can't post in there i would get banned cause my replies keep turning into "fuck this and fuck you"....
I'll make a nika thread but I might go full troll in the process.
I'm zwarted out
Were you at the pax meet? I don't remember much of it heh