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Persona 4 Golden |OT| Love is the only gold.


I'm not sure if that has even been quoted - if so, I'd like to see where/when.

Hmm I might try to google for it to see where Dantis saw it.

But of course even when developers say things, they often change their minds, so who knows what will happen. (hopefully they will use the money made from P4G to help make P5 better at least :))
So, this will probably be the first time I really get into a JRPG and give it my best to complete it over the course of many months. I get gameplay mechanics and will probably make decent guesses at what I should be doing when the game isn't providing me with enough information, but are there things I need to know in advance when it comes to picking cards, personas, and fusing them? I don't really care too much about seeing everything or min/maxing, just not my cup of tea. This is on normal difficulty.

I am in the same boat. I am having problems with Chie in the other world thingy. Any tips overall would be appreciated


Well I don't think you are. It's just always nice to see the context of statements. There may have been other stuff worth reading in that interview.

I wouldn't even know where I read it, to be honest. He doesn't do that many interviews though, so it shouldn't be too hard to find if you were so inclined.


So you think I'm making it up? Loooooooooooooool.

I wouldn't even know where I read it, to be honest. He doesn't do that many interviews though, so it shouldn't be too hard to find if you were so inclined.
Well you might be mistaken at least. :)

I've just been searching around google and I can't find anything, all I can find is they are making their own engine to make their ideas translate to P5 easier and faster. And of course in the past Catherine was a test ground for P5, which at least suggests they are aiming for similar quality.

I hope you don't prove me wrong. :)

It'll be amazing, no doubt. I have a feeling he was referring to the number of 'proper' cutscenes. P5 will probably have dialogue closer to P3 and P4.
Aaah that would make a lot more sense, I thought you meant overall graphics etc.


I am in the same boat. I am having problems with Chie in the other world thingy. Any tips overall would be appreciated
Beating her is as simple as figuring out the sequence. Gotta guard with whatshisface before he gets stunned, and use his one skill on Chie after the wind defense goes back up.


So this happened today, I literally jumped up in excitement. Took a couple minutes to go through all the level up screens.

Had that happen to me today. Killed two hands, and got a high rank EXP and money card during shuffle time.


Had that happen to me today. Killed two hands, and got a high rank EXP and money card during shuffle time.

Yup, probably same dungeon. I was just so surprised how quickly I beat them and got it, was just a perfect storm of critical hits.

Those bastards started summoning Megazords though that are a pain in the ass.
Anyone in the UK not received their order from Play Asia yet?

Anyone who has?

yeah I went playasia and got it already. But I was worried it might not come before christmas so I paid for express post. It basically just warped into my hands. Worth the extra cash to know I can also get in some quality time with the Dojima family while I visit my live action family for Christmas.


Yup, probably same dungeon. I was just so surprised how quickly I beat them and got it, was just a perfect storm of critical hits.

Those bastards started summoning Megazords though that are a pain in the ass.

Found the screenshot but I'm too lazy to get the Vita cable

21k EXP with exp card
24k yen

Got it in
Secret Laboratory off 2 Opulent Hands on normal.


Well you might be mistaken at least. :)

I've just been searching around google and I can't find anything, all I can find is they are making their own engine to make their ideas translate to P5 easier and faster. And of course in the past Catherine was a test ground for P5, which at least suggests they are aiming for similar quality.

I hope you don't prove me wrong. :)


Aaah that would make a lot more sense, I thought you meant overall graphics etc.

I just had a quick look for it, and I can't find it either. I'm preeeetty sure it happened though.

And yeah, I don't remember the exact quote, but I believe it was the production values on the cinematics and the like.

The graphics should be the same as Catherine, at the very least, seeing as Soejima is still the art director.


I only want to know one thing and one thing only before I pick this up...

... did they finally address the true size of Naoto's boobs?


Omen is one of my favorite tracks from Persona 4's OST. It gives off all the right vibes.

While nothing seems outright improved (i.e. new texutres), everything in this image just seems so much clearer than the original scene on the PS2.

I feel this way about many scenes in the game.
I hope that happens for me. I'm on Kanji's dungeon.. just got to the 6th floor after maybe about an hour or so or more. Would hate to lose all those new persona and the items I received. :(

I had something similar happen to me, and it lasted like 6-7 hours. Although It didn't shut down (stand-by) me, mine was at critical battery when I put it in sleep mode.

get to a charger as quick as possible!


Actually having a pretty hard time in battles really early on in the game. I played Persona 3 on easy mode and it was just too easy, so I tried normal for P4 and I'm finding myself needing to use a ton of items, run away from certain battles, and I'm running out of SP like nobody's business.

Is it actually a harder game than Persona 3, or is normal difficulty just that much tougher than easy?

Sera O

Has anyone gotten the bug catching trophy? Tried it a lot, still haven't been able to do it perfectly.

Yeah, it takes getting used to. I have consistent success at night when it's quiet at the shrine because the audio cues help and the bgm makes it harder. The insect noises get louder, quieter, louder, and then stop right before the ! shows up. You basically want to hit x the second the ! starts to appear and the sound cues help with that.
Actually having a pretty hard time in battles really early on in the game. I played Persona 3 on easy mode and it was just too easy, so I tried normal for P4 and I'm finding myself needing to use a ton of items, run away from certain battles, and I'm running out of SP like nobody's business.

Is it actually a harder game than Persona 3, or is normal difficulty just that much tougher than easy?

Overall its way easier. Persona 4, for some reason, goes in reverse difficulty. The first two dungeons are the hardest.


Actually having a pretty hard time in battles really early on in the game. I played Persona 3 on easy mode and it was just too easy, so I tried normal for P4 and I'm finding myself needing to use a ton of items, run away from certain battles, and I'm running out of SP like nobody's business.

Is it actually a harder game than Persona 3, or is normal difficulty just that much tougher than easy?
If you're having difficulty at the start, it's best to just struggle through. Once you get a healer, the game gets significantly easier, and doesn't really change in difficulty from the third dungeon through to the end.

This is of course speaking from experience with P4 on PS2. There's one new dungeon on P4G which I haven't played yet, and I have no idea if it's hard or not.

Sera O

Overall its way easier. Persona 4, for some reason, goes in reverse difficulty. The first two dungeons are the hardest.

Definitely agree with this. I debated between starting on normal or hard as I couldn't recall what I'd played the PS2 version on. Now I'm thinking I did it on hard. The first two dungeons (before you have skills, items, and accessories that replenish SP) were tough, and I was glad I was on normal. Now I wish I'd gone with hard though - difficulty drops off significantly.


Cool, I'll just struggle through it then. Having a great time overall, and I like the characters more than P3 (though I do miss Mitsuru...).

Also DAMN is this a pretty game on the Vita's OLED screen. Man.
The actual anime cutscene, or the event in general? The event in general was dumb, but whatever. The anime cutscene was vile.

Also, the school festival has some of my least favourite parts of the game, sooooo...

The event in general. I think most of the anime scenes are pretty meh.

I didn't want an episode of k-on or those other hey let's become a band suddenly in a few weeks animu, it's just not to my taste personally
Lol, it's worse, it's in three days. But to be fair to them,
they could barely play anything, and it was just one song.
I don't know, I thought they came up with a decent enough justification for it,
by adding a reference to Rise's social link in Kanamin and putting Yosuke's dad's job on the line, also hooking Naoto in since she was supposed to be arranging it. Plus we got early appearance of Namatame


Got 99 problems and only one of them is a waifu
This is pretty much my third time playing this game and the beginning of December still gets me ;_;
hey so i've heard the loading times are slower on the downloaded version of this game...
is that true? because I really would rather pick this up digital so I can play it whenever


hey so i've heard the loading times are slower on the downloaded version of this game...
is that true? because I really would rather pick this up digital so I can play it whenever

I downloaded and the loading times are fine. Better than the original at least. I don't have a physical copy to compare it with though.
How do you get the "listen to 250 lines of navigation" trophy? What does that even mean?
You have to listen to every single one of Rise's lines during battle.

"There are three enemies!"
"This shadow is weak against fire"
"Darkness won't work"
"It's an easy one, just use wind"
"It's a strong one, don't use ice"


If you are overleveled, you are screwed since you won't be hearing her strong shadows and medium shadows lines.

This has to be done all in one play through.
Is this your first RPG? If not then Normal. Easy is waaay to easy in the long run, but a good starting place for someone who's never played RPGs.

I am a new father so I need to be able to roll through it at a decent pace. what is the difference between Normal and Easy?


I think I will rock the Easy mode first, then I will move onto Normal next round.

Go ahead. Honestly, I'm on Very Easy and it's my first time through, though I have played Persona 3 before. It's ridiculously easy, but I still think the combat is satisfying and clearing dungeons is no prob. The game even says to just enjoy the plot at that point, so they know themselves.
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