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Steam Winter Sales 2012 Thread 2: [Extended To Jan 7th For Encore Deals]

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So do we have any theory on what the repeats might be? Is it possible some flash sales could return?

I'm thinking it's just going to be a flat 48-hour sale on the 12 best-selling games. So stuff like Skyrim, Dishonored, The Walking Dead, etc. No surprises, but hopefully a few people get some things they missed. Games that appeared only as flash sales likely won't reappear :(


If this sale has taught me anything, it's that selling dota/tf2 items for treasure/crate keys and reselling them on the steam market is a lucrative business.


Uh guys? Pretty sure the AC game that's releasing is the latest one for consoles: Assault Horizon, it's VERY different to the other AC games.


One of the users on CAG had the following as his signature:

Ha! Hilarious.

Final tally for me:

Botanicula 2.49
Civ V Korea/7 Wonders DLC 1.39
Deus Ex: Human Revolution 4.99
Fly'N 4.99
Half Minute Hero 3.39
Tomb Raider I 2.49
Tomb Raider II 2.49
Tomb Raider III 2.49
Tomb Raider IV 2.49
Tomb Raider V 2.49
Tomb Raider VI 2.49 (I know people said not to get the PC version, but I'm taking a chance)
To the Moon 3.39
Worms Crazy Golf 2.49

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood 2.49
Bioshock 1.66
Bioshock 2 1.66
The Darkness II 2.49
Hotline Miami 2.49
Spec Ops 1.66

Last Remnant 3.74

Puzzle Agent 2 from baconcow (thanks again!)

TOTAL 54.26
If I count Humble Indie Bundle 7 and stuff I bought a few days before the sale started, I have a total of 40 new games. :(
Wtf @ Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay (via Dark Athena, which includes it).

Check out these amazing screenshots I took.

I am standing in the same spot for both photos, what you are seeing is horrific distortion based on the angle I'm sitting at. I had to set it to 4:3 with horrid letterboxing to minimize the distortion, no-matter what I set "pixel aspect" (which seems to control it) to it never works in 1920x1080 for some reason.

At least I can run 16x AA with no problems...


8FVN5-5F38B-AHVD0 Deus Ex Explosive pack DLC. Just bought it on amazon, but steam is saying I already own it. anyone who needs it.


Are these the last sales?

I actually spent more money at GMG (Batman AC, Xcom,The Secret World) vs Witcher 2 and Kotor 2

Kinda regret not picking up FTL when it was $5
Quick question re: The Walking Dead.

Is it a MS/KB game or X360 Controller? I am aware both can likely work but it's usually pretty easy to tell which is the superior choice.



Quick question re: The Walking Dead.

Is it a MS/KB game or X360 Controller? I am aware both can likely work but it's usually pretty easy to tell which is the superior choice.


I'd recommend controller (pretty much switched from K&M after the first 3-5 minutes). It is the better choice in my opinion. A friend of mine played it with mouse and keyboard and had no problem but I found the mouse accerleration a bit weird. Also it is easier to choose dialogue options with the controller (again IMO) because each answer gets its own button.


Quick question re: The Walking Dead.

Is it a MS/KB game or X360 Controller? I am aware both can likely work but it's usually pretty easy to tell which is the superior choice.


Both are perfectly usable, it really is just preference. I preferred m/kb because when you aren't talking to someone, the game is really just a very simple point and click adventure game.


Well, I got it in the pack with Bioshock 1+2 for 5 bucks... I just divided it! But if you have a $5 Amazon credit, you can get it for 2.50. Masterkajo linked to the individual game, and this is the pack I got it in: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0091T6FQO/?tag=neogaf0e-20

You should get it, totally amazing game. I put 30 hours in it since I bought it.

Thx to you and MasterkAjo, but I don't have $5 Amazon credit (and I can't buy from Amazon US with my credit card)
Gamersgate will probably make a mistake soon and I'll grab it then! (or during the next Steam Sales)


listen to the mad man

(Not responding to you, just the list in general)

This is not a particularly good list.

Left half:
It includes games that may not exist anymore (XCOM, Devil's Third, Dark, Tekken x Street Fighter, Prey 2), stuff that was never confirmed for 2013 to begin with (Star Wars 1313, which also doesn't have final platform announcements), stuff that is no-profile ("Battle High 2", which apparently is being released for PC and Xbox Live Indie Games, the Wikipedia article has a notability challenge against it, the first game in the series is a Game Maker game that isn't playable anymore due to compatibility problems, there's no notability here at all, something called Mistborn: Birthright which is a game that got a no-info announcement with no further info and is being developed by the same dev as the next game I'm going to complain about in this list), it includes children's licensed games (Young Justice Legacy, Naruto Bazillion). Strangely for the games it chooses to include, it excludes major titles like Monaco, Skulls of the Shogun, and The Witness, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, Toki Tori 2, etc.

Right half:
The PC list is ridiculously inflated, padded with games that were announced early by independent teams with no pedigree and no projected release date. It includes freeware games (Americana Dawn). It includes late PC ports of console games (Ace Combat), it includes stuff that hasn't been announced (Hotline Miami 2--which the developers confirmed that they have an idea for and will work on, but not its title, release date, scope, platforms, or anything else). It includes essentially every single Kickstarter. It does not include Double Fine Adventure. It includes a video game based on the Amazing Race, which should tell you right away that it's a padded list.

The 360 list is missing, well, virtually every XBLA game announced for 360. I'll name six: LocoCycle, Battleblock Theatre, Charlie Murder, Ascend: New Gods, Crimson Dragon, State of Decay. It's also missing some retail titles. I'll give an example of one that I don't think should be included, but should be included if some of the multiplatform junk is--Kinect National Geographic TV Season 2.

The PS3 list excludes The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy Versus XIII (which would be fine, again, but look at all the stuff included above) but includes what is almost certainly a JPN-exclusive fighting game. Is this based on western release dates or first release dates? If it's the latter, remove Ni No Kuni, and Tales of Xillia. It's also excluding "Rain".

The Wii U list excludes MH3U.


I gotta say, this port of NBA 2K13 is really good, even if it's missing some dumb features like VC Currency (Oh my god, can't buy virtual clothes for my person anymore!!!!! /sarcasm). If you like basketball games, I advise you pick it up for the ten dollas it is
I give up on Knights of Honor. It's way to complicated for me. I never played Civ but from the descriptions it feels like Civ but in real-time but even more complicated.


OK, do I go for Civ V or IV?

I'm trying to get more into Strategy games and I loved the new XCOM, so I'm looking at Firaxis' other games? Any help?


Thx to you and MasterkAjo, but I don't have $5 Amazon credit (and I can't buy from Amazon US with my credit card)
Gamersgate will probably make a mistake soon and I'll grab it then! (or during the next Steam Sales)
Yeah you can. Just input a U.S. address in your profile and select it as default before making the purchase. I live in South America and get all my Amazon games that way.
OK, do I go for Civ V or IV?

I'm trying to get more into Strategy games and I loved the new XCOM, so I'm looking at Firaxis' other games? Any help?

Either Civ5 with Gods & kings or Civ 4 Complete. Civ 5 is newbie friendly Civ 4 is a bit more "classic".
Also XCOM, assuming we are talking about the latest one, isn't a strategy game, it is a turn based tactics game. If you just jump from there to turn based strategy you will be seriously disappointed.
OK, do I go for Civ V or IV?

I'm trying to get more into Strategy games and I loved the new XCOM, so I'm looking at Firaxis' other games? Any help?

IV (with expansions) is superior, but V is easier to get into.

The secret correct answer is don't play the Civ games, play EU3 instead. Heck, I'd recommend GalCiv 2 over it.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Bought Rage since I doubt it can go much cheaper. Really impressed with the performance on my aging pc, so far 100% solid 60 fps with only that texture detail option off since I don't have a quad core and I didn't see much difference on objects with it on anyway. Oh, and AA, I didn't try it yet to see how it affects it. It's true it's not very sharp up close to objects but overall it looks slick in my opinion, if only Borderlands 2's engine was as good I'd have enjoyed it a lot more, it wasn't any sharper either most of the time. The only issue I see so far visually is the slight pop in when looking around or using the binoculars etc but it's not jarring and extreme like in other games that may have it less commonly but way more obvious and annoying. Not like the UE3 games that have texture pop in where it takes a second for it to take effect either. Gunplay feels good so I'm happy for now. Edit: it performs admirably even with 16xAA, it only gets slight frame rate drops with 8xAA, but I'll keep it at 4x personally. If it was any other game I wouldn't mind less than 60fps, or as low as the ~40fps I get with 16xAA, but now that I've sampled it and this is a game that can hold that performance 100% of the time unlike others I might as well keep it).

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
I accidentally bought an additional copy of Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY on Amazon awhile ago and would like to give the CD key away.

First person to PM me gets the code.
Remember, it's Arkham Asylum and not Arkham City :)

EDIT: Taken.


Thanks guys, I think I'll just go with 5 then :)

Also XCOM, assuming we are talking about the latest one, isn't a strategy game, it is a turn based tactics game. If you just jump from there to turn based strategy you will be seriously disappointed.

Anything you would recommend similar to XCOM then?
Maybe they're doing it to maximize sales, but I can't say I'm the biggest fan of the fluctuating prices that have been happening. I mentioned CS:Go flip-flopping before, but I figured that might be due to two different DB entries from back when there was a beta maybe mucking things up.

But I know when I went to sleep, after it had already been up for a few hours, that Hell Yeah was 50% off. I just checked back on a lark a little bit ago, and now it's 75% off. Which means if I had bit at 50%, I would've been irritated, for one thing. For another, if I hadn't checked back, I wouldn't have gotten it at all.

It's possible they knocked down the price because it wasn't selling that well, but it left me wondering if there were other Flash sales I bit on too quickly, or didn't check back enough like that. I'm pretty sure there was at least one or two others where it started off just 25% or 50% off, when checking back later resulted in a very different price. Maybe it was a server caching issue?


Runs like crap on my i5 3570k and 7950 GPU. CPU constantly being hammered at 80% and lags. Very poorly optimised, no PC options besides resolution.

Well, that's extremely disappointing to say the least, game looked like good fun.
Will skip it, thanks for the warning.
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