Vita PSN Game & Service Thread | February 2013 | The most desirable handheld in Japan


I just found out that XSeed is bringing over Y's for Vita! There IS a god... T_T

And Valhalla Knights III!

At this point, XSEED and Aksys are the Vita's biggest allies. I'm not against both of them localizing everything so I can give them more money.


Looks great. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing this being announced for localization before the end of the week. :p

i wouldn't mind it being confirmed, but honestly it's not a big deal for me either way. I will likely just play it on the PC as 10-16GB of my 1.5TB hard drive much easier to deal with than 8GB+ on my vita memory card lol

though currently I still have like 15gb free and could easily free up 5 more without a care so a vita version soon wouldn't be horrible.


Don't play with my heart!

to be fair while I don't expect it to happen totori/meruru vita being release by koei isn't impossible, it really depends on how good of terms they still are with NisA, i just have low hope for it because if they were on good terms they logically wouldn't be released ayesha a week before neptunia V... as for any vita Tales game I put about about as likely as the vita clearing 50 million units this year as NB don't have a previous release to steal the localization from like they did abyss 3ds so it's doubtful they will ever bother with the handhelds again outside of japan (unless they have a localization to copy and paste again)


Just a quick PSA for Vita owners. I think most people here have probably heard of Sony's sort-of-pathetic attempt at boosting Vita sales by having people try to convince their friends to buy a Vita.

Basically if you haven't heard, the promotion is that if a Sony/Playstation credit card holder convinces someone to buy a Vita, both people will get a $20 PSN voucher code once the promotion ends. Well that promotion has started.

If you have a Playstation card you can go here Referral Program homepage and create an account and begin referring friends. However, since Sony does not have a Club Nintendo type of program where you can register your systems, any Vita can be used for the referral, even Vitas bought at launch.

So if you are a Playstation credit card holder, you can essentially refer yourself (use your main PSN account as the referral account, and another PSN account name and e-mail as the person being referred with your Vita's Serial Number located at the bottom right of your Vita handheld. By doing this you will essentially nab yourself $40 in PSN credit since you are both the referror and the referree.

If you don't have a Playstation credit card or don't know anyone who does, you can also use me as your referral to get a $20 PSN code, by clicking here. I guess we can think of this as Sony's ambassador program?

P.S. Forgot to mention when you enter the Vita's Serial number you will have to add a "0" after the first two letters. So for example your serial may be HU1234567, you will have to enter HU01234567.

Just did this, too. If everybody that sees this goes through with it, you'll have a lifetime supply of PSN cash - good job!

true Gek

to be fair while I don't expect it to happen totori/meruru vita being release by koei isn't impossible, it really depends on how good of terms they still are with NisA, i just have low hope for it because if they were on good terms they logically wouldn't be released ayesha a week before neptunia V... as for any vita Tales game I put about about as likely as the vita clearing 50 million units this year as NB don't have a previous release to steal the localization from like they did abyss 3ds so it's doubtful they will ever bother with the handhelds again outside of japan (unless they have a localization to copy and paste again)
Maybe Hearts R has more possibilities? =[


hey vitabros! Been sort of missing in action, what has been revealed for vita this week (saw killzone, looks GREAT)
Soul Sacrifice got an April 30 (May 1 in Europe) release date, Killzone and Tearaway gameplay footage was shown, and Muramasa, Guilty Gear, Ys Celceta, and Vahalla Knights 3 were announced for localization.

On the My Account page of the Vita referral site, all of the people I sent a referral to show "Success-Pending" except for one that says "Accepted." Does anyone know what that means?


Soul Sacrifice got an April 30 (May 1 in Europe) release date, Killzone and Tearaway gameplay footage was shown, and Muramasa, Guilty Gear, Ys Celceta, and Vahalla Knights 3 were announced for localization.

Wow... there goes my wallet!
Never heard of Murasama but after seing a couple of videos it will look magnificent on the vita!


Maybe Hearts R has more possibilities? =[

don't see why it would, it's still a tales game for a handheld system that doesn't have a localization to just copy paste. I don't believe we have gotten one of those since tales of the world 1... meaning we have skipped like 5 of them including Hearts before which was released on a handheld at at the time had an install base that was like 50 times larger o_O:


A good amount of news this week for the Vita. Hoping for more going into E3! Any news on the bigger franchises is welcome. GT and GoW news please.
This is interesting:

Perhaps the most exciting about Tearaway is that it takes place in an open world, suggesting that it might not be the PSN-only game that we kind of assumed it was. The island of Sogport is just one small part of a greater world to explore. A developer told me that you can backtrack through previous areas, and that those areas might not only change by the time you return, but that items and skills you find and learn in future areas will lend towards the need to backtrack. For instance, an item is found that allows Iota and Atoi to manipulate wind, creating both outward gusts and inward-pulling suction. Going back with that item may net gamers major returns.

But seriously IGN....only you and a few others thought this would be a PSN only title.


So these are vita games that is coming to the west this year :

Soul Sacrifice
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee New n' Tasty
Killzone: Mercenary
Ys Celceta
Velocity Ultra
Sly 4
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus
Samurai and Dragons
Dragon's Crown
Valhalla Knights 3
Dead or live 4 plus
Ninga gaiden sigma plus 2

and maybe more tomorrow or next E3, im so satisfied ! it needs only more sony games,hope they not ignore the vita by focusing on the ps4 !


So these are vita games that is coming to the west this year :

Soul Sacrifice
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee New n' Tasty
Killzone: Mercenary
Ys Celceta

Velocity Ultra
Sly 4
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus
Samurai and Dragons

Dragon's Crown
Valhalla Knights 3
Dead or live 4 plus
Ninga gaiden sigma plus 2

and maybe more tomorrow or next E3, im so satisfied ! it needs only more sony games,hope they not ignore the vita by focusing on the ps4 !

What the hell is "Abes Odyssey New and Tasty"?

Anyways, bolded what Ill be buying. I didnt realize there were so many O.O


killzone's release date was sept 17th right... if so... RIP killzone
edit: beaten.

Same day is horrible :lol

I have to admit if I only have money for 1 game at that time it's going to GTA 5 without any hesitation at all. They better delay Killzone asap. Vita software sales are poor enough without something like GTA stomping on the rest of it.


Same day is horrible :lol

I have to admit if I only have money for 1 game at that time it's going to GTA 5 without any hesitation at all. They better delay Killzone asap. Vita software sales are poor enough without something like GTA stomping on the rest of it.

if I only have money for one game in sept it will be Ys 4 or Valhalla if they release then (they are currently listed as fall lol) I'll be skipping both killzone and GTA 5 for those don't matter for me lol.

Anyways it will really depend on what else sony is doing. The sept release already is a bit odd for killzone given it's the biggest game announced on the vita at this time so a nov release was more expected. Perhaps they wanted to keep the big vita release away from the ps4... or maybe they have some other big games that are still secret planned for oct/nov... either way they might not be able to move the game... it's not like GTA5 will be the only big game to come out this fall, and it's possible they don't see the console market as competition for the vita as you can't play GTA5 on the go.

Well that is interesting. That doesn't mean a September release is not viable still. May need to release a week or 2 before though.

oh of course not, there isn't so much cross over between GTA5 and killzone that you can't have them near each other, just in general releasing any (non niche) game the same day as a game like GTA 5 is a bad idea lol.
So these are vita games that is coming to the west this year :

Soul Sacrifice
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee New n' Tasty
Killzone: Mercenary
Ys Celceta
Velocity Ultra
Sly 4
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus
Samurai and Dragons
Dragon's Crown
Valhalla Knights 3
Dead or live 4 plus
Ninga gaiden sigma plus 2

and maybe more tomorrow or next E3, im so satisfied ! it needs only more sony games,hope they not ignore the vita by focusing on the ps4 !

I can see myself picking up pretty much all of those at one time or another! Its a really nice line up so far, I'm just hoping on a European release of Muramasa (mainly so I can get the DLC easily, as opposed to messing around with a second memory card and a USA account). I'll also no doubt end up getting One Piece from Japan at some stage as I loved the Dynasty Warriors Vita game that was released at launch.
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