Vita PSN Game & Service Thread | February 2013 | The most desirable handheld in Japan

Still better than KH, COME AT ME BRO

I don't know about KH2 or any of the portable games, but KH was terrible. It was made several years after OoT and yet had an inferior camera lock on system which just ruined the game for me.

One of the first games where I rushed to finish it so I could sell/trade it for a high price because I thoroughly did not enjoy it. The fan service could not make up for the bad combat, for me at least.

And while I'm at it, since you're antagonizing TheChillyAcademic here, I'm going to join in and tell him that FFXIII may have had forgettable/throwaway story/characters, but the combat? Oh lord, the combat was fantastic! Leaps and bounds above FFXII and FFX, for me at least.


Junior Member
Damn that is weird, glad you got it sorted though, with all the extras it is a pretty good game :)

Looks great too

Yeah, three tracks just isn't enough. Based on the little I've played, the game looks great and the menu is slick as hell but the game is a bit confusing with all these teams and what you're supposed to do? Are you just supposed to race in all modes, build up enough to buy upgrades and level up?

The controls with Type A are very uncomfortable because of how small the vita buttons are. It's the first time I felt uncomfortable with the controls like that on the vita, Type B is much better where you control the cars with the shoulder buttons.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I have more fun actually playing 3rd Birthday than the first game, which is all that matters to me (the PE1 combat system has a neat-o concept, but it never really evolves into anything truly great, whereas 3rd Birthday is exciting and gets you really involved into the battles)

:lol Sitting behind cover and waiting for cross-fire to fill so you can command a cross-fire and then triangle/overdive kill is "involving" now?

It was a snoozefest and the "involving battles" where you had to overdive overdive overdive people and to protect the jeep/boss battles were more frustrating than fun. Neat idea, but poorly executed.

PE2's battlesystem is still the best of the series by far when it comes to combat. Real-time firing with a cast-time penalty of "be hit? Get hurt, lose MP, and have to attempt to cast the spell again." Made sense. More than the PE1's "wait then shoot" and PE3's "wait in cover, then shoot" system.

And while I'm at it, since you're antagonizing TheChillyAcademic here, I'm going to join in and tell him that FFXIII may have had forgettable/throwaway story/characters, but the combat? Oh lord, the combat was fantastic! Leaps and bounds above FFXII and FFX, for me at least.


Gambits where I only have to step-in if an AI/gambit set-up is dildos > Reactive Time Battle where you have to fumble with menus and switch jobs constantly (where in 13's case the best way to go is med/med/med then com/rav/rav to stagger)
Why the fuck do so many games take you offline >.<

Yeah that's something that Sony needs to freaking stop ASAP. I understand they're being more friendly with devs than Microsoft is when it comes to OS requirements and stuff but it's really lame when cross game chat isn't possible just because some dev. decided to not support it, even though it's an OS feature.

I guess maybe there's the question of whether that would tax the system too much while their game is running but still - so tired of devs getting away with not supporting all the OS features.

I meant to pick up a PSN card today so I can get a bunch of those FF games on sale, but I'll have to wait. My backlog is just too huge but those prices are awesome @_@
Well, lucky for you it's not really a Parasite Eve game so if they ever decided to get back the license and do a Parasite Eve 3 that acts like 3rd Birthday never happened(and Toriyama didn't have anything to do with it), they very easily could. It's not even semi-official canon to the Parasite Eve story, unlike Metroid: Other M is to Metroid, it's more of a Toriyama fan fic that could (& should) be ignored, as far as story goes.

Can't really see why you'd care so much about the story, though, it's not like Parasite Eve 1 is God tier in that respect. It's dark yet somewhat goofy C grade shit like Resident Evil. Enjoyable, but not something I personally go apeshit over when sequels don't "do it justice." 3rd Birthday just adds Toriyama's unneeded time travel fetish & stupid twists into the mix.

I have more fun actually playing 3rd Birthday than the first game, which is all that matters to me (the PE1 combat system has a neat-o concept, but it never really evolves into anything truly great, whereas 3rd Birthday is exciting and gets you really involved into the battles)

It is without question that the MESS that is 3rd Birthday was non canon and even if it were it should be absolutely ignored. The sad fact however is that we are NEVER going to see a PE sequel/remake and this game, featuring Aya Brea, was the closest any of us were going to get.

3rd Birthday was the purest form of a writer trying his absolute damndest to put together a non sequential, non linear
time travel story
and FAILING TO A DEGREE NOT SEEN IN GAMING BEFORE. Again, the story wasn't just bad, it was terrible and for me, being someone who more times than not looks for story first, it took me out of the experience.

Again, PE 1 was by no means the paragon of storytelling when it came out and even less so now. But the fact of the matter was that it was different, it was unlike any JRPG that had been released and just like 3rd Birthday, it looked fantastic when it came out. It added a maturity and terror that were genuine and imo successfully gave us in the PS1 era a "modern" setting that felt well realized.

And I cannot disagree more about the "involvement" of Aya as a character in PE1. You started the game as a human, as a normal member of the NYPD and...well not to spoil anything but as you progress you become much more than that and it is reflected in battle. In 3rd Birthday you hid behind cover...and used a power. Then hid until you ran out of ammo...then used a power....then hid...I mean, its no more repetitive than any random battle. The music as well was breathtaking and it was a shining example of what Yoko was capable of.
:lol Sitting behind cover and waiting for cross-fire to fill so you can command a cross-fire and then triangle/overdive kill is "involving" now?

It was a snoozefest and the "involving battles" where you had to overdive overdive overdive people and to protect the jeep/boss battles were more frustrating than fun. Neat idea, but poorly executed.

PE2's battlesystem is still the best of the series by far when it comes to combat. Real-time firing with a cast-time penalty of "be hit? Get hurt, lose MP, and have to attempt to cast the spell again." Made sense. More than the PE1's "wait then shoot" and PE3's "wait in cover, then shoot" system.


Gambits where I only have to step-in if an AI/gambit set-up is dildos > Reactive Time Battle where you have to fumble with menus and switch jobs constantly (where in 13's case the best way to go is med/med/med then com/rav/rav to stagger)

Med/med/med should never be a thing. Maybe that's why you didn't like the combat? Admittedly they didn't do a good job of explaining it, despite half the game being a tutorial.
And while I'm at it, since you're antagonizing TheChillyAcademic here, I'm going to join in and tell him that FFXIII may have had forgettable/throwaway story/characters, but the combat? Oh lord, the combat was fantastic! Leaps and bounds above FFXII and FFX, for me at least.

Whilst I didn't HATE the combat, I...well it never really clicked for me. I know a lot of people who hate the other aspects of XIII but praise the combat and its universal enough to not be a niche.

It seemed almost like a neutered version of Dress Spheres and was certainly less interesting. Despite the fact that you could effectively auto battle in XII, I still felt as if I had more control than in XIII. OH WAIT I COULD CONTROL MORE THAN ONE CHARACTER.
so why didn't anyone tell me that soul sacrifice seems to at least have loose ties to the knights of the round table/ king Aurthur stories?

Merlin And Morgan le Fay details for soul sacrifice

Wow that's awesome! That Morgan avatar is so sexy I might have to become like Grim and Mono and start using nothing but girls as my avatars :p

Edit: Also it appears the Rocketbirds port is coming next week:


And while I'm at it, since you're antagonizing TheChillyAcademic here, I'm going to join in and tell him that FFXIII may have had forgettable/throwaway story/characters, but the combat? Oh lord, the combat was fantastic! Leaps and bounds above FFXII and FFX, for me at least.

I can't stand the combat in FF13... i'm hard pressed to think of a combat system i enjoy less than ff13s lol. it's both not engaging enough and too engaging all at the same time. it's not interesting enough to hold my interest, but it requires me to at least pay attention to it, so I can't do something else like surf the web during the fights. In general I found it tedious and boring to have to work on breaking an enemy just so i can do decent damage to it. It's an ok system for a boss, but it makes the normal battles drag on way to long. (there are more reasons why i don't like the combat but those are the main ones)

I still do need to try to finish the game at some point, as in an even weirder twist I didn't mind the characters or story, I want to move on to 13-2 where the combat fixes at least a few of my minor problems with it, and to lightning returns which looks like it fixes even more problems I had with the combat.


Aftershock LA
FF8 is a great game. I liked it when I originally played it as I did FF7 and FF9.
You're right, FF4: Complete should also be amazing as FF4 is the best 16-bit FF ever made.
FF6 was great when I was 13 or so. But there's just something off about it. It's a good game, but I don't feel it deserves anywhere near the level of praise people heap upon it. And the load times for the random battles in the PSX port? No thank you.

FFVIII never clicked with me. I loved FFVII back then, so I rushed out and bought FFVIII day one. I was so excited for it. I was about 19 when it released. I booted it up, loved the opening cutscene, and the visuals were stunning (especially after FFVII, which, at the time I thought was amazing looking). Then...the characters started talking. "Hmm, Squall is kind of like Cloud, but...way more annoying. Zell is also annoying. Rinoa is hot, but...annoying. Quistis is hot...but not annoying. Selphie, Irvine. I think the only characters I liked in FFVIII were Ultimicia and Seifer, and they were the villains.

And then the magic drawing and junction system was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I got about halfway through the second disc before I finally gave up on it.

I played FFVI when I was 15, but only got about halfway through it. I enjoyed it. I still haven't finished it, because I just haven't gotten around to playing it. The PS1 version's load times didn't bother me, to be honest. Same thing with Chrono Trigger's PS1 verison.I liked it and the characters much more than FFVIII. I liked the characters in FFVII more than in VIII also, I just think the story in typical, convoluted anime nonsense. It has some great ides, but sloppy translation really hurts it, I think.

FFIX has a much better translation. I don't agree with another poster's slow comments either. I find the FFIX world the most immersive of the PS1 FFs. It's probably my favorite of the entire series. But then again, I also really enjoyed FFXII and XIII, and those are big "no no's" here on GAF it seems.

I'm not terribly far in FFIV: CC, but I'm really enjoying it (a few hours into it, I think). I can see why some would say it's one of the best in the series. VI and VII hold soft spots in my heart (VII was the first FF I really got into), but the obsession with VII by the fans has kind of soured it for me. I just don't think it holds up. If VIII had a single likeable character, and ditched the draw magic and junction system, I'd have enjoyed it more.

Although, Laguna in FF: Dissidia Duodecim is pretty funny and dumb. He didn't come off that likeable in FFVIII, however.
Psh I'll believe it when I see it. You guys always have girls and NOW I DO TOO :D Ack let me resize this a bit so those pieces of her skanky outfit all fit into the frame..

there you go

also your avatar is lookin' good

PSY&#12539;S;47395037 said:
There's a PS+ sale? EU only?
Yeah, I believe so. It's a one year anniversary sale.

there you go

also your avatar is lookin' good

Bwahaha, alright I see :) Thank you, I was a bit self-conscious about it because I couldn't get those frilly tendril things to fit into the frame but oh well. I thought her character design was just awesome. I'm assuming both Merlin and Morganna play into the whole duality system in Soul Sacrifice, like how you can pay the price of magic or sacrifice body parts to use magic.


PS3 owners of the game get a
discount and a couple exclusive
character skins.

that is really cool of the dev team


Some Guacamelee Highlights:

Game is 60fps now. Mutant blobs was only 30.
Cross save, cross controller
Q2 release window
No customization of the luchadores
They wouldn't talk crossbuy yet


I don't know about KH2 or any of the portable games, but KH was terrible. It was made several years after OoT and yet had an inferior camera lock on system which just ruined the game for me.
You're not comparing a basically snooze-fest slow adventure game to a fast-paced action RPG, are you? Had Zelda been that fast-paced with an agile(-ish, not as agile in comparison to sequels) playable character as well as agile enemies, it'd definitely have suffered from camera problems.

:lol Sitting behind cover and waiting for cross-fire to fill so you can command a cross-fire and then triangle/overdive kill is "involving" now?

It was a snoozefest and the "involving battles" where you had to overdive overdive overdive people and to protect the jeep/boss battles were more frustrating than fun. Neat idea, but poorly executed.
Hey, if you decided to play the game in the most unimaginative, boring & slow way possible, that's your problem.

Gambits where I only have to step-in if an AI/gambit set-up is dildos > Reactive Time Battle where you have to fumble with menus and switch jobs constantly (where in 13's case the best way to go is med/med/med then com/rav/rav to stagger)
Seems like this is a problem with you otherwise too, playing games in the most unimaginative, boring ways possible. I guess you made your way through Bayonetta only performing the X (RT) Y (RT) X combo with the sword as well?


Some Guacamelee Highlights:

Game is 60fps now. Mutant blobs was only 30.
Cross save, cross controller
Q2 release window
No customization of the luchadores
They wouldn't talk crossbuy yet
Sounds great. Never understood why MBA was only 30fps but glad to hear they rectified that here.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Hustle Kings is awesome man, I got it last night for $5 (AUS PSN store) and stayed up late caning it.

I'd probably get it now if it were 50% off, only got 5$ left on my account :(


Almost finishing my Master Ninja run. Damn, NG is like videogame crack!

Awesome to hear. When I first started playing, I couldn't put it down.

It was too slow I just got done with the 1st boss. I feel weak and slow compared to Sigma 2

Yeah, NG2 improved on the combat in many ways. I still prefer the more "defensive" combat of Black/Sigma, despite the slower pace.

Thinking of restarting the game on Hero Mode. :/

Any particular enemies, bosses, or chapters that you're having trouble with?


I've played the original NG and NGS, but I feel like the enemies in Sigma + are waaay more aggresive than usual, and I'm only on Normal. Not as much of a deal with Ryu, but it makes the Rachel chapters a pain in the ass.


So how are people doing on Ninja Gaiden?

I beat it on PS3 a while back.. I finished my Vita run about 2 hours ago. I beat the game on normal. I'm regretting that now. Because I could have handled hard mode no problem. I want to do another run. But no NG+ really drains any energy I had for that. I plan to revisit the game, tackle the harder difficulties, at a later that. But for now, I'm deleting it to free up space.


All of this 3rd Birthday talk makes me want to go play it again for the 3rd time. It's probably one of my favorite PSP games; the gameplay is fast and arcadey, the RPG mechanics are enough to spice it up, the graphics are great, the difficulty is just right, the in-game achievements are fun, and the story is bananas. Grade A stuff.
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