Vita PSN Game & Service Thread | February 2013 | The most desirable handheld in Japan

I wonder how much FF VII sold through classics.

not enough to justify a remake clearly!

doh top of page ( for you 50 ppp)! - i hate TOP, too much pressure.

aqua kitty, where is my heart, and final fantasy sale!

for the EuroBros - for the love of god, get something from your 1 year anni sale. prolly rayman, battle royale, or everyones golf - not sure what else is on sale for you.

and all vita owners should get playstation plus - i dont want to hear excuses.

also sly 4 if you are itching for a 3d platformer, i know it's not revolutionary but arent you a bit starved for some 3d platformers this gen?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Level 10 of one of the minigames played in the Hackpack.

God damn, this is actually really fun and and a bit challenging. I hope the others as well, but definitely worth the 3 bucks. You probably get more from it if you already know/like the Sly franchise though. Feels a little bit how Uncarded ties in to Uncharted.
All except for like 1 song and 2 car reskins for some reason, which means it's got all the other songs, cars and all the tracks in. You just have to manually download each and every one of them. I'd say good enough for the price.

thanks this is the answer I was looking fo when I posted in the NB thread about the RR game

gonna buy it
No option to upgrade in the demo?

Odd. I know some of the PS3 full game trials force you to finish playing for an hour before it will lock out and fix the store, I think.


I want to buy FF Tactics WOTL, but I already have it from a previous free PS+ download. So when I try to purchase it outright, it just downloads the game instead. What to do... :?

You can't buy it unless you get rid of your plus subscription.

also sly 4 if you are itching for a 3d platformer, i know it's not revolutionary but arent you a bit starved for some 3d platformers this gen?

If it hearkened back to the quality/design of Sly 1, sure.
Sly 2/3? Get the hell out of here. :p


Odd. I know some of the PS3 full game trials force you to finish playing for an hour before it will lock out and fix the store, I think.

You can't buy it unless you get rid of your plus subscription.

If it hearkened back to the quality/design of Sly 1, sure.
Sly 2/3? Get the hell out of here. :p

meh I've had PLENTY of platforming in the first couple of hours I've played it so far. To each their own.
meh I've had PLENTY of platforming in the first couple of hours I've played it so far. To each their own.

Sly 2/3 had platforming -- but the tone/gameplay was entirely different. Being forced to play as the turtle or the hippo or whomever just didn't click for me... probably the same reason why, to this day, I've only played (and care for) Jak & Daxter 1. I just really hated that "oh, now it's time to do a stealth mission with Murray" or whatever. I like my 3D platformers more like R&C, Jak & Daxter 1, Super Mario 64, etc. So the comparisons to Sly 2? Yeah, not for me. :p

Glad you like it though -- metacritic on the game seems to be good. Hopefully it sells well and doesn't tank like Toto is predicting.


+1 for the FF IX love. I wasn't my first, that was VII, but after playing VIII and hating it I played IX and fell in love. Amazing game. *

* - I haven't actually completed it. :(


sadly yeah ,hopefully for Vita revision.

Speaking of which, what would people be hoping for in a Vita revision?

My personal wants would be
- 4G, 3G is too slow for most games.
- Internal Hard-drive. Not nessecarily a huge one, but a 4GB one if someone intends to go fully physical
- Be able to be used as a phone
- HD video out.
- Allows connection to Dualshocks.
- Either a change of memory card format, or multiple memory card slots (or both)

I don't think we'll get these but I can hope.


Speaking of which, what would people be hoping for in a Vita revision?

My personal wants would be
- 4G, 3G is too slow for most games.
- Internal Hard-drive. Not nessecarily a huge one, but a 4GB one if someone intends to go fully physical
- Be able to be used as a phone
- HD video out.
- Allows connection to Dualshocks.
- Either a change of memory card format, or multiple memory card slots (or both)

I don't think we'll get these but I can hope.

my requests would be:
- better L and R buttons (mine are occasionally unresponsive unless i click pretty hard)
- video out
- dualshock support (for ps1/psp games, since vita games usually require the touchscreen/touchpad)


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Danke. Yeah also busy with Alundra, but keeping Tabs on the next one.

Klonoa is only 4-5 hours long and meant to be as a quickie after the straining January game ;)


Anybody else having problems adding funds to your wallet? Getting error e-80551071 on my vita and "invalid credit card information" on pc, even though its the exact same card I have used loads of times already. It hasnt expired or anything.

I've never had this problem until today. My last PSN purchase was probably a few weeks/couple months ago but still... My credit card info hasn't changed so I don't know why it isn't working. It's reaaaaally pissing me off though. Did you find a fix?


An blind dancing ho
Speaking of which, what would people be hoping for in a Vita revision?

My personal wants would be
- 4G, 3G is too slow for most games.
- Internal Hard-drive. Not nessecarily a huge one, but a 4GB one if someone intends to go fully physical
- Be able to be used as a phone
- HD video out.
- Allows connection to Dualshocks.
- Either a change of memory card format, or multiple memory card slots (or both)

I don't think we'll get these but I can hope.

- Internal Hard-drive. Not nessecarily a huge one, but a 4GB one if someone intends to go fully physical

Yes, and don't put Welcom Park on it.

- Be able to be used as a phone

People don't really want a Playstation phone, see how is the Xperia Play bombed.

- Either a change of memory card format, or multiple memory card slots (or both)

just use normal Flash card like 3DS.

- Allows connection to Dualshocks.

I don't see the point here.

HDMI out,flash memory card and lag free+unverisal remote play with PS4 are must imho.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Really wish I could delete that. But I guess it takes up system memory, not memory card space... still, it's an extra bubble I never plan on using again. :\

I'd say that the option to delete WP is more likely than any of the other wishes from the post above.


How do you search for PSP Add-ons on Vita?

I was trying to re-download some Duodecim 012 PSP add-on contents but only the game came up.
Made my lobby character on Everybody's Golf with the default parts, didn't realise he looked a tiny bit like Hitler... so yeah, that's been changed now lol.

I managed to get 1st place on the first set of holes on my second go, but now I'm just getting my arse kicked by this game already. D:

Also, any impressions on Alien Breed? Better than the PSM version?


Are the full games of Hustle Kings and Escape Plan better than their demos? I remember trying out the demos quite a while back and both didn't really wow me.


Aftershock LA
So, I'm a Final Fantasy noob, which do I get? FFVII?

Out of the ones on the sale, my picks:

FFIV Complete Collection is really, really good, and looks gorgeous on the Vita screen.

FFVI is another great one, and looks fantastic as well.

FFIX is one of my favorites of the PS1 era.

FFVII hasn't aged terribly well, in both visuals and stories. I loved it back in 97, when I first played it, but subsequent replays have not been kind to it.

I hated FFVIII with a passion. The worst of the PS1 FF's in my opinion. Which is a shame, because the world is kind of cool, but I couldn't stand the characters. I didn't like a single one of them. It was like the Twilight version of teenagers, in a FF game. The magic and "junctioning" system was garbage as well.

Just my thoughts. Can't go wrong with IV: CC, VI, or IX. And Tactics.


Level 10 of one of the minigames played in the Hackpack.

God damn, this is actually really fun and and a bit challenging. I hope the others as well, but definitely worth the 3 bucks. You probably get more from it if you already know/like the Sly franchise though. Feels a little bit how Uncarded ties in to Uncharted.

But that file size !


Are the full games of Hustle Kings and Escape Plan better than their demos? I remember trying out the demos quite a while back and both didn't really wow me.

Like toto said, they're both really good. Hustle Kings has so much to do that you'll never get bored with it if you like pool games.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
But that file size !

Yeah, also the reason I was playing it a bit longer now. Trying to push a bit through it.

Like toto said, they're both really good. Hustle Kings has so much to do that you'll never get bored with it if you like pool games.

Escape Plan Demo is pretty representative for the full version. How about Hustle Kings?


Haha wow wtf, can I transfer them from PS3?


Also Shadow do you know the best setting for Duodecim on Vita? :)

I'm not used this tbh used to play everything on PSP

Like Bi linear filter on? Etc idek WTF that even is SMH. Don't want it to look so damn GRAINY.


You can't buy it unless you get rid of your plus subscription.

Yeah... I'm probably going to do that. I'll wait till the blog post on the Monday before the FF sale ends to make sure there aren't any mindblowing PS+ discounts that week. If not, I'll cancel my sub early.
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