i would rate it 7.5 out of 10. i really liked it but there is a lot of room for improvement.
Nice write up, I guess they can really make more people happy if the sequel is more exploration/puzzle oriented.
i would rate it 7.5 out of 10. i really liked it but there is a lot of room for improvement.
So a fuller picture is painted for people to make informed purchases and so the devs know what's not liked? Telling dissenters to just fuck off when they have valid criticism isn't very constructive or healthy.If the game is a hit and sells well what does complaining accomplish? If it sells well no amount of complaining will change anything.
one thing about the super violent kill/finishing moves from the trailers: i never saw any of that in my playthrough, since i didnt unlock them (you dont have to and i just didnt want to waste xp points for that shit).
I tried telling this to people before, but they didn't care, it should have never been there to begin with according to them.
I tried telling this to people before, but they didn't care, it should have never been there to begin with according to them.
its just another combat option. i think the bow and other weapons work much better but hey, if you want to kill guys with brutal melee moves, you can.
but i agree that the executions dont really fit in the game, feels a bit tacked on.
It shouldn't. It goes completely against this super epic serious story they've been trying to tell us is so important for years now.
It's just like anything else. When you "level" up in the real world, you can point points towards being a psycopathic killer, it's just most of us don't.
(Also, for the sake of asking again, can somebody tell me what costumes are pre-order bonuses and from where, I'm not finding anything with my own research)
Is this games hard mode a decent challenge at least?
UC2 might be the best cinematic game..but as a shooter? Seriously? The entire game is cover->L1->R1. Hell, Infamous 2 is a better shooter than UC2.
As an early b-day gift, I now have the funds to buy this game on Tuesday!
I'm excited. Been so for this game for a long time now.
And there aren't any difficulty achievements? Really?
Don't worry, there's multiplayer ones instead.As an early b-day gift, I now have the funds to buy this game on Tuesday!
I'm excited. Been so for this game for a long time now.
And there aren't any difficulty achievements? Really?
People really are flying through this game like nothing. Sucks that it's so throw away in that regard.
games like Max Payne 3 and Vanquish; the flaw with those games, is they while they totally require skill, the gunplay isn't as fun because it becomes (almost) impossible to miss when you have slow-mo.
What are you worrying about? I went through the other Tomb Raiders fairly quickly as well. Why? Cause you don't want to stop playing![]()
People really are flying through this game like nothing. Sucks that it's so throw away in that regard.
What are you worrying about? I went through the other Tomb Raiders fairly quickly as well. Why? Cause you don't want to stop playing![]()
I am confused reading your posts, do you have the game and played it?
Playing through this now. I absolutely love it. About halfway through. Spoiler-free thoughts:
- CD did a great job of making Lara feel like a vulnerable hero that can and will get hurt. Part of the problem with Unhcharted isn't just that Nathan Drake murders 1000s of people. The other half if the issue is that he is an invincible superman. Tomb Raider doesn't have this issue.
- The game seems very easy so far. I haven't come close to dying yet.
- Optional tombs are usually just a single puzzle. Solve it, get your reward, and you're out. But on the flipside, Uncharted has no puzzles. Not real ones, anyway. Uncharted's puzzles all solve themselves. In TR, there aren't a huge number of them, but at least the ones that are here are what I would consider "true" puzzles.
- The non-linearity is really great. Truly does make the game feel like a cross between Uncharted and Arkham City. I'm hooked on returning to previous areas to explore when I unlock new traversal abilities.
- Leveling up Lara's weapons and abilities is not a gimmick. They provide a very real sense of "powering up," with abilities like melee counters and collectible locating locked away until players level-up and earn them.
- There is some non-linearity in the combat as well. TR doesn't have totally open "combat sandboxes" like Uncharted's shipyard sequence, but you can sometimes get the high ground on enemies, etc.
- Stealth isn't really a viable combat tactic. You CAN take out dudes sight-unseen one by one if you're super careful. But like Uncharted, when one sees you, they all know your location. You can't lose them, or hide behind a wall, etc.
- This might be the most fun / most satisfying bow I've used in a video game.
-Everything about the game is impeccable. You can be disappointed with the game's direction, but it's pretty much impossible to be disappointed with the execution of that direction. The story is genuinely intriguing. Everyone is well-acted. All the acts are perfectly paced. The island is a great location with lots of varied locales, etc.
Like I said, I'm hooked. I think it's good enough to be on GOTY short-lists, most likely.
Hmmmm. Wait until you are halfway through the game then at least 1/4 will be a TPS, killing dozens of people for hours. When it comes to puzzles this game don't have 1/10 of Uncharted's puzzles. Not even close. And lastly exploration will be gone for a few hours as well when you get into it a few more hours. Still a very good game. Awesome game, don't get me wrong, i posted very similiar things like the ones you posted a few days ago when i was just into the game a few hours but then...
After thinking about if for a few minutes, I think I realize why I prefer non-bullet-time shooters to games like Max Payne 3 and Vanquish; the flaw with those games, is they while they totally require skill, the gunplay isn't as fun because it becomes (almost) impossible to miss when you have slow-mo.
I would go Uncharted, Infamous, and Deadspace 2 as the best.
...Thanks, that's the good news I needed. -_-Don't worry, there's multiplayer ones instead.
I want to post an "eye rolling" GIF that's so big it will break the frames, but I will refrain.
I want the Aviatrix skin. It's really cool.
Hmmmm. Wait until you are halfway through the game then at least 1/4 will be a TPS, killing dozens of people for hours. When it comes to puzzles this game don't have 1/10 of Uncharted's puzzles. Not even close. And lastly exploration will be gone for a few hours as well when you get into it a few more hours. Still a very good game. Awesome game, don't get me wrong, i posted very similiar things like the ones you posted a few days ago when i was just into the game a few hours but then...
For me, Tomb Raider will be practically next-gen compared to Uncharted.Been watching my gf play for about 8 hours now. Game is fantastic. Then again we both love Uncharted. Obviously the graphics and story aren't as good as that but the little things like the XP and upgrade system are awesome.
The gameplay mechanics are very very good.
for those who've played it, would you describe tomb raider as an uncharted game with better gameplay(combat, exploration, "platforming", puzzle solving, etc)?
The particle effects of TR are incredible no doubt. But the environments just do not match the variety of Uncharted 3's imoFor me, Tomb Raider will be practically next-gen compared to Uncharted.
So, I guess I only have the story to worry about.
ATMOSPHERE!!! ATMOSPHERE!!! ATMOSPHERE!!! It's perfection......my draw dropped when just after you get your pistol and theThe particle effects as a result of that looked so good! The level of polish is a miracle in the game. Ahhhhh its so good! And the setting the actual island itself is such a show stopper. The diversity, deep history and amount of detail on the island continues to blow my mind and leaves pretty much all other games in the dust when it comes to nailing the setting. This is easily one of the most impressive/memorable settings in a game to date. The pacing is bloody perfect so far and the hub layout is definitely a winning formula the game offers a lot more exploration that I originally thought, and its just pure fun to explore. By the way getting headshots with the bow is so satisfying - as is shooting and chattering pots with your pistol!temple begins to burn down.
I dont understand the framerate complaints. Ive been playing on the 360 with the game installed and its been as smooth as butter for me so far.
finished the game today (360), took me about 12 hours with all optional tombs.
i really wanted to hate this game after all the marketing bullshit and nonsense from the developers. but i cant, the game is really good and i enjoyed it.
yes: it lacks identity and borrows heavily from other games, laras transformation is handled poorly, sometimes there is too much focus on action/combat and its not like the old games (which i loved) at all. its also pretty shallow if you really think about it (like the arkham games and assassins creed are shallow).
so why did i like it that much? the game just plays well, has a great atmosphere, does all the uncharted stuff (combat, traversal, exploration, story, characters, cinematic moments) better than uncharted itself and it looks stunning.
the combat feels and plays better than uncharted, with more interesting combat situations and more options that keep the combat interesting.
the game is what i always wanted uncharted to be: a good mix of cinematic action and adventure/exploration elements. it also doesnt feel as restrictive as the uncharted games (more open levels, exploration is rewarded, replay value).
despite laras unrealistic transformation in the beginning, she is still one of the better written female videogame characters (i know thats not saying much...) and the story is decent. pretty much all of the other characters suck (sterotypes galore. angry black woman, spiritual indian guy, shady scientist, nerd..really?) but in the end, its ok. the whole stuff about the island is well done and almost every hidden item reveals a bit of back story about the stuff that went down.
the visuals are fantastic (one of the best looking console games for sure) but the framerate is pretty bad. the game almost never manages to run with 30 fps, in some later areas its drops heavily (25 ish). at least there is no tearing...
i also noticed that the game stutters heavily for about 10 seconds once you get an achievement.
the optional tombs are a real disappointment: while they look great, they are way to easy and short. each one doesnt take longer than 2-3 minuts to solve. if there is a sequel to this game, i hope they improve on this. i like the idea to "exclude" the tombs from the main game, but they should be longer and harder, not just 2-3 rooms that only look great.
i would rate it 7.5 out of 10. i really liked it but there is a lot of room for improvement.
The particle effects of TR are incredible no doubt. But the environments just do not match the variety of Uncharted 3's imo
This is an uncharted clone from top to bottom. Doesn't try to bring its own style, it's a straight up copy. Even the way Lara moves, it's the female version of Nate. There's no exploration to be had, you might get one alternate path here and there, but the bigger areas is just an illusion. Make no mistake you've got one path with plenty of enemies ahead of you. Puzzles consist of open the gas pipe, open the wind tunnels, or rock something back and forth until a scripted event takes place and opens the way forward. Platforming is okay but most of it is very easy jumps that you can't miss, the shimmy across ledges which has been a simple left to right, and climbing up walls with your pick axe. No risk taking.
nice impressions/review. so after finishing the game, do you think the reboot helped the franchise? was it worth it for a 7.5 game?
poor guy, you need to play more games.
You first point is a matter of taste, but I'd chalk that up to the dynamic between enemies and the player in shooters not evolving AT ALL since F.E.A.R. in 2005. Case in point, in shooters where you have a bullet time mechanic, NO other enemies have it. There's no back + forth slow motion duels, enemies don't roll + dive with the same grace you do, none of them use cover as quickly as you do, none of them dodge shots the way that you can with bullet time, etc. In this regard, shooters need to take some direction from character action games where 2, or more, characters of equal size and skill battle each other. Those are usually the most fun fights of the game. I'd like to see more shooters with enemies that have THE SAME options as the player. Only then will combat in these games evolve a bit.
As for Uncharted, Infamous, and Dead Space 2, I don't agree with those at all. Uncharted 1 + 3, and both Infamous titles feature a ton of badly designed combat encounters featuring weak sound, weak impact, bullet sponges, and non-responsive enemy feedback. Dead Space 2 isn't as bad in those areas (especially sound), but I still wouldn't put it among the great third person shooters.
Oh really? That's rich coming from someone who hasn't even played the game...
Then again youve always wanted to hate this, so your opinion means very little.
Come on man :lol
If that comment came from anyone else it probably wouldn't have sounded so ridiculous to me. But how can you of all people call out bias for this game?