Wait, can I use my netflix membership between regions? or are you planning to sign up to Canadian netflix?
Using the VPN link in the op(unblock us), you get to switch between regions.
Wait, can I use my netflix membership between regions? or are you planning to sign up to Canadian netflix?
Using the VPN link in the op(unblock us), you get to switch between regions.
Yep, but what about my questionsI already use unblock.us but haven't tried switching regions yet
With your US Netflix subscription you can access all regions using Unblock Us.
That's how I watch Stargate SG1 from Swedish Netflix. With my US Netflix account. In Australia.
I'm about to put down the $5 for the vpn service. So much good stuff out there.
Do the trial first and make sure it will work with your primary netflix viewing source. I couldn't get it to work with my PC but it works with my Vita, tablet and phone.
Is that the original Let The Right One In? Amazing book, haven't seen either film yet.
Will add the list to the OP when I get home.
The only two I don't agree with is apartment 143, and The Devil Inside. Especially TDI. Such a troll film that doesn't deserve even an honorable mention. It shits on you for watching one of the most cliche, predictable, horror films since movies were invented.
Will add the list to the OP when I get home.
The only two I don't agree with is apartment 143, and The Devil Inside. Especially TDI. Such a troll film that doesn't deserve even an honorable mention. It shits on you for watching one of the most cliche, predictable, horror films since movies were invented.
Yeah, it's the foreign, and better, version.
I watched a horror movie on Netflix where Jenna Jameson turned into a zombie and shot pool balls out of her vagina. In that context TDI wasn't quite an atrocity to me.
He missed Grave Encounters. That movie should be in everyone's list. I agree with the devil inside though.
They took them off?? wtf I was in the middle of Laguna beach season 1 and Jersey shore season 4! fucking netflix and mtv
Lol, what's the name of it?
How is part 2?
I wish they could get the Tales From The Crypt tv series streaming, I would marathon that easily.
I've seen quite a bit of horror on Netflix streaming and I've put together a list of recommended movies on the service, based on my viewing experience.
I have around 2,200 movies rated, most of them horror, so I've probably missed a few but, these are some of the ones that stuck with me and I would watch again.
Have you seen The Pact? I thought it was pretty creepy, and it was nice to see Casper Van Dien in a decent movie.
These 2 were entertaining IMO. Citadel was the better movie but storage 24 was still a fun watch.
http://www.followingyourfears.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/storage-24.jpg[/ IMG]
[IMG]http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMzIwMTQ2NTAyM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDIzMjQ0OA@@._V1_SX214_.jpg[/ IMG][/QUOTE]
The second one isnt showing up.
[quote="Bl4ckSunsh1n3, post: 56615968"]Zombie Strippers. It looks like it was taken down. I watched it a few months back. The dynamic content can be frustrating.
Not as good as part one IMO.[/QUOTE]
Ah I remember the movie now. Never watched it though.
How is part 2?
I've seen quite a bit of horror on Netflix streaming and I've put together a list of recommended movies on the service, based on my viewing experience. The top movies are in no particular order as I would recommend watching all of them for a myriad of reasons.
The Shrine
Lovely Molly
Yellow Brick Road
I have around 2,200 movies rated, most of them horror, so I've probably missed a few but, these are some of the ones that stuck with me and I would watch again.
These 2 were entertaining IMO. Citadel was the better movie but storage 24 was still a fun watch.
The only two I don't agree with is apartment 143, and The Devil Inside. Especially TDI. Such a troll film that doesn't deserve even an honorable mention. It shits on you for watching one of the most cliche, predictable, horror films since movies were invented.
I had no idea there were so many Hellraiser movies.
Man they added some actual classics in that list that weren't highlighted.
Breakin' 2 : Electric Boogaloo
Daywatch (should've added Nightwatch)
Disturbing Behavior
Agree 100%. Both of those films were giant wastes if time clearly looking to just cash in on the Mockumentary Horror genre with as minimal effort as possible. They're not even so-bad-they're-good flicks. Just bad.
Grave Encounters was much better at taking the Mockumentary Horror genre and doing something worthwhile with it. I wasn't expecting it to be good, but it was.
Grave Encounters 2 is good as well, better than the first I'd argue, but the first act is probably the worst first act of anything ever. It's so bad that I couldn't blame you if you decided to just cut it off. But once things get rolling it's pretty damn good.
Pontypool deserves more love too. Very unique take on the ''apocalyptic plague" premise and succeeds in being engaging while remaining extremely minimalist.
Most people don't pay attention to the classics.![]()
TV or movie?Any good comedies to watch.
The Fast and the Furious ('55, Classic, Action)
just noticed that they finally added seasons 2 and 3 of justified to uk netflix. fuck yeah.
TV or movie?
just noticed that they finally added seasons 2 and 3 of justified to uk netflix. fuck yeah.