well look who it is
well look who it is
That is one thing that stands out the most to me after season 4 is just the insane level of sloppiness and seeming apathy toward any kind of quality, just no brainer stuff like what you mentioned, horrible green-screen shots etc.The graphic design guy who encourages Pam to go to school in S4's Job Fair is the same actor as the Sabre IT guy in S6- (Nelson Franklin), but he's not playing the same character. Weird casting decision.
Man, mid-season 6 really sucks. You get Scott's Tots, you get Michael at the shareholder's meeting, you get the clip show, you get the Jim-Michael co-manager plotline. Yuck.
Michael at the shareholder meeting confidently declares to the board of directors that his branch has "always" been the most profitable branch, but we know that's not true because as recently as two years before that episode his branch was 4th of 5. Also, they hold him up as an example of a shining bright spot in Dunder Mifflin--this after he quit the company and tanked their business for personal gain and they had to spend 60 grand just to reset to status-quo.
The graphic design guy who encourages Pam to go to school in S4's Job Fair is the same actor as the Sabre IT guy in S6- (Nelson Franklin), but he's not playing the same character. Weird casting decision.
Man, mid-season 6 really sucks. You get Scott's Tots, you get Michael at the shareholder's meeting, you get the clip show, you get the Jim-Michael co-manager plotline. Yuck.
Michael at the shareholder meeting confidently declares to the board of directors that his branch has "always" been the most profitable branch, but we know that's not true because as recently as two years before that episode his branch was 4th of 5. Also, they hold him up as an example of a shining bright spot in Dunder Mifflin--this after he quit the company and tanked their business for personal gain and they had to spend 60 grand just to reset to status-quo.
The graphic design guy who encourages Pam to go to school in S4's Job Fair is the same actor as the Sabre IT guy in S6- (Nelson Franklin), but he's not playing the same character. Weird casting decision.
Man, mid-season 6 really sucks. You get Scott's Tots, you get Michael at the shareholder's meeting, you get the clip show, you get the Jim-Michael co-manager plotline. Yuck.
Michael at the shareholder meeting confidently declares to the board of directors that his branch has "always" been the most profitable branch, but we know that's not true because as recently as two years before that episode his branch was 4th of 5. Also, they hold him up as an example of a shining bright spot in Dunder Mifflin--this after he quit the company and tanked their business for personal gain and they had to spend 60 grand just to reset to status-quo.
Dwight and Angela's sex contract, omg I forgot how bad this arc was. Dwight throwing weapons out the side of his car as cops pull him over. Dwight demolishing Jim and Pam's cupboards. OMG OMG
Remember when Jim went to meet Pam when he proposed at the gas station in the rain? All that rain was CG, there was so much effects work on that shot that just looked great. They shot that on a sunny afternoon, but you'd never know it.. then you get shit like the Green screen wedding and you can visibly see how much they stopped caring about making it look believable.
This Green Screen from the Season 6 "Lazy Scranton" extended cut is the worst the show has ever used hahaha:
I guess we can explain it away by arguing that Michael himself did the green screen to make the video.
That one where Michael was supposed to be in New York and I think it was in the end tag of some later episode. Can't remember where but it's pathetic.
That scene hjas always bothered me so much. I am a huge huge huge huge huge Office fan, and I think that is the worst scene they've shot in the whole run of the show. There is one scene when Erin was in Florida in season 8 that was shot "outside" in "Florida" and it looked ridiculous too. But that scene looking at the landfill for those sales lead cards was idiotic, agreed. Love the show though, with it's warts and all. Right up to and including this season.OMG never mind, this is the worst Green Screen the Office has ever done:
I actually loved all of this... Loved Dwight bashing the cabinets with a sledgehammer, listening to metal. I used to know the name of the song they were playing at that moment... found it online somewhere. Now I can't find it. I think the music they use on The Office is mostly excellent.Dwight and Angela's sex contract, omg I forgot how bad this arc was. Dwight throwing weapons out the side of his car as cops pull him over. Dwight demolishing Jim and Pam's cupboards. OMG OMG
I think you have in mind the episode where David Wallace wants to consult Michael on the branch's success while Dwight and Andy go at it over Angela
That scene has always bothered me so much. I am a huge huge huge huge huge Office fan, and I think that is the worst scene they've shot in the whole run of the show. There is one scene when Erin was in Florida in season 8 that was shot "outside" in "Florida" and it looked ridiculous too. But that scene looking at the landfill for those sales lead cards was idiotic, agreed. Love the show though, with it's warts and all. Right up to and including this season.
Came in here to post about Erin's green screen. That was easily the worst green screen I've ever seen on this show. Worse than Michael and Dwight at the dump by FAR. It was so awful and noticeable! Could they really not have just filmed outside for that 30 second scene? Or skipped it entirely? It was so unnecessary and sloppy.
OMG never mind, this is the worst Green Screen the Office has ever done:
BTW - what is the "green screen wedding" scene everyone keeps referring to? I thought they shot on location at the falls?
It was the episode two weeks ago when Pam rushes to give Jim the umbrella, they did weird flashbacks to their wedding, but the shot of them at the altar was clearly green screened, and not part of the original wedding ep. It was very noticeable because they had sandwiched it with a real shot from the episode of Michael sitting in the pews.
BTW - what is the "green screen wedding" scene everyone keeps referring to? I thought they shot on location at the falls?
Are we to think now that Pam and Jim have a prayer?
Because it REALLY seemed like they didn't. I still think they don't but wow, they sent some mixed messages. Based on how he embraced her, he appears to really be into her still. Almost made me want to hug my own ex.
He appeared to be more into him than she. But I could be reading that wrong.
That one where Michael was supposed to be in New York and I think it was in the end tag of some later episode. Can't remember where but it's pathetic.
Came in here to post about Erin's green screen. That was easily the worst green screen I've ever seen on this show. Worse than Michael and Dwight at the dump by FAR. It was so awful and noticeable! Could they really not have just filmed outside for that 30 second scene? Or skipped it entirely? It was so unnecessary and sloppy.
obviously idk I just want to see the show end but I'll just tell you now that people might not want that spoiled for them
If anyone who is still watching this show cares about spoilers two episodes from finishing, then dear god they need to watch other television.... NBC put out a press release, it's not really a secret.
Can anyone link me to the final episode spoilers? Thanks
I can't believe that I never noticed those awful green screen shots before. I guess I was more caught up in the episodes or something. I really don't know.
well look who it is
Wow I must have repressed any memory of watching season 6. I forgot all about this stuff but now I remember how bad the Sabre storylines were.
I completely forgot James Spader was even on the show. That's how forgettable that year was.
James Spader was on the show?
... Oh right! Him. Yeah that was.... a thing that... happened or something. What was the point of him again?
I completely forgot James Spader was even on the show. That's how forgettable that year was.
Oh, and Jim to drink and drive.
In news that will shock absolutely no one on the planet, Steve Carrell will in fact be in the finale.. Apparently it's a 'cameo', but he'll be there.