Origami is the bunnygirl name?
Nah. Origami is the white haired girl. Yoshino is the blue haired one.
Edit: suuuuuuper late!
Origami is the bunnygirl name?
No, but this was, like, reeeeeeealy lewd. Like, it sets off the :sdburton alarm. Or at least I think it does.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
I haven't been so thoroughly satisfied with an anime in a while.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica 1
This is gonna take me for a ride, isn't it?
Puella Magi Madoka Magica 1
This is gonna take me for a ride, isn't it?
I'm just guessing here, but you know the iron shonen death rule, no?Hataraku Maou 6
I think the Playstation Pasta would do much better than the Vita.
I figured Lucifer would integrate into modern Japanese society as well. Still kind of weird how, but hey, new world=new start. Also, that may be addressed later.Emi's father's killer is being portrayed
PhotoKano 6
He actually touches it.
PhotoKano 6
All the drama of the last episode is resolved in....30 seconds.
PhotoKano 6
PhotoKano 6
Initial D
I love the manga, but the CGI in the show is so bad i can't watch.
No dammit, you're dropped!
It sure will Syrinx and as you can see with Peace's reaction here you're going to love it. Though I do feel bad that you won't know the true joys of MOOOOOORNING RESCUUUUUUUUUUE!
The show has been all about lewdness, why drop over that in particular?
The show has been all about lewdness, why drop over that in particular?
Photo Kano 6
Yeah, they really don't give a shit anymore do they?
And, I suppose this is going to play out like Amagami? Seems like it anyway.
looks like i'm gonna have to pick this up again... for the yuasa that is. yeah, that's right!PhotoKano 6
All the drama of the last episode is resolved in....30 seconds. The rest was pretty much this:He actually touches it.
Next up is Kaori Mizuhashi's character, and Yuasa's storyboarding it? I don't even know what to expect from that. If they are doing 2 episodes per character and the 1st one is where the drama happens, well, maybe it will be interesting.
Yes, that's it. lollooks like i'm gonna have to pick this up again... for the yuasa that is. yeah, that's right!
I'm just guessing here, but you know the iron shonen death rule, no?If you don't see a character die, he's probably not dead.
Lots of original anime get manga/LN versions, don't they?
The only light novel I own is a Gatekeepers one set between the TV series and the OVA.
-.-- --- ..- .- .-. . -... --- - .... ... .. .-.. .-.. -.--
Welcome to the NHK! - 14
What the hell. Misaki's flinching at Satou's punch gestures were unsettling to say the least.
Pretty funny how all of the Offline Meeting members got their problems resolved... except Satou. He's too good for the world.
Origami is the short white-haired girl. Yoshino is bunny girl.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica 1
Yo man, this was out there.
First there was that bizarre dream Madoka had, then she has breakfast with her awesome family, her mother and baby brother being the best. Then this weird girl from Madoka's dream shows up and warns/threatens her. Then Madoka and her friend are at the mall and they find this animal thing, and then shit got really weird. Like, trippy, but dark. Scary even. In the end, this girl saves them and they become magical girls.
Something about the atmosphere of this show is different. Very subdued. This is gonna take me for a ride, isn't it?
Also, what was with that transformation in the OP? Looked lewd as all hell.
I'm jealous that you're experiencing all this great anime for the first time.
Actually, both of them are really cute! Maybe there is more to it than clockface.
I don't know this existed.
Did they ever explain whose kid the girl in Gatekeepers 21 was?she's not Ruriko's daughter with Shun apparently
I've been wondering about this for a little while.
Since I wasn't lurking AnimeGAF when Sword Art Online was airing, did people know the show was going to turn to utter crap from the beginning, since the light novels were already out?
I wonder why I basically have an addiction to this thread no matter how much I hate it sometimes. Could be because my life is pretty empty otherwise, I guess.
I've been wondering about this for a little while.
Since I wasn't lurking AnimeGAF when Sword Art Online was airing, did people know the show was going to turn to utter crap from the beginning, since the light novels were already out?
I've been wondering about this for a little while.
Since I wasn't lurking AnimeGAF when Sword Art Online was airing, did people know the show was going to turn to utter crap from the beginning, since the light novels were already out?
I've been wondering about this for a little while.
Since I wasn't lurking AnimeGAF when Sword Art Online was airing, did people know the show was going to turn to utter crap from the beginning, since the light novels were already out?
I wonder why I basically have an addiction to this thread no matter how much I hate it sometimes. Could be because my life is pretty empty otherwise, I guess.
Cardcaptor Sakura 18
Episode had no business being as boring as it was. I really hope the show hasn't reached some sort of spike in quality, as every episode prior to this one has been great.
Oh yeah, zeroshiki, you may be happy/interested to hear that I just received one of the Bungaku Shoujo books just a couple of days ago. It's actually looks like it's the second one but it was a present from someone so no big deal and I think you mentioned they're more or less stand alone anyway? I haven't started to read it yet but I will soon.
Yeah, Shun married someone else. His wife isn't a character in any of the anime, and there isn't really much about her.