STEAM announcements & updates 2013 II - ITT we buy $1 games and complain about them

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Apparently you can turn it off. Why would you want to turn it off though?
Personal preference? Drinking blood to heal yourself is useless later in the game when you're practically an invincible god of destruction. Glad to know you have the option, though.

Personally, I never necksnapped in SR3. When using someone as a shield, the best way to end it is to throw them as far as you can.
Serious Sam is more fun than most modern FPS, which isn't too much of an accomplishment but for the very mindless run and gun that it is it's fine.

But when a friend wanted me to play it again to co-op it with him, it was the worst. That game does not hold up to repeated playthroughs, I was either falling asleep during it or trying to sneak away and minimize the game in the hopes that he wouldn't notice me idling in the corner.


Sucks to be me now, who missed all the Brazil-Gaffers >.<

Same here. That should show me for stepping away from the computer for half an hour :(

Anyway, let me know if there's some kind of queue for this. Would love to go Civ-dipping again.


Axel Hertz
How much will Valve hate me and my main account if I attach my Paypal account to my alt account(s) so I can buy more copies of the game for Gaffers?


How much will Valve hate me and my main account if I attach my Paypal account to my alt account(s) so I can buy more copies of the game for Gaffers?

Shouldn't matter, I think? And you could also take my tickets and sell them for Steam wallet funds!


Serious Sam is more fun than most modern FPS, which isn't too much of an accomplishment but for the very mindless run and gun that it is it's fine.

But when a friend wanted me to play it again to co-op it with him, it was the worst. That game does not hold up to repeated playthroughs, I was either falling asleep during it or trying to sneak away and minimize the game in the hopes that he wouldn't notice me idling in the corner.

Isn't it just Enemy Spam: The Game?


Isn't it just Enemy Spam: The Game?

That's not doing it justice. Or at least not fully, the composition of the enemy-waves makes the game interesting. Who do I kill with what weapon first, what enemies are the most dangerous right now and so on.


I have L4D2 and i've never even heard of the other games.

I do like the weekly card updates for games though. I guess we can assume 10 more next week?


How much will Valve hate me and my main account if I attach my Paypal account to my alt account(s) so I can buy more copies of the game for Gaffers?

They won't hate you, I used to do the same. You'll be able to buy the same amount of copies on the second account (6-8).


A little disappointing that They Bleed Pixels is not among the games which added new trading cards today. I always wanted to play that and the cards really give "incentive" to dig into your backlog. Ah well, time to idle in L4D2 then.


Axel Hertz
Price has been fixed.

Got one more out to delirium. Cherish it!

Edit: I even booted up my second computer with 6 steam alt accounts to try to figure something out. Oh well.


A little disappointing that They Bleed Pixels is not among the games which added new trading cards today. I always wanted to play that and the cards really give "incentive" to dig into your backlog. Ah well, time to idle in L4D2 then.
I've heard it's one of the games that's getting cards soon, though. The game I'm most looking forward to cards for though is Dust-- I'm 28/30 and would love to earn cards while replaying in hardcore.
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