STEAM Announcements/Updates 2013 - Summer sale start date? No one knows, don't ask

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Because you should wait for the GOTY edition.
People who bought the original non-GOTY release were unable to purchase various DLC after they were pulled from the Store in favor of the GOTY edition, which they would be forced into buying, having no option to upgrade or buy whatever they were missing themselves. It was/is a pretty crappy situation.
You left out the part where the GOTY edition is considered a different game so your save and achievements don't carry over.

oh, you made it sound like there was something wrong with the game, heh


Unconfirmed Member
The first game and its sequel. The original is a pretty excellent shooter, even now. The sequel is a rather generic shooter, but still a decent game. The third is like a game out of another series that adds a cover system, co-op and an XP system - all of which detract from the style of atmosphere the series attempted to produce.
This man summed up in one phrase what I couldn't clearly state in a long-ass sentence.

I disagree about F.E.A.R. 2 being generic, but I guess everyone has different opinions and such...

Holy shit FEAR is a massive game. Time to clean out the fridge, I suppose.
Yeah, the download comes with both expansions. I don't know why it doesn't let you which ones you want to install. The first one requires the base game, sure, but the second one is stand-alone.


I thought that the story in all three FEAR games were equally terrible.

The firefights were better in 1, but I thought that they were over-hyped, and the graphics were a bit dated even at launch.
Mostly the guns felt solid and the AI had some interesting obstacle traversal.

I liked FEAR 2 the best, overall. 3 was decidedly 'ok'. I never played as the secondary character though. I hear he's neat-o.

edit: FEAR 1 was the only one of the three I couldn't bring myself to finish. After a while everything started to blend together and I got bored.


Feel like playing a shooter, was thinking about picking up F.E.A.R. 1.

Gonna download and start Hard Reset instead. I think that is the only FPS I have left on my backlog

EDIT: Forgot a couple big ones. Star Wars Jedi Knight II, I also want to replay Deus Ex and Human Revolution, but all 3 of these games take longer than I have the time for right now.
Feel like playing a shooter, was thinking about picking up F.E.A.R. 1.

Gonna download and start Hard Reset instead. I think that is the only FPS I have left on my backlog

EDIT: Forgot a couple big ones. Star Wars Jedi Knight II, I also want to replay Deus Ex and Human Revolution, but all 3 of these games take longer than I have the time for right now.

You should wait for the Human Revolution Director's Cut anyway. :)


Axel Hertz
120hz monitor here so 120fps or bust.

seriously though some games look trippy at anything over 60fps and approaching to 120fps ie Dead Space 1 & 2. Devil May Cry 4 and SSFIVAE look uber sweet though.

Maybe i SHOULD spend a bunch of money and replace (read: demote it to secondary screen) my 4 year 24 inch 59hz monitor that has image retention up the ass for a 120hz one.... hrmmm..


They have been coming on Tuesday and Thursday.

This week we have a huge release on Wednesday, since it is coming out of Beta. I'm assuming there won't be a release on Tuesday.

Ah right, it was Tuesday. Well, I just 3 more bucks to buy that Shagbark. :-D
Sooo did anyone pick up Joe Danger? a combo pack for joe danger 1 + 2 is $14.99, otherwise each one is $11.99. Always wanted to play this game. It released today, june 24.


Second-rate Anihawk
Sooo did anyone pick up Joe Danger? a combo pack for joe danger 1 + 2 is $14.99, otherwise each one is $11.99. Always wanted to play this game. It released today, june 24.

I did. It's...ok. I like it, but it doesn't have the addictive qualities of Trials.


Sounds like you're saying it would get boring fairly quickly? that's a dagger for me when deciding to buy a game or not

Who knows, many, many people liked it on consoles, reviews were great and all the different goald should help replayability (you can't get everything in one go). But I had a hard time making my way through the first one and haven't downloaded 2 even though I got it for free. Something felt off, it wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be but I can't explain it.


Unconfirmed Member
No, those are there. I mean keyboard keys. It's a minor thing but it still bums me out when developers assume that everyone is going to take out a controller to play their game.
This shit shouldn't happen. How hard can it be to detect if an Xbox pad is plugged in or not, and then show the appropriate icons?
Who knows, many, many people liked it on consoles, reviews were great and all the different goald should help replayability (you can't get everything in one go). But I had a hard time making my way through the first one and haven't downloaded 2 even though I got it for free. Something felt off, it wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be but I can't explain it.

I hate that feeling :-/ All too common
Feel like playing a shooter, was thinking about picking up F.E.A.R. 1.

I actually played this for the first time last weekend. Great gunplay and atmosphere, pretty good combat scenarios, and the level design felt really organic. Also, the story takes a back seat to the gameplay which could be seen as a positive depending on your preferences. My main gripe was that for a shooter/horror hybrid, it didn't play up on messing with the player's perception nearly as much as I would have hoped. The atmosphere and feeling of walking through abandoned corporate buildings carry the horror aspect almost entirely on their own.

I would definitely recommend playing it.


Finally got a chance to play some co-op in Portal 2 with a friend. I was afraid it'd be kind of troublesome and frustrating to do puzzles together, but it was a lot more fun than I thought it'd be.


Unconfirmed Member
I actually played this for the first time last weekend. Great gunplay and atmosphere, pretty good combat scenarios, and the level design felt really organic. Also, the story takes a back seat to the gameplay which could be seen as a positive depending on your preferences. My main gripe was that for a shooter/horror hybrid, it didn't play up on messing with the player's perception nearly as much as I would have hoped. The atmosphere and feeling of walking through abandoned corporate buildings carry the horror aspect almost entirely on their own.

I would definitely recommend playing it.
This is something I love about the game: it masterfully plays with your expectations, making you feel tense ever since you see the first paranormal shit happening in front of you.

Finally got a chance to play some co-op in Portal 2 with a friend. I was afraid it'd be kind of troublesome and frustrating to do puzzles together, but it was a lot more fun than I thought it'd be.
I don't know how Valve did it (probably stole it from some poor dev), but that co-op campaign was pure genius. It's something that shouldn't work on paper, but it does. Amazingly so.


My first foil, finally. Spent some money on the tf2 store and got another drop. Soldier Foil.

Its only worth like £2.00 now though lol
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