don't be such a prude
be like this guy:
From the $0.01 Metro: Last Light thread
Probably, here's the link to the video and don't forget, Mantis Shrimp have 16 color receptive rods (we have three) so yeah...I don't want to sound like a total dummy but is this for real?
I don't want to sound like a total dummy but is this for real?
Ewww whats all over the wall?
Pretty darn amazing and hilarious 10/10, tres bien
You're a brit?I know one of the posters there. :/
also amazing
sounds like this thread is now Under Construction
Clear silicon putty.What is this? I feel like I've seen it before but it's still so fascinating.
The king of Sweden wearing silly hats.
Ewww whats all over the wall?
if this isn't SyFy's next movie I will be really disappointed
I didn't realize sexually assaulting women made you "cool." What do I know though.That's skisonic from the Fighting Game Community hes cool
It seems really shopped.... but apparently this guy is known for groping?
Who the hell eats beans with their breakfast.
Normal people.
I've never met a normal person who eats beans with breakfast. So this is factually false.
Who the hell eats beans with their breakfast.
You're not welcome in the commonwealth with an attitude like that.
I want to go there, but don't know where it is. Appearantly it's somewhere in Poland.