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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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The Light of El Cantare
Maybe it was just the cumulative negativity. Dude never missed a chance to snipe at Aku no Hana.

This makes a hypocrite of me after what I said about speaking ill of the dead last night, but yeah, repeatedly accusing people of being hipsters and drive-by shitting on a studio that you have a pathological hatred for whenever it's the topic of discussion seem like pretty good ways to get nuked.


Madoka 09

In the process of complaining about Daybreak Illusion, I realized that I forgot to watch the last few episodes of Madoka when it was airing.

I really hope
"Derp, we need power sources and Mahou Shoujo's are da best derp" isn't the real story behind what is going on. I mean, yeah, this show still puts Daybreak Illusion to shame, but....fuuuuuck


Madoka 09

In the process of complaining about Daybreak Illusion, I realized that I forgot to watch the last few episodes of Madoka when it was airing.

I really hope
"Derp, we need power sources and Mahou Shoujo's are da best derp" isn't the real story behind what is going on. I mean, yeah, this show still puts Daybreak Illusion to shame, but....fuuuuuck

is always the best justification for everything, trufax.
Sailor Mercury 8

The real main waifu has appeared! And it's AMI!

Oh Usagi, you're so dumb. Everyone knows how to use computers to an extent!

So yeah, clearly Ami must have some form of depression considering she's pretty smart, and I know my stereos very well! Needless to say, we gain someone new to balance out Usagi and her outbursts.

Mercury's stock footage is shorter than Sailor Moons, she's very considerate to her viewers, even giving us a near underskirt (which we already've seen based on Moon's stock footage).

Although judging from comments, Sailor Moon's going to be snagging the kills, although I guess it helps out that she's not a complete I'm super better than my useless friends a la Aida Mana.


The Light of El Cantare
Kimi no Iru Machi 1:

There's no way that this doesn't become a clusterfuck and it's Gonzo'd to hell and back but I'm a Yamauchi whore so I'll watch this to completion regardless of quality.


Sailor Mercury 8

The real main waifu has appeared! And it's AMI!

Oh Usagi, you're so dumb. Everyone knows how to use computers to an extent!

So yeah, clearly Ami must have some form of depression considering she's pretty smart, and I know my stereos very well! Needless to say, we gain someone new to balance out Usagi and her outbursts.

Mercury's stock footage is shorter than Sailor Moons, she's very considerate to her viewers, even giving us a near underskirt (which we already've seen based on Moon's stock footage).

Although judging from comments, Sailor Moon's going to be snagging the kills, although I guess it helps out that she's not a complete I'm super better than my useless friends a la Aida Mana.

Watch Mercury's shabon spray attack. There is a colorization error right as she crosses her arms.


Monogatari S2: Episode 2

The continued Arraragi-less interactions between Hanekawa and Senjougahara are still interesting. Black Hanekawa is less fun with less hair and more clothes.

Oh yeah, and you guys werem't kidding, the shower scene was delicious.


Kimi no Iru Machi 1:

There's no way that this doesn't become a clusterfuck and it's Gonzo'd to hell and back but I'm a Yamauchi whore so I'll watch this to completion regardless of quality.

Did you watch his From The New World eps? So many limb shots.

It's funny, I'd forgotten this was Gonzo and then I watched the OP and realised immediately. I don't know how to explain how you can always tell when a show is by Gonzo or Deen, but it must be something in the colours they use or how homogenous their anime character designs end up being, I don't know.

It amazes me that Gonzo shows STILL look like they did before their financial problems. Clearly it's still the same people working there as before, churning out the same old stuff.
Uchoten Kazoku

I have a doubt. The mentioned
Tanuki eaters... are normal people eating one thinking it was a normal animal, or are they actively hunting tanukis to gain magical powers or luck or who knows what? It's something I'm really interested into knowing, as it's important in the relations of the tanukis and humans and in the Benten vs Yasaburo relationship.
If it's the second option... hell killing and eating what you know it's a sentient intelligent being is atrocious.

I suppose I will have to wait a pair of episodes to know.


Kin'iro Mosaic 2

"Miss Karasuma, your English sounds a little awkward!"

I think this line should be saved for posterity as the greatest example of hypocrisy and irony ever spoken.


Daybreak Illusion

Outside of the battle sequences it's not particularly interesting. It's not the "grimdark" atmosphere (not that it's really THAT dark) that means it's a Madoka ripoff - it's the spiky sort-of-pre-pubescent character designs, the colours, the off-kilter production styling whenever "magic" things happen.

You're not the first person I've seen compare the character designs to Madoka, but I'm not really sure I agree with that - Illusions designs kind of look like the bastard child of some of the worst excesses of the 90s and the anime designs for Higurashi. I can't stand them, honestly.

Madoka's designs do, at least, have a little bit of meat to them despite the chunky faces, and the adults at least didn't look like they were six. Madoka was on the only one with particularly spikey hair as well.


Love Lab: 02

I don't know... Its kinda good, but I'm still not feeling it. Its not really drawing me in enough. I'll go one more episode, but if I'm still not feeling it then, I'm dropping this.
Sailor Moon 9

With Usagi being late all the damn time, it's nice that she's actually thinking about time, so this time, she goes to a cheap clock store, but not before having special time with Ami and cultivating her to become the big perv of the group.

You know, how do they not notice how new places just keep opening up, matter of fact, how do the bad guys keep getting all of these new buildings?

Mercury's ear-rings precedes Sonic 2k6's Eggman shades as being one of the greatest things ever invented. Ami actually listens to cats instead of going IT'LL BE FINE, despite the fact that it never was the last 8 times. Then again, Luna did fuck up in thinking Ami was a Youma.

That's a butt. Is this the real beginning of Moon the Sailor!?


Maturity, bitches.
What's bad is I misread Kayos' question as "Who is Pot Pot" so I instinctively thought "it's that little purple car that went on the parade innit"

Hey AnimeGAF, has anyone seen Michiko To Hatchin? It comes out in September on Blu-Ray, but I'm not sure I want to pay Funimations exorbitant prices for it. Is there any reason they needed to split this into two sets?
Looks like some bad shit went down all because of SAO while I was gone. Damn you, Kawahara! Will you truly not be satisfied until the whole world is in ashes?!


Kin'iro Mosaic 2

"Miss Karasuma, your English sounds a little awkward!"

I think this line should be saved for posterity as the greatest example of hypocrisy and irony ever spoken.

the engrish is sooooooooooo :cajun.

You're not the first person I've seen compare the character designs to Madoka, but I'm not really sure I agree with that - Illusions designs kind of look like the bastard child of some of the worst excesses of the 90s and the anime designs for Higurashi. I can't stand them, honestly.

Madoka's designs do, at least, have a little bit of meat to them despite the chunky faces, and the adults at least didn't look like they were six. Madoka was on the only one with particularly spikey hair as well.

I still think they look like the Kujibiki Unbalance show designs.


Looks like some bad shit went down all because of SAO while I was gone. Damn you, Kawahara! Will you truly not be satisfied until the whole world is in ashes?!
You just don't get it, all Kawahara wanted was to create a new world by putting us all in an uncomfortable but interesting situation.
His goal has a noble charm to it.


Crowds > Uchoten Kazoku > Free > Love Lab

4 good anime with only the last two in the risk of being dropped if they can't keep up the momentum. Not a bad season.
Doki Doki Precure 24

Madoka Aguri, Fourth Grader reporting in for the Jojo's Bizarre Posing Contest!

Madoka is someone who has the appearance of a kid, but the sophistification of an older person, understanding the love and texture of a food in one bite, along with measuring the quality of the chef behind it. Yes, even she understands just how great Sebastian is. She has her moments of adorable.

And then goes into straight asshole mode, primarily to Makoto, who failed at singing yesterday, even Madoka knew how disappointing she was. In some ways, I think Madoka is like a caricature of our disappointments in the other Cures, and Sword certainly hasn't been doing her best as a Cure either, failing to kill anyone after becoming friends with Mana (friends are for the weak, Toei?)

So Makoto wants to quit, and then everyone wants to change her mind, and then Ai with the plot device lovies, and then communicating with Queenie. Dat Cure Ace interruption. Dat Purple "GET HYPE! ACE SHOT". And Sword tags along to kill off the Selfish.

So seeing this in action, I guess I'm still worried for the Ace of Hearts show, because the others still need someone else in order to be able to kill something, which Heart didn't need last episode. The other two (especially Rosetta) I have fears about because they have a whopping zero kills.

First five minutes was some of the greatest moments in DokiDoki Precure.

NEXT TIME: Cure Passion and
Cure Sebastian


Crowds>Uchouten>Free!>Illya>Monogatari S2
Pretty much the only shows that keep my interest this season.
Also started watch C: The money blah blah blah, this has some horrid ass cg.
This season is disappointing to me. Gainax anime was a kon rip off and they know it, crowds was a big disappointment, everything else is watch me and my moe teenage girlfriends...still got Free, Danganronpa and Monogatari though. I hope at least one is great.


This season is disappointing to me. Gainax anime was a kon rip off and they know it, crowds was a big disappointment, everything else is watch me and my moe teenage girlfriends...still got Free, Danganronpa and Monogatari though. I hope at least one is great.
I don't think C3's problem is being a K-ON! clone. The problem is just that while it tries to be K-ON! NeoGAINAX lacks the ability to make it work making an awkward mess of things.


Madoka 12 (end)


I'm just going to watch this GIF on loop until the wuts have gone.


You can't give the main character Deus Ex Machina powers and then not have the ending be sparkling clean and idyllic. I know it's entropy rearing its ugly head, but fffffuuuuu

I'm usually down for some Oguri Shun J-Drama. Thanks.


Kimi no Iru Machi 1

Random Thought #1: Why is the OP full of topless girls? This seems slightly bizarre, not that I'm complaining.

Random Thought #2: Oh god the main character's voice. When he speaks, all I can hear is Yasuri Shichika from Katanagatari. Despite the fact that this character speaks in Hiroshima-ben while Shichika didn't have any particular dialect, the intonation, tone, everything about the voice just feels identical. It doesn't help that the voice doesn't really match this character's face very well.

Come to think of it, is this seiyuu (Hosoya Yoshimasa) some kind of dialect specialist? I feel like every notable role of his I can think of except for Shichika has had some kind of explicit strong dialect. As Arata in Chihayafuru he does a remarkable Fukui-ben, and as Sentarou in Apollon he did Nagasaki-ben. And now in this he's doing Hiroshima-ben. Apparently the seiyuu himself is from Hiroshima, so perhaps this is his "natural" accent. Either way it still sounds like Shichika, though.

Random Thought #3: Oh, speaking of characters whose voices don't match their faces - look, here's a guy voiced by Daisuke Ono. I can see why they picked Ono for him, since it matches the guy's character, but it still doesn't match his face at all. Sigh.

Overall, the voices in this show are vaguely irritating me, the visuals aren't very appealing, and nothing about the story is drawing me in. I think I might just drop this one right now. God knows I could do with dropping something, after all.
Madoka 12 (end)


I'm just going to watch this GIF on loop until the wuts have gone.


You can't give the main character Deus Ex Machina powers and then not have the ending be sparkling clean and idyllic.

Overall series was a deconstruction of what we though Mahou Shoujos were, and it was pretty much explained that Madoka's wishes became more powerful each time Homura went back in time to prevent everything from happening. This is even shown in episode 10 in regards to how long Madoka lasted in each time period, implicating that her wishes made her stronger and stronger each time. It's not really a DEM considering it builds up to it. The clean and idyllic ending is just to reconstruct it back into Mahou Shoujos as we know it.
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