In case you weren't buying mecha models, they needed a new strategy for your dollars.
We should get the reverse of this. Mecha mahou shoujo!
Isn't that basically what Super Robot Girls Z is?
We should get the reverse of this. Mecha mahou shoujo!
Enjoy it!RT @ErosThanatus: Tsuritama BD is finally here! (≧∇≦
/ @SentaiFilmworks pic.twitter.com/hkah32LXeP
Do I have to spell it out for you?
There are also Gundam Girls:
Wing, Wing Zero Custom, and Stamen.
So I'm doing a Fumoffu rewatch. Holy shit, I forgot how great this was. Episode 9 is the best onsen episode ever. The sakuga at the end, camera angles, and emotions are all topnotch. Dat ending. The rugby episode is so good. The trashtalk at the end, omfg.
Man, I really need to give the Gundam series a shot. But there's too damn many of them and I have no idea where to start.
mahou shoujo mecha != mecha mahou shoujoIsn't that basically what Super Robot Girls Z is?
Fumoffu was pretty awesome. It also gave us the Bonta-Kun unit in SRW J and W, which was all manner of funny.
Shinji going SEED mode is still one of the best moments in that series.
It's not like people haven't been pirating it for months already and it makes any difference to them so it's good they are being reasonable.Cajun, Sentai doesn't have any problem with Tsuritama being out in the wild.
Would we have giant girls transforming into giant robots? hmmmmm.......
Time for Kawamori to make a Macross mahou shoujo starring a micloned Meltradi.
mahou shoujo mecha != mecha mahou shoujo
The panties breaking, o m g .
Shinji also gets a justly reward.
Poor Shinji, after all that effort, those manly speeches, and dodging lasers like nobody's biz, I almost felt bad for him.
It's still a toss up for me if the spa episode in Fumoffu is best, or if the spa episode in Gurren Lagann is best. Cuz the Gurren Lagann spa episode was pretty damn funny.
i mean was this a topic of a specific eps?
i wonder how many retcon will be necessary to make AGE tolerable.
So you want this?Not a robot.I want my shiny metal.
Places I would recommend you start if you're interested: 1)Mobile Suit Gundam 0079, which is the original show. Holds up pretty well and Char is forever a sexy beast. 2)Mobile Fighter G Gundam. A more Super Robot Tournament sorta show with lots of bromance and manly tears and hot blooded shouting going on. 3) New Mobile Report Gundam Wing, which is often people's first experience. It has the best mecha designs in the entire series, I think, caters a bit to the yaoi fangirls, but also has some pretty awesome fights and stuff.
Let's just stick with giant girls.
I don't even know anymore, all I want is this:This is getting to be a mouthful. Which one is giant robots in mini skirts and which one is girls firing rocket punches?
I don't remember the Gurren one ending with someone's sausage in their face.
Agreed on these points, though as far as 0079 goes I think the movies are a better place to start over the series. In addition, Zeta is quite a worthy follow-up.
I don't even know anymore, all I want is this:
I have to see the Zeta movies and if they change my feelings of Zeta, 'cuz I watched the series dubbed and was unimpressed. Several characters fall apart at the end and there's a lot of doing the same thing again and again. Got real sick of people stealing a ship and escaping the Argama.
I prefer ZZ to Z.
That said Kamille was awesome and the Zeta Gundam is still the best Gundam in UC.
Neptunia 03
Commie has killed me. Fucking reflected subs in the reflection ooh my god
Let's just stick with giant girls.
The Zeta movies....eh, they're alright, I suppose. The new footage interspersed with the existing footage really sticks out in a not-so-good way, plus there are some dubious story alterations.
Has the PV for Robot Girls Z been posted yet?
2 face girl is best.
Though I hate how they draw her profile.
In case you weren't buying mecha models, they needed a new strategy for your dollars.
Isn't that basically what Super Robot Girls Z is?
Cajun, Sentai doesn't have any problem with Tsuritama being out in the wild.
Neptunia 03
Commie has killed me. Fucking reflected subs in the reflection ooh my god
On one hand I commend the creativity. On the other hand, this is not very professional AT ALL. And I know this isnt a professional fansub group and its all in fun but its kinda against the whole point of subtitling.
The scene and the whole show are probably the stupidest things I've ever seen. I can't blame them for having their fun with it.
Neptunia 03
Commie has killed me. Fucking reflected subs in the reflection ooh my god
Places I would recommend you start if you're interested: 1)Mobile Suit Gundam 0079, which is the original show. Holds up pretty well and Char is forever a sexy beast. 2)Mobile Fighter G Gundam. A more Super Robot Tournament sorta show with lots of bromance and manly tears and hot blooded shouting going on. 3) New Mobile Report Gundam Wing, which is often people's first experience. It has the best mecha designs in the entire series, I think, caters a bit to the yaoi fangirls, but also has some pretty awesome fights and stuff.
But are they the stupidest things IVE ever seen?
The Zeta movies....eh, they're alright, I suppose. The new footage interspersed with the existing footage really sticks out in a not-so-good way, plus there are some dubious story alterations.
I can understand your stance on the series...I guess what you point out didn't really bother me that much. ZZ is pretty good once it finds it's footing after the first few episodes. Moon-moon arc aside.
The Zeta Gundam is indeed awesome, and one of my favorites. The Double Zeta, on the other hand...looks kinda ugly.
Well they still wont get my dollars but it was a damned good try!
Thinking about giving Mobile Report a shot because those designs do look spectacular. Even if the name of the series sounds like a cell phone advertisement.
I'm wary of answering that question so I'll go with 'maybe'?
The ZZ Gundam yeah, it's kinda grown on me. Like, compared to the Zeta or the Nu it probably isn't as cool, but since Judau is my favorite UC pilot, its grown by association for me.
Gundam Girls are Cry. Or something. I dunno. I buy robot models and that's it. Robot girl hybrids are not my thing.
Not a robot.I want my shiny metal.
I still maintain that they needed the music though.What an improvement!
As always, does Rayearth fit the bill?
What an improvement!
I was thinking about giant robots specifically. Smile Precure! notwithstanding.
Robot Girls Z. As far as I can tell, a short web anime about moe anthropomorphications of Toei giant robots. Starts in January.
Robot list from Arti's pic above:
Mazinger Z
Great Mazinger
Garata K7
Danguard A
What are they doing?!!!!!!
So I'm doing a Fumoffu rewatch. Holy shit, I forgot how great this was. Episode 9 is the best onsen episode ever. The sakuga at the end, camera angles, and emotions are all topnotch. Dat ending. The rugby episode is so good. The trashtalk at the end, omfg.
Neptunia 03
Commie has killed me. Fucking reflected subs in the reflection ooh my god
If this was a galge , that would be the moment where i would pause and make a save.
The world god only knows Godess arc - 04
Excellent episode , considering what they had to adapt that was spot-on in term of pacing and animation .
I'm satisfied..... and i'm looking forward to next week even more !
k, i'm back in.
A service to mankind.I don't know. I really don't!
Everyone likes cute girls though. It's no secret every Mecha show out now has some form of female pilot. Cross-appeal is there.I personally don't think that's two fanbases that will have a lot of crossover appeal, but then again, what do I know? I'm sure someone believes there's money to be made.
Still, I feel that fans of cute girls won't be sated by the designs or the animation and fans of robots probably want to see some robots.
I'm an hour into Eva 3.33 and i just can't. No explanation about whats going on at all just people complaining and Kaworu and Shinji playing the piano while horses run through musical notes. This is so deflating after how awesome 2 was.
What the fuck am i watching.