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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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the initial disapointment over all the material they skipped doesn't change the fact that they are doing a pretty good job with this adaptation.

Of course this is true only for manga viewers , because anime only viewers will find themselves still a little confused as of now.

I still find the whole long shounen style arcs to be not this guy's strong suit. Definitely prefer the gotta catch em all, style of the early arcs.

the pacing of this arc is generally shit too, which I assume is a benefit for this compressed adaptation.
Thanks to DTL and Viz's twitter, I learned today is #ManCrushMonday.

Crush is such a small word for how I feel about the mighty Hosaka.


Such a god damn man.


Everyone likes cute girls though. It's no secret every Mecha show out now has some form of female pilot. Cross-appeal is there.

Well there's a difference between cute and 'sexy'. A number of mecha shows feature girls just to have some fanservice, which isn't really the same as featuring 'cute moe girls', whatever that means.


Oh yeah, just wanted to say that Uchouten is easily the show of the season and one of the best shows of the year, right up there with Aku no Hana.


Cowboy Bebop 1

It's been a very long time since I last saw this episode - probably going on for nearly ten years or so, when did the Remix DVDs come out in the States? - but I still remember the story beats pretty well. I guess it helps that so many sequences from it were used to endlessly promote the show by Bandai - the first fight between Spike and Asimov, for instance.

If there's a word I'd use to describe it, it's "confident". Neither Watanabe nor Nobumoto condescends to the audience because they know what they're doing - Nobumoto in particular gives us a very organic introduction to Spike and Jet, and subverts the audience's expectations of the story in its portrayal of Katerina.

No screengrabs because I can't be bothered to put the BD in the computer, but I love the sequence at the end of the episode where
Spike pulls up alongside Asimov's ship to discover Katerina cradling his dead body before the police cruisers shoot her down
. That's good storyboarding, that is. It goes without saying that the pre-credits sequence is perfectly judged, too.

The OP for this show is truly one of the greatest of all time, isn't it? It looks stonking on these discs. Watanabe directed it himself, right? Such good work.


Maturity, bitches.
Hurray, my Bebop Bluray set is here!

It comes with a small line art book and there seem to be a fair few extras on the discs, but given that I haven't really seen very much Bebop I'm not that fussed about those at present.

Now to reward myself for working with an episode at a time...
Was tempted to get this yesterday (it was being sold my Manga at Hyper Japan) but I'm still a bit annoyed it is only half the show.


Was tempted to get this yesterday (it was being sold my Manga at Hyper Japan) but I'm still a bit annoyed it is only half the show.

They're only doing it because they think they can get away with it.

They're right, of course!


Well there's a difference between cute and 'sexy'. A number of mecha shows feature girls just to have some fanservice, which isn't really the same as featuring 'cute moe girls', whatever that means.
That was the case in the past but Moe has also penetrated male dominated things like Mecha. Look at E7AO or Rinne Legrand whatever it's called.

Was tempted to get this yesterday (it was being sold my Manga at Hyper Japan) but I'm still a bit annoyed it is only half the show.
I blame Tiger and Bunny.




Happy Birthday! :D

Happy birthday , be carefull on any contract you may sign from now on... not that you may bid more than you think or anything :)

Happy Birthday CNET!

Happy Birthday.

And nice gift too, I'm jelly.

Happy B-Day cnet

Happy b-day C-net!

Oh and happy birthday cnet

Thanks for birthday wishes guys =D

Why is cnet cnet? happy birthday, but fuck cnet (the site).

You'll be pleased to know that my username has nothing to do with that website. It actually dates all the way back to my chuuni years, when I thought it was totally radical to call myself things like "BlackStar" (not even kidding here. CHUUNIBYOU IS REAL YOU GUYS.) One of the deeply badass and cutting-edge pseudonyms I came up with was "Carlos Net", hence "cnet". I realised the connection with the website after the fact and was like "dammit you guys stole my name preemptively".

happy bday cnet

You can try all you like to hide your goodwill in the akkari~n zone of the post title, but my eagle eyes miss nothing!
Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride - 11
WARNING : All those screens are not modified in anyway from the original footage ..this just means that ... it's still that weird.

SO backlog time , and it's time to finish hyakka ryouran S2 once and for all.

Luckyly , given the story , a big stop doesn't pose any problem because ....... well the story is not this anime strong point .
Nor is the animation you might say ... in fact , aside from the fan service, it's not that badly animated , it's just that the graphical theme is .....unnapropriate.

Why watch this , you might say ? because :

The more nao abuse the better
It's an excellent comedy. Seriously as dumb as she was , she was easily the most consistent attidtion to the cast to make things lively or intresting.
What a missed opportunity , they really should have went full comedy .

So , well the month has passed, the masterplan of the evil dudes that manipulated the bad guys that aren't that bad but somehow chaotic evil didn't work as planned , but the plan had several failsafes so it somehow worked anyway . So the rest of the cast that aren't the main girls still manage to .... not do much actually because the mastermind master plan even accounted for this.

You might wonder why the heck didn't do that from the start, i mean why would a bad guy use his best plan from the start ? ( after the master samourai was sealed ) , and i have no idea why really , i guess it was convenient for the writter.

Wait , did i say convenience ?
?No because i really mean it . our main character nerfed as hell since ep 2 is in a terrible position , let's just tell him :" hey you can do it !"


Raaaaaaah i can do It !!!!!!!

KA ME HA ME ......

No i'm not kidding ...faced with impending death , and with only advice " you can do it" , he went almost super sayan and unleashed a kamehameha .

And this is the serious part of the show Btw

.... i have no words.
But the bad guy was also ready for this turn of events !

The main bad , the real bad guy decided that after 1 month of fooling around it was time to destroy everything so i still have the last episode to watch ...

This show ...lol


Bleh.... I'm stuck in bed sick.... time to watch some anime....

Let's Play! Suite Precure: 30

What happens when you gain a power up with no knowledge on how to use it? You get silly training episodes! Well, technically this wasn't one, but it hinted at a new power up and next episode is actually training, so close enough.


Bleh.... I'm stuck in bed sick.... time to watch some anime....

Let's Play! Suite Precure: 30

What happens when you gain a power up with no knowledge on how to use it? You get silly training episodes! Well, technically this wasn't one, but it hinted at a new power up and next episode is actually training, so close enough.

Think I read about that earlier. Hope you feel better!
*hugs Tenumi


I know your pain. Well, actually, I don't, because I didn't think Rebuild 2.0 was awesome.

I have a vague understanding of your pain.

Shinji standing up for what he wanted was pretty cool.

That was the case in the past but Moe has also penetrated male dominated things like Mecha. Look at E7AO or Rinne Legrand whatever it's called.

I'll give you Rin-ne, but moe in E7AO did not help an already diseased product look any better. Elena Peoples ranged from quirky to oh my god just shut up already. Then again, I kinda feel like I'm the only person on GAF who enjoyed Rin-ne, so I dunno, maybe it didn't work there, either.
We all love Sugita, but would you read/play a game written by him?

Hiroshi Toyama, who transferred to Tsukie Academy, was assaulted by a deformed creature, known as “Hazard,” on the night of his first day at the academy. Just as his life was flashing before his eyes, he was saved by Eri Mitsuki, a first-year student of the same school. However, his sense of relief was short-lived, as Hiroshi was immediately killed by the young girl instead.

…or so he thought.

Hiroshi wakes up the next morning at the comfort of his home. Baffled by the event that occurred the night before, he sets out to Tsukie Academy. It doesn’t take long for him to realize that the date marked on the calendar is in fact, the date of his first day of transfer, which should’ve been the previous day…


Maturity, bitches.
not in 2d....but they are in live action ;_;
You've got it the wrong way round unless you are saying that you can grab a feeling out of the air right now.

In the cartoon world that would be possible. Think of all the visual gags where someone has an idea and they literally use the idea bulb as part of their idea.


I'll give you Rin-ne, but moe in E7AO did not help an already diseased product look any better. Elena Peoples ranged from quirky to oh my god just shut up already. Then again, I kinda feel like I'm the only person on GAF who enjoyed Rin-ne, so I dunno, maybe it didn't work there, either.
It's not a question of what helps or not. It's a question of whether the industry thinks that this is what the market wants.


In the cartoon world that would be possible. Think of all the visual gags where someone has an idea and they literally use the idea bulb as part of their idea.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if I saw this in a live action. I've seen some pretty weird (for lack of a better word) stuff in live action and I barely even watch live action!

Edit: Maybe, instead of "weird stuff", a better way of phrasing it would be "surreal use of computer graphics"?
Hyakka Ryouran_ Samurai Bride - 12
The following paragraph will contain some spoilers on the final of the S2 of hyakka ryouran. I don't think it's revelant because the plot is not the anime forte and i don't see many people caring for it so i'll start my impressions on the last episode .

This ending is a giant mess .


you bet...
I won't start talking into the fact that the strongest fighter in natural specs didn't even fight , all because the plot said so , i won't talk much on the fact that they spend several minutes talking about how the samurai bride is not that strong ( a total contradiction on what was hinted since the start of that season but seriously the writters of this show ...... they didn't thought much about the end lol )

So let me get this straight:
Bad guy tranformed into a giant robot ahem samurai , complete with a big shinny core , everyone dies one by one and is absorbed into the giant DBZ Bu style , including the main character but is saved by some deus ex machina, then the main heroine dies too , but she is saved by the power of friendship. Then they decide to go back into the tiger den but then they are saved by the power of feeligns aka ( everyone ghost ) because WILLPOWER baby !!! And then they use the power of love to save everyone , but the bad guy is not done yet , he still has another final form and then ....

OMG The power of trust and love combined ! i'm speechless. And screw the swords , the power of trust and love it's a big red bazooka !!
Everyone is saved and a miracle happens !

Everyone is alive because well because i'm not gonna explain this say the writter...
Casualities : 0 ..

woah i don't know what to think .... as much as i'm facepalming right now , this was still a great comedy.so i'll probably watch a third season but i do feel like i've lost some brain cells in the process.


Shinji standing up for what he wanted was pretty cool.

I'll give you Rin-ne, but moe in E7AO did not help an already diseased product look any better. Elena Peoples ranged from quirky to oh my god just shut up already. Then again, I kinda feel like I'm the only person on GAF who enjoyed Rin-ne, so I dunno, maybe it didn't work there, either.

I assure you, you arent!


I'll give you Rin-ne, but moe in E7AO did not help an already diseased product look any better. Elena Peoples ranged from quirky to oh my god just shut up already. Then again, I kinda feel like I'm the only person on GAF who enjoyed Rin-ne, so I dunno, maybe it didn't work there, either.

I enjoyed Lagrange! Even if the actual plot never did seem to go anywhere worthwhile.

Oh, this has a release date now? Good to hear! It was announced ages ago, but then there was no mention of it for a long time, and I was wondering what had happened to it. I'll definitely be checking it out when it drops. Sugita can do very little wrong in my book.

...In related news, I need to find time to play Xblaze. I think that'll be next up once I finish Gyakuten Saiban 5 (why did they have to release on the same day? >.>)


It's not a question of what helps or not. It's a question of whether the industry thinks that this is what the market wants.

Well, that's fair then. But I still wonder if E7AO was as loathed in Japan as it was here or if Japanese kids betrayed me once more and loved every second of the second worst mecha anime of all time.

I assure you, you arent!

Well there's some good news. Ten bucks says you liked Lan more than Muginami, though. Which would make you wrong, 'cuz Muginami is Best Girl.


Well, that's fair then. But I still wonder if E7AO was as loathed in Japan as it was here or if Japanese kids betrayed me once more and loved every second of the second worst mecha anime of all time.

It aired at 2AM, in contrast to the original E7 which aired at 7AM Sunday. The kids probably never got a chance to experience it.


Well there's some good news. Ten bucks says you liked Lan more than Muginami, though. Which would make you wrong, 'cuz Muginami is Best Girl.

Best girl is Madoka. I think Muginami is probably second-best, though. I was never a big Lan fan, though she has her moments.

Happy birthday, Cnet! But since I live in the future, I get priority! Now it's MY BIRTHDAY!

Happy magical future birthday, Jintor!


Well, that's fair then. But I still wonder if E7AO was as loathed in Japan as it was here or if Japanese kids betrayed me once more and loved every second of the second worst mecha anime of all time.

Well there's some good news. Ten bucks says you liked Lan more than Muginami, though. Which would make you wrong, 'cuz Muginami is Best Girl.

How did you know I liked Lan the best?
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