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Wired: Final Fantasy Isn’t Dying. It’s Already Dead


Final Fantasy Tactics 2. Tell us a story of what happened to
Ramza and Alma after they left Ivalice. Tell us the story of Ivalice after the "death" of Delita and Ovelia.
Make the game using the new Xcom engine or even the Valkyria Chronicles engine. Oh, and make sure Yasumi Matsuno writes and directs this story with of course Sakimoto doing the soundtrack.
Of course this isn't going to happen. It's Square-Enix we're talking so these are just pipe dreams.
and then I die a little inside due to sadness. ;__;

This is exactly the kind of sequel we don't need. That arc is done . Leave it alone. There is tons of lore to visit in Ivalice. Do something new.
It's fair to use anime as a derogatory term, at least for today's anime. The 1980s and 90s had some good stuff... but good god what the hell happened in the past decade?


Your post just shows me that you don't know anything about anime.
Final Fantasy Tactics 2. Tell us a story of what happened to
Ramza and Alma after they left Ivalice. Tell us the story of Ivalice after the "death" of Delita and Ovelia.
Make the game using the new Xcom engine or even the Valkyria Chronicles engine. Oh, and make sure Yasumi Matsuno writes and directs this story with of course Sakimoto doing the soundtrack.
Of course this isn't going to happen. It's Square-Enix we're talking so these are just pipe dreams.
and then I die a little inside due to sadness. ;__;

You are dreaming .... why would square use an engine made by sega and that sega themselves think it's not profitable for their own internal use ?
Can we stop blaming X-2 for the downfall of FF? It had better gameplay then almost every game in the series, the story was no less nonsensical than any other non mainline entry, three female characters spent the whole game in the spotlight and the soundtrack wasn't even bad. FXII was a perfectly respectably game. FXIII is awful. XIII-2 shouldn't have been made, but it was cheap. Lightning Returns is a dumb idea. We don't know anything at all about XV besides the fact that it's about some attractive guys, and has been in development for a long time, which is apparently enough for people to call "pretty boy anime bullshit" on it.


I loved what I played of the Type-0 demo, would likely have a lot less people claiming FF's demise if we at least got that to come out. Though there was Four Heroes of Light and Bravely Default is still coming out too, handheld titles tend not to be as impactful, but Type-0 seemed more ambitious.
I would say Hiroyuki Ito deserves a name drop more in this instance. Seeing as he designed all the core systems FFs are known for, and having directed 6 and 9, which are typically among the most favoured.

glad someone beat me to this. hopefully we get some new brilliant battle system from him in an upcoming ff game.


I didn't know Tabata was working on XV, neat.

Also: Another where is Type 0 Square Enix post.
Never forget

Hearing he was attached to the game seriously improved my hopes for it. That said, it isn't like him and Nomura teaming up hasn't produced some duds in the past *coughGenesisRhapsodoscough*. Flipside: Crisis Core was a good game.


But Nomura hasn't done anything terrible. Not like Toriyama. Nomura's given me TWEWY, and KHBBS recently. Yeah, sure, DDD and Days and Re:Coded weren't that swell, but I mean, if the man's put out two games that good in the last four years, that alone is reason to give him the benefit of the doubt for Versus. That and he's working on this game with Tabata, who gave me Crisis Core and Type-0.

Yeah XV has been in development hell and I most definitely have my doubts about the game and I certainly have complaints with Square Enix's management, but I don't think Nomura is much of a problem. Really he seems like one of the few big-name people there who has his act together.
In my mind the real problem is that Nomura is an artist who was put into the director's chair without any clue how to do that job. Some people wear many hats well, he doesn't. Also, he invented the belt meme, a cardinal sin I cannot forgive him for.

Beyond that, the games he's made other than TWEWY are middling at best in my opinion. I had a friend of mine try to explain the Kingdom Hearts continuity to me and good lord is that a clusterfuck I don't want to touch with a ten-foot pole.


Your post just shows me that you don't know anything about anime.

While I don't agree with him entirely, things have certainly changed. It seems over half of of anime each season are adaptations of bizarre and often perverted light novels. I watch usually 2-3 anime per season, sometimes up to 5, and there are certainly tons of great ones, but things do seem different.


Your post just shows me that you don't know anything about anime.
So stating that it was awful in the past too helps your argument how...?

The Garden of Words was ok. Makoto Shinkai is hardly the second coming of Miyazaki though. And that's kind of the problem. We're praising middling anime (beautiful maybe) as great anime today. Little Witch Academia was really great. But it's seen as middling. Standards for anime are problematic today.
BERSERK would like a word.

Tons of anime would like a word.

I really don't think there is much chance XV will be as good, much less better, than Bravely Default.

Of course it won't be as good as glorious Bravely Default, but most won't give it a chance because it doesn't have HD graphics and isn't on consoles.

So stating that it was awful in the past too helps your argument how...?

It wasn't awful, both of those shows are great. I'm just saying that it's always been that way. There's always been a huge diversity when it comes to anime, they only localized several shows back in the 80-90's so you only saw the shows that were for young boys like Dragon Ball(with some exceptions but most were shounen anime), now you can see everything thanks to the internet and the "moe" side of it is overblown.
In my mind the real problem is that Nomura is an artist who was put into the director's chair without any clue how to do that job. Some people wear many hats well, he doesn't. Also, he invented the belt meme, a cardinal sin I cannot forgive him for.

Beyond that, the games he's made other than TWEWY are middling at best in my opinion. I had a friend of mine try to explain the Kingdom Hearts continuity to me and good lord is that a clusterfuck I don't want to touch with a ten-foot pole.

If you had your friend attempt to explain the story does that mean you haven't played the Kingdom Hearts games? And if so how can you judge whether he does well in the director's seat? Kingdom Hearts is a very fun, technically proficient series that's added a lot over the years so at the very least he knows what makes a fun game.

Don't think it's really fair to blame him for Versus/XV's long development either. Does anyone really know what has been going on with Square Enix? Game didn't even officially start development until a few years ago.


So stating that it was awful in the past too helps your argument how...?

The fact that there was bad shit in the past, there is bad shit now, but there are also plenty of good anime these days too. It seems a lot of the west fell out of love with anime after the 90s, in truth the 'good' anime stands out less, and you have 500+ episode series like Naruto and Bleach that most people believe represents all of anime, or perhaps some of the weirder perverted ones, but it's rare for a whole season to go by and there isn't at least one decent anime airing.
The fact that there was bad shit in the past, there is bad shit now, but there are also plenty of good anime these days too. It seems a lot of the west fell out of love with anime after the 90s, in truth the 'good' anime stands out less, and you have 500+ episode series like Naruto and Bleach that most people believe represents all of anime, or perhaps some of the weirder perverted ones, but it's rare for a whole season to go back and there isn't at least one decent anime airing.

exactly this. Good Anime are usually short 13-26 episodes so they aren't localized in favour of the crazy famous 500+ episodes shows aimed for children.


that's how it's always been, don't say "anime" as a derogatory term anyways. SE has their best team behind XV so I'm sure it'll be fine, the guys behind 13 aren't getting anywhere near it.
I don't even mean it that much as derogatory, just that I found the style from the tech demo much, much more interesting. The current style FF is going for is just not for me.


Last game I really enjoyed was FFXI and that was an incredibly unhealthy addiction. I don't think any of the people involved in that have anything to do with the single player games though. I don't think they have the talent to make anything close to FF6 ever again so I am basically done with the series.


In my mind the real problem is that Nomura is an artist who was put into the director's chair without any clue how to do that job. Some people wear many hats well, he doesn't. Also, he invented the belt meme, a cardinal sin I cannot forgive him for.

Beyond that, the games he's made other than TWEWY are middling at best in my opinion. I had a friend of mine try to explain the Kingdom Hearts continuity to me and good lord is that a clusterfuck I don't want to touch with a ten-foot pole.

Wait, you haven't played any of the Kingdom Hearts games? How can you say that his games aside from TWEWY are middling if you haven't played them? Birth By Sleep was a great action RPG. How can you say he doesn't have a clue how to direct games if you haven't played any of them?

I mean, I think Toriyama is a horrible, terrible hack, but then, I've played XIII, XIII-2 and T3B. I have plenty of evidence.

And Nomura's "belt meme" is just something GameFAQs users love to whine about. He did a perfectly fine job of Dissidia's redesigns, and the cast of Type-0 has various characters who are entirely belt free. Caetuna, Celestia and Nimbus all spring immediately to mind.

The belt thing might've been a thing in X, but I mean, come on now. The man has done so much since then that it baffles me that people would stay fixated on that.
Hey Fate/Zero was good, and that's recent.

Not every show is K-On!.

inb4 "But what's wrong with K-On!?"

Shut up why don't ya.

But what's wrong wih K...

Fate/Zero was glorious

I don't even mean it that much as derogatory, just that I found the style from the tech demo much, much more interesting. The current style FF is going for is just not for me.

Fair Enough.

I still think they can pull off a "mature" FF game with this cast.


Hey Fate/Zero was good, and that's recent.

Not every show is K-On!.

inb4 "But what's wrong with K-On!?"

Shut up why don't ya.

Fate/Zero is indeed pretty awesome.

I started K-ON cause I liked Lucky Star, but it was boring and show feels to be on repeat.

To keep this game on topic, there are still no games like my favourite anime LEGEND OF GALACTIC HEROES, 162 episodes of flawless pacing and best cast of all time.


The fact that there was bad shit in the past, there is bad shit now, but there are also plenty of good anime these days too. It seems a lot of the west fell out of love with anime after the 90s, in truth the 'good' anime stands out less, and you have 500+ episode series like Naruto and Bleach that most people believe represents all of anime, or perhaps some of the weirder perverted ones, but it's rare for a whole season to go by and there isn't at least one decent anime airing.
Most anime can be defined as some kind of pandering (and I don't mean the kind of "oh this is sci-fi" pandering, I mean "oh this is dumb nationalism" or "good lord that woman is going to die from the weight of those"). Nearly all of it now. Seriously, nowhere other than anime have I seen such a gratuitous and unnecessary increase in the amount of pandering. Even in videogames, where it's certainly extant, I cannot say that it has increased so precipitously. Hard to take any of it seriously when the goal is way below the lowest common denominator.
Most anime can be defined as some kind of pandering (and I don't mean the kind of "oh this is sci-fi" pandering, I mean "oh this is dumb nationalism" or "good lord that woman is going to die from the weight of those"). Nearly all of it now. Seriously, nowhere other than anime have I seen such a gratuitous and unnecessary increase in the amount of pandering. Even in videogames, where it's certainly extant, I cannot say that it has increased so precipitously. Hard to take any of it seriously when the goal is way below the lowest common denominator.

you really don't watch anime at all, don't you?

Nomura is amazing. Without him, SE would probably be screwed.

He's the best SE has, they should probably kick Toriyama's ass out of SE FOREVER and get Nomura to work on everything(I know this is not humanly possible)


Wait, you haven't played any of the Kingdom Hearts games? How can you say that his games aside from TWEWY are middling if you haven't played them? Birth By Sleep was a great action RPG. How can you say he doesn't have a clue how to direct games if you haven't played any of them?

I mean, I think Toriyama is a horrible, terrible hack, but then, I've played XIII, XIII-2 and T3B. I have plenty of evidence.

And Nomura's "belt meme" is just something GameFAQs users love to whine about. He did a perfectly fine job of Dissidia's redesigns, and the cast of Type-0 has various characters who are entirely belt free. Caetuna, Celestia and Nimbus all spring immediately to mind.

The belt thing might've been a thing in X, but I mean, come on now. The man has done so much since then that it baffles me that people would stay fixated on that.
I played the original Kingdom Hearts, but beyond that I haven't played any of it, simply because I played Kingdom Hearts. It was mostly at the behest and pestering of the friend who explained the continuity. He's really into Kingdom Hearts, but I just don't see the appeal of the game. The entire game seemed stilted and awkward. Granted, Toriyama isn't better, but I wouldn't say Nomura is beyond Toriyama either.
Can we stop blaming X-2 for the downfall of FF? It had better gameplay then almost every game in the series, the story was no less nonsensical than any other non mainline entry, three female characters spent the whole game in the spotlight and the soundtrack wasn't even bad. FXII was a perfectly respectably game. FXIII is awful. XIII-2 shouldn't have been made, but it was cheap. Lightning Returns is a dumb idea. We don't know anything at all about XV besides the fact that it's about some attractive guys, and has been in development for a long time, which is apparently enough for people to call "pretty boy anime bullshit" on it.

XIII-2 made them money , and it ended on a freaking cliffanger.you think that having got some money and more to come , they won't do a third game ?it's hardly a dumb idea , it's the opposite it's a great idea.

Talking out loud , now :

Some people out there (i'm one of them ) trully wanted LR. This is very hard for some people to admit but there are people who enjoyed FF13-2.

And FF13 wasn't more divisive than any of the FF before it

I love FF7, hate ff8, love ff9 , hate ff10 for example , every FF is divisive. i don't see how one set of game can killsuch a franchise that can reinvent itself like a phoenix. Final fantasy is the only franchise that can do that.
So stating that it was awful in the past too helps your argument how...?
They mean that all new anime isn't shitty because a couple of moe shows come out every season. We just weren't getting those shows brought over back then, so it was all Fist of the North Star and Ninja Scroll DBZ and WHOO TOUGH GUYS FIGHTING. Because unless you were really looking for it, you didn't see Creamy Maimi and Video girl Ai or whatever. Harem shows didn't even become relevant here until 2000. Now you could watch Attack on Titian or Fairy Tail or Toriko or whatever shounen power fantasy you feel like, You could watch Another, or JoJo's Bizarre Adventure or Fate/Zero but somehow people think they are currently in less abundance because Crunchy Roll lists them next to Rosario + Vampire and Free!

XIII-2 made them money , and it ended on a freaking cliffanger.you think that having got some money and more to come , they won't do a third game ?it's hardly a dumb idea , it's the opposite it's a great idea.

Talking out loud , now :

Some people out there (i'm one of them ) trully wanted LR. This is very hard for some people to admit but there are people who enjoyed FF13-2.

And FF13 wasn't more divisive than any of the FF before it

I love FF7, hate ff8, love ff9 , hate ff10 for example , every FF is divisive. i don't see how one set of game can killsuch a franchise that can reinvent itself like a phoenix. Final fantasy is the only franchise that can do that.
Did they have to end it on that
The 13 saga isn't divisive, it is widely recognized as being awful. And then they kept going. They didn't have to make three games, they could have cleared that cliffhanger up. That's what DLC is for these days anyway. SE is bleeding money, but the FF team is still somehow allowed to throw everything at the wall, see what sticks, and then make sequels of what doesn't.
I played the original Kingdom Hearts, but beyond that I haven't played any of it, simply because I played Kingdom Hearts. It was mostly at the behest and pestering of the friend who explained the continuity. He's really into Kingdom Hearts, but I just don't see the appeal of the game. The entire game seemed stilted and awkward. Granted, Toriyama isn't better, but I wouldn't say Nomura is beyond Toriyama either.



you really don't watch anime at all, don't you?
I don't watch a lot of new anime. I think the last "new" thing I enjoyed was MushiShi. Recently watched the entirety of the Legend of Galactic Heroes.

Though seriously, how is this a rebuttal to anything Mauricio?


"Question Credibility"


"Question Credibility"

Not really proof of anything other than that you can question my credibility. Which, I guess, good on you?


Most anime can be defined as some kind of pandering (and I don't mean the kind of "oh this is sci-fi" pandering, I mean "oh this is dumb nationalism" or "good lord that woman is going to die from the weight of those"). Nearly all of it now. Seriously, nowhere other than anime have I seen such a gratuitous and unnecessary increase in the amount of pandering. Even in videogames, where it's certainly extant, I cannot say that it has increased so precipitously. Hard to take any of it seriously when the goal is way below the lowest common denominator.

Most anime might be stretching it, but it's certainly more common than before. It's disingenous to say it's all like that though.

My favourite recent anime that stood out as being unique was Shinsekai Yori, pretty much 0 pandering, completely unique story and atmosphere, and finished only earlier this year.

Then you have ones like Chihayafuru which is about a card game but entirely serious, and the main character is a girl, but shocking as it is, she does not trip over and reveal her panties every episode. There is nothing perverted in the show at all in fact.

I really need to watch that.

Episode count seems scary but a couple episodes a day makes it nice. Ship battles so good, nothing else I've ever seen has that much logical strategy put into it's 50,000+ ship battles.


Eh... as long as Square Enix doesn't make an FF as bad as XIII or XIII-2 OR XIII-3 (yes, I'm saving the effort by calling it bad before it's already released) then I can forgive and forget.

FFXV looks godlike still (even after waiting 7+ years for it) and I've enjoyed what I played of FFXIV quite a heck of a lot too. This tells me they're on the right track.
I don't watch a lot of new anime. I think the last "new" thing I enjoyed was MushiShi. Recently watched the entirety of the Legend of Galactic Heroes.

Though seriously, how is this a rebuttal to anything Mauricio?


"Question Credibility"


"Question Credibility"

Not really proof of anything other than that you can question my credibility. Which, I guess, good on you?

Fine, I'm sorry for my constant attacks haha... it's just too much. You're criticizing Nomura and saying he's as bad as Toriyama and you HAVEN'T PLAYED THE GAMES.

And other members have pointed out how all the moe and pandering isn't in all shows, there's good anime out there and saying "Most anime have creepy pandering" is not true, there IS several anime of that category every season but it doesn't mean it's 90% of the shows.


I don't watch a lot of new anime. I think the last "new" thing I enjoyed was MushiShi. Recently watched the entirety of the Legend of Galactic Heroes.

Though seriously, how is this a rebuttal to anything Mauricio?


"Question Credibility"


"Question Credibility"

Not really proof of anything other than that you can question my credibility. Which, I guess, good on you?

Well it's hard to argue with you when your credibility seems so dubious. I mean, Nomura on par with Toriyama is enough to make anyone's head spin. Toriyama gave us THE THIRD FUCKING BIRTHDAY. Nomura gave us The World Ends With You. They're so far apart. Toriyama did XIII. Nomura did KHBBS. Toriyama's doing LR and Nomura XV. Sorta entirely different.

Then there are your questionable statements regarding anime. Like, I mean, there's so much out there that isn't pandering that it kinda seems sad to hear someone say that that's all there is. And even stuff that does pander still has value in it once you get passed that.
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