Why does it seem like all threads about Japanese games turn into arguments about whether anime has all gone to shit since the good old days?
If only modern anime would pander to me more.
Why does it seem like all threads about Japanese games turn into arguments about whether anime has all gone to shit since the good old days?
So I am watching Free!.
Is it a cultural difference between the US and Japan, or did Japan deliberately make this anime to cater to male homosexuals and heterosexual females who like dude-on-dude?
I like it.
"Sacrebleu !"
well i don't take the bus anymore...
And when i was in school i was playing GOLDEN SUN on my GBA sound at maximum level without headphones and enjoying every minute of it !
Duh , i don't care who wanted to sit next to me .. i was busy saving the world !
It is a show targeted at fujoshi, female otaku who enjoy fantasizing about guys making out with each other. The director is a fujoshi herself.
On the whole, I find it funny and kind of offensive how alot of people seem to think the backstreets of Akihabara (and/or Comiket) represent the entire country. 90% of the country doesn't give a shit about dakimakura or anime BDs.
If only modern anime would pander to me more.
On the whole, I find it funny and kind of offensive how alot of people seem to think the backstreets of Akihabara (and/or Comiket) represent the entire country. 90% of the country doesn't give a shit about dakimakura or anime BDs.
I'm personally waiting for a Takemoto/Gatoh made Kyokai no Kanata. Pander to me KyoAni!!!
That "Last of Us is selling well in Japan" thread on Gaming Side where the second poster basically said "because pedophiles obv" and 300 posts of SECOND POST NAILS IT LEL +1 WOULD READ AGAIN ensued was probably the low point of this on Gaming Side.
That "Last of Us is selling well in Japan" thread on Gaming Side where the second poster basically said "because pedophiles obv" and 300 posts of SECOND POST NAILS IT LEL +1 WOULD READ AGAIN ensued was probably the low point of this on Gaming Side.
Righteous. Hope your lady likes it.Hey, AnimeGAF!
I just wanted to stop by and give thanks to everyone that recommended Neon Genesis Evangelion to me! I got my girlfriend to watch it with me, and she's up to End Of Evangelion!
So, I drew a pic of EVA-01 and I thought you guys would like it!
It's not done, but whatevs.
Thanks for the good recommendations! I'll be watching more anime as soon as we finish End Of Evangelion, so I'll be around more.![]()
Wait, he's back to actually using Mad Pierr— nope.best madp avatar returns
Wouldn't you like Ishidate to debut as a supervisor? He's the action guy.
Wait, he's back to actually using Mad Pierr nope.
Guys, what are some other site options if I want to import a recently-released DVD that's out of stock on amazon.co.jp? I have a friend in Japan who I can ship to and he'll ship to me so international shipping issues aren't really a problem here.
Well, he can be animation director! Although I wouldn't mind he direct. I just want something from KyoAni again at the level of Hyouka ;_; Is that too much to ask?
Professor Tomoe fits his posts much better than Mad Pierrot. Bonus points for being Sailor Moon which was this inexplicable exemption to anime avatar scorn on GAF.
I hope Takemoto is working on better material than Kyoukai no Kanata.
You played Golden Sun. My opinion of you has improved greatly.
I'm really kinda weird with Watamote. I don't cringe or laugh or anything when I watch it. I smile. I almost feel a sort of connection. An understanding. Maybe its my desire for my life to be normal; to be better, that has me happy watching it, I don't know. but whatever effect its having on most everyone else isn't effecting me.
God, that was probably creepy right there...
yuricam anime when???
So I am watching Free!.
Is it a cultural difference between the US and Japan, or did Japan deliberately make this anime to cater to male homosexuals and heterosexual females who like dude-on-dude?
I like it.
That "Last of Us is selling well in Japan" thread on Gaming Side where the second poster basically said "because pedophiles obv" and 300 posts of SECOND POST NAILS IT LEL +1 WOULD READ AGAIN ensued was probably the low point of this on Gaming Side.
Professor Tomoe fits his posts much better than Mad Pierrot. Bonus points for being Sailor Moon which was this inexplicable exemption to anime avatar scorn on GAF.
Yonezawa needs to write more Hyouka.
Yep, free at lastoh fuck, someone picked this up again? time for more delicious yuri
These are the publication years of the Kotenbu books.
Volume 1 - 2001
Volume 2 - 2002
Volume 3 - 2005
Volume 4 - 2007
Volume 5 - 2010
Volume 6 - ???
Its... gonna be a while.
That "Last of Us is selling well in Japan" thread on Gaming Side where the second poster basically said "because pedophiles obv" and 300 posts of SECOND POST NAILS IT LEL +1 WOULD READ AGAIN ensued was probably the low point of this on Gaming Side.
The sad part it, if I remember correctly, that guy was part of AnimalCrossingGaf before the game was released, and seemed rather cool and nice. Shame to have seen that he'd stoop to such lows.
Anne of Green Gables 1-20
There's always a heightened layer of expression when using drawings instead of shooting, and if utilised properly it can elevate even the most inconsequential to the most beautiful.
It's interesting comparing episode 20, which happens to be a semi-recap retrospective set at the first anniversary of Anne's arrival at Green Gables, with the opener of the series. Anne herself was very prone to daydream, extremely verbose and a bit of a queer; but at the same time she was someone who loved life, and her charm quickly reached the Cuthbert siblings, as well as everyone else in the town.
By episode 20, she's much more diligent, can do house chores with little problem and her social life has progressed a lot, but the essential qualities that made her captivating remain. The development is so gradual and realistic (forgetting the pie in the oven was a neat touch punctuating this) that you can't help but be drawn in. Likewise, the rest of the major characters are extremely well established from the get-go and always changing, and their interrelationships are unique and distinct between each other.
Even in motion, the first shot of the OP looks really bad, like rusty iron or a bad pre-2000 CG texture. Every time I start an episode I'm greeted by this ugliness, and it's a disservice to the phenomenal background art to be found in the show proper.
So there's a Pikmin anime in the works over in the gaming side...
It seems like Sailor Moon is way more guilty of some of the things a lot of GAF complains about in anime (ex: pantyshots) than shows like K-ON!, but the latter gets all the scorn.
I didn't mean to say live-action can't do it, of course, but to emphasize that it mostly always happens (and can be exploited) in animation.Strong cinematography can accomplish the same thing in live-action (see Terrence Malick, for instance). Though certainly animation has its unique qualities that make it a suitable medium even for realistic material - blending the real and fantastical, adding a layer of abstraction, giving the director total visual control.
I haven't quite reached the later years of the narrative, but I have heard many praises about this aspect, calling it Kondo's masterwork. He was such an amazingly talented artist.I like how the show visually shows Anne's growth through several different stages of her design; it's rare that an anime covers such a time span in detail enough to use that many designs.
I think there is a solid idea of what it's supposed to convey but the draftsmanship betrays it; perhaps it just seems dated to me, as I can't viscerally get that feeling.I don't agree there; I like the look of that shot. Looks like an impressionist watercolor, and conveys the sensation of the ground rushing past Anne.
Hey, AnimeGAF!
I just wanted to stop by and give thanks to everyone that recommended Neon Genesis Evangelion to me! I got my girlfriend to watch it with me, and she's up to End Of Evangelion!
So, I drew a pic of EVA-01 and I thought you guys would like it!
It's not done, but whatevs.
Thanks for the good recommendations! I'll be watching more anime as soon as we finish End Of Evangelion, so I'll be around more.![]()
Uh-huh, nintendoman58 told us above!
Uh-huh, nintendoman58 told us above!
I'm not really feeling the main character of Girls Und Panzer.
The whole "guts, teamwork, and dedication" theme kinda falls flat when the protagonist is one step short of being the heir to a legendary tank dynasty. Were it not for aircraft carrier-centric societies inscrutably functioning on a system of primogeniture she'd be one of the villains, y'know? She'd be hanging out in a big tank looking menacing in the closing shot of the episode right alongside her sister, while monocle girl would be the protagonist proving her worth in the face of a vastly better-trained and better-equipped foe with nothing but chutzpah and funny faces, and we'd all be better off for it.