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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Well, Pokemon is a gateway drug to MTG for sure. At least, the TCG is. Of the people I played with growing up, most either dropped playing TCGs altogether or they move on to MTG. A few kept playing Pokemon or moved to some other TCG, but MTG was definitely where most of the people who stuck with card games ended up.

I've never seen someone go from MTG to D&D, though.

I remember getting into collecting cards with Pokemon first. That lasted for a while, but I never actually learned how to play the game. Some time into the double digit years I learned and actually played Yugioh for a good while. That's where many childhood memories of mine stem from. MTG was also something I knew existed but my circle of friends didn't play it, so I never tried to learn it.

I guess I found a loophole in the evolution route to Satanism!





I had a small amount of Digimon cards, not enough to make a full deck, but just to have.

So I have no idea how it plays.

Me either, really, but we had a good number of the cards and tried to figure the game out and whatevs. Digimon was pretty awesome back then. Some day I'll probably break down and watch my way through the whole series to see what all the fuss is nowadays.


The Light of El Cantare
I saw a stand for trading card games at the Hyper Japan show and wondered what the point on it all was. Why have so many versions of what is basically the same game? Great, you bought a pack of Madoka cards (or God forbid SAO cards), good luck finding anyone with the same game to play with.

Aren't a lot of those Bushiroad? Not really up on obscure anime TCGs, although I saw a few laughably dead-on-arrival anime TCGs during the anime boom in America like Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Inuyasha. I got a few manga volumes/DVDs/figurines for these free due to some promo TCG cards being pack-ins that I would just sell on ebay.

My worst "bought into a failed TCG" experience was probably the Wizards of the Coast Harry Potter TCG. I never found a SINGLE person to play with.

Anyone who's yearning to play a TCG should sign up for the Card Hunter beta. It's an online free-to-play game that combines TCGs with SRPGs. A fun, well-designed game.

Sounds like Capsule Monsters/Dungeon Dice Monsters!



Me either, really, but we had a good number of the cards and tried to figure the game out and whatevs. Digimon was pretty awesome back then. Some day I'll probably break down and watch my way through the whole series to see what all the fuss is nowadays.

Ah that episode was one of the greatest in Megas XLR, and it still stays good. I really miss it.

Anyway, I sort of toyed with the idea of doing Digimon, but not the whole franchise. Dealing with Doremi and Sailor Moon as it is already, and my mind still recalls enough of Adventure and 02 to not bother to watch them again. Tamers rewatch, Data Squad, and Xros (or whatever), maybe, since the latter two I never even watched. But that'll be for like... another time.


Aren't a lot of those Bushiroad? Not really up on obscure anime TCGs, although I saw a few laughably dead-on-arrival anime TCGs during the anime boom in America like Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Inuyasha. I got a few manga volumes/DVDs/figurines for these free due to some promo TCG cards being pack-ins that I would just sell on ebay.

My worst "bought into a failed TCG" experience was probably the Wizards of the Coast Harry Potter TCG. I never found a SINGLE person to play with.

Never forget Ani-Mayhem!



Ah that episode was one of the greatest in Megas XLR, and it still stays good. I really miss it.

I'm dying. I can't breathe. He just side-swipes the entire team of Voltron/PR and Jaime laughs and says "they said ZORP." I can't breathe.

"Who the ZORP are you!?" I'm dyi pls smby helb me.
I'm one who generally prefers the animators to the directors- but Whisper of the Heart is a really great film. Perhaps not as much pure Kondo as his work on Anne (If I'm not wrong, he was the sakkan for all 50 episodes!), but I can't fault your assertion.

I value direction/directors above everything else. Which is not to say I don't value animators, of course, but directors are the people who put those animators to good or ill use. A great director can make a work with weak animation successful, while great animators can't salvage a work with poor direction.

Speaking of this, how much of Argentina appears in the Marco anime? That might be the test of fire from me, haha.

I've only seen a couple episodes of Marco, so he hadn't gotten out of Italy yet, but the art for the setting was incredibly detailed. I'd imagine Argentina is the same way.


Styling and profiling the Mecha cartoon!

He forces them to combine with him. It's like a scene right out of Gurren Lagann. He just grabs the other robots, slaps them on, and it WORKS. He just copies his OS onto theirs from one folder to another and BOOM.

This show. THIS SHOW. This is the show. THE SHOW.
He forces them to combine with him. It's like a scene right out of Gurren Lagann. He just grabs the other robots, slaps them on, and it WORKS. He just copies his OS onto theirs from one folder to another and BOOM.

This show. THIS SHOW. This is the show. THE SHOW.

Meanwhile they're going NOOOO! as they're being violated by every limb on Megas' body, it's glorious. Coop just don't give a fuck unless its part of his speech



Also, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otaku:

What I meant was that, on a sales per individual basis, the wota are likely higher. But yeah, longer term Johnny's has the edge.

I haven't really followed idol stuff too much since the Morning Musume golden age as they started to cater more to the hardcore idol crowd instead of the mainstream.
"wota" doesn't specifically mean idol (w)ota(ku) in Japanese, it's just another way of writing ota.

Like for example, google "アニヲタ" ("aniwota"), short for "anime (w)otaku" and you'll get 2,400,000 hits.
Saying "wota" by itself in Japanese won't convey the meaning of "idol wotaku," so that's why zeroshiki was checking for confirmation.

Of course, you were speaking English and using English slang and zeroshiki knew what you meant but decided to be a smartass. :p

That said, it does seem to be a trend for certain idol related words to use wota more frequenrly than ota, so probably that's where the association in English came from.
e.g. "moowota" (モーヲタ)" for Morning Musume otaku, if we google that, we get
モーオタ (mooota) 106,000 hits
モーヲタ (moowota) 565,000 hits
So it seems, when talking about idols, people use wota more as a habit, but wota itself isn't inherently for idol (w)ota(ku) only.
Here's a Yahoo! Chiebukuro (Japanese Yahoo! Answers) page where someone asks what the difference between "ota" and "wota" is, and the word idol never even comes up once in any of the responses:


The Light of El Cantare
Sorry for the image-heavy post, but might as well while we're on the TCG subject. So I was rummaging around my room the other day and actually found a copy of BECKETT POKEMON COLLECTOR from 2001. I know that I subscribed to this for a couple of years and have no idea where all of my other volumes went. But, for anyone amused by the mention of defunct RPGs, there are a few in here. Some choice pages:

The cover, because Jeff Amano's art is hilariously bad.

lol @ using Garlic Jr characters as incentives

double lol @ the ONE-HUNDRED BOOSTER PACK incentive. You just know that there were kids dumpster-diving behind hobby shops for this back then, or if not, I pity the person who actually purchased one hundred booster packs for the Dragonball Z Trading Card Game. There used to be so many ads for this in Beckett but I never met a single person who played.

MAIL-ORDER. I bet that anyone under the age of 20 hasn't sent away for an item through snail mail once in their life.

More relevant though: there was apparently a Sailor Moon TCG.

deviantart before deviantart

All of the new Pokemon from Gold and Silver, lovingly rendered ever-so-slightly-off because licensing the Sugimori art would bankrupt the magazine.

I own the Pikachu N64. No regrets.

Ah, the monthly consolation page for the Digimon weirdoes. Beckett would eventually have a Beckett Digimon Collector magazine, but it was predictably short-lived.

This is how I knew about all of the DBZ characters years before I actually watched the show since my cable provider didn't offer Cartoon Network. Beckett sure loved to pretend that people actually played the DBZ TCG.




Poet Centuriate



Me either, really, but we had a good number of the cards and tried to figure the game out and whatevs. Digimon was pretty awesome back then. Some day I'll probably break down and watch my way through the whole series to see what all the fuss is nowadays.

I'm dying. I can't breathe. He just side-swipes the entire team of Voltron/PR and Jaime laughs and says "they said ZORP." I can't breathe.

"Who the ZORP are you!?" I'm dyi pls smby helb me.

He forces them to combine with him. It's like a scene right out of Gurren Lagann. He just grabs the other robots, slaps them on, and it WORKS. He just copies his OS onto theirs from one folder to another and BOOM.

This show. THIS SHOW. This is the show. THE SHOW.

And then the episode caps off with the A-Team theme. This episode is just amazing.

I am SO fucking glad you are watching this show. I knew you'd fucking love it.


I am SO fucking glad you are watching this show. I knew you'd fucking love it.

It's the most beautiful thing I've seen since Gurren Lagann and Eureka Seven.

Do I need to bring out the Misty fanart from yore?

How is the answer to this question anything other than yes?

Turn A Gundam 6

FUCK YES FINALLY GIANT ROBOT FIGHT. The Turn A busts out the old school morning star we haven't seen since MSG's early episodes. Wonder why that thing never caught on, cuz it was awesome. Anyway, Loran is obviously doing his best to avert a war that the existence of another 40 episodes tells me will inevitably break out. In spite of this, I feel like politics are being handled with some manner of thought, which is a mind blowing departure from the norm for this franchise.

PV for the next episode looks like cross dressing. Poor, poor Loran.

Pssh. Shit ain't baseless. I got that Pokemon English Dub soundtrack, son. Featuring this little number.

Oh man that bass track and drum machine combo is so typical of 90s love songs. Good God, I just know somewhere out there some kids slow danced to this at a school dance. And I would pay legal tender to see that.


Poet Centuriate
It's the most beautiful thing I've seen since Gurren Lagann and Eureka Seven.

Oh man that bass track and drum machine combo is so typical of 90s love songs. Good God, I just know somewhere out there some kids slow danced to this at a school dance. And I would pay legal tender to see that.

It really is. I'm crossing my fingers for a season 3 reboot...

It's so fucking cheesy but that's why I kinda love it. I still have the CD too.

People have trotted out Misty's Song for twelve or thirteen years and yet they can't alter one iota of its non-canon status for all of their persistence.

Don't shit on my dreams k man? ;_:

I think I still have the 2.B.A. Master CD somewhere back home. The Team Rocket song on that was okay.

It's ripped to my iPod >.>


I value direction/directors above everything else. Which is not to say I don't value animators, of course, but directors are the people who put those animators to good or ill use. A great director can make a work with weak animation successful, while great animators can't salvage a work with poor direction.

A great example of this is Rozen Maiden this season. While the art doesn't suffer quite so much from Studio Deen's usual blank, bland colour choices and character designs thanks to the intricate style of the original manga, the animation itself isn't particularly strong. It's definitely thanks to Mamoru Hatakeyama that the show remains visually interesting despite this.
A great example of this is Rozen Maiden this season. While the art doesn't suffer quite so much from Studio Deen's usual blank, bland colour choices and character designs thanks to the intricate style of the original manga, the animation itself isn't particularly strong. It's definitely thanks to Mamoru Hatakeyama that the show remains visually interesting despite this.

The animation isn't especially strong, but it's not particularly weak either. There are some nice, fluid cuts, and I haven't noticed any poor character art or problematic lack of motion. The overall art and color design is really good. It certainly looks better than the somewhat messy manga art.

I don't think the show suffers from the "DEEN" stereotype of poor production values at all.

While we're talking about this, I may as well mention that Hatakeyama is storyboarding episode 5 as well. At this point, it's looking likely that'll he'll be storyboarding the entire show, with perhaps one or two exceptions.


Looking at my old drawings almost everything is :chet so shit luck people.

I have some of my bad artwork from when I was 10ish hanging on the wall of my room. It hangs as a reminder that any idea, no matter how awesome I might find it at the time, could prove truly awful in retrospect.

Time of EVE 4

This was a fairly humorous episode until it rammed the audience into a brick wall of feels, man. Really digging this show so far. The way Rikuo and Masaki are both reacting to what they're learning about robots is pretty interesting, and the show continues to explore its points fairly well. Poor ol' Nameless.


"wota" doesn't specifically mean idol (w)ota(ku) in Japanese, it's just another way of writing ota.

Like for example, google "アニヲタ" ("aniwota"), short for "anime (w)otaku" and you'll get 2,400,000 hits.
Saying "wota" by itself in Japanese won't convey the meaning of "idol wotaku," so that's why zeroshiki was checking for confirmation.

Of course, you were speaking English and using English slang and zeroshiki knew what you meant but decided to be a smartass. :p

I'm aware of the interchangeability of ota/wota but I wasn't aware if he really was talking about the wota used by idols and that's why I checked :p I was not being a smartass (much).
I value direction/directors above everything else. Which is not to say I don't value animators, of course, but directors are the people who put those animators to good or ill use. A great director can make a work with weak animation successful, while great animators can't salvage a work with poor direction.
I'm far less versed in the inner workings of producing anime than I'd like to admit. But film direction is something I value greatly, and I'd say that appreciation carries over to this medium as well. I really need to read that anime production line blog post that I bookmarked from here sometime.


Tamayura ~more aggressive~ 4


ANother great episode with Pote and her newly acquainted club member making yet another big stride in becoming more open to others. The bit at the end with the tree's hit all the right notes as well, even more so than the ED. ;_;

Also, I just realised it's none other than Megumi Ogata voicing Potte's mother so now I can't help but think the mother's some gender swapped version of Kumagawa. lol

Kintrails 4


Yet another victim claimed thanks to chemtrails. Damn you, Illuminati!!!!!

Man, the tumors on her face make this depressing.
"At first the tumor in her brain took away the control of her bowels and bladder, but it wasn't before long they spread to her face and took away her beauty."

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Futari wa Precure] 27
Not content with ripping off Dragon Ball Z storylines, now we're stealing Dragon Ball GT's character designs. How low can Toei go?

On the positive side of things, I'm so distracted by the self-plagiarism that I still have not found Porun annoying.


Steins;Gate 18

"Quit acting so high and mighty, you American virgin!" This may be the greatest line in the history of fiction.

So now even Ruka has memories that cross world lines. What's going on here? Now that both Ruka and Faris had them, there now has to be a reason.

I never knew Ruka felt that way about Okabe. Like my previous impression said, Okabe really is having to juggle guilt and necessity here. Ruka is so much happier as a girl, and she's afraid of having to be a boy and not be allowed to feel the way she feels about Okabe as one. Expounding this is that she broke the IBN 5100 in the shrine, meaning that she blames herself for the situation.

What Okabe has done has pretty deepley affected everyone involved but they are equally to blame for making selfish dmails.

Watamote 04

That feel when no one wants to sit next to you on the bus. ~_~

Thats when you go sit next to other people.
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