There a level 37 mission that is getting people $1 million an hour. So high levels are already exploiting this game. I don't understand how they are doing it, given that patch patched out replay. But people were doing it this morning. But at this point, the money/economy thing is a joke. People have already farmed/exploited the game to be far ahead of everyone else with cash. And now they can just freely make money using the stock market.
had zero issues last night..... today can't run a single mission just downloads forever.
Dat meta-commentary thoThere a level 37 mission that is getting people $1 million an hour. So high levels are already exploiting this game. I don't understand how they are doing it, given that patch patched out replay. But people were doing it this morning. But at this point, the money/economy thing is a joke. People have already farmed/exploited the game to be far ahead of everyone else with cash. And now they can just freely make money using the stock market.
had zero issues last night..... today can't run a single mission just downloads forever.
I haven't been able to start the first tutorial...
Can't even do solo mode.
Nah, I've been playing some today but mostly solo. When I got on again a second ago (solo) I'd lost about half an hour's ranking up (half hour of about an 8 hour session so I guess I got lucky) and my 'personal' car.Are the PS3 servers still down? really? It's been down for the entire day...
I was hoping you'd be able to do wheelies on the Sabre if you buy the wheelie bars.US/PS3 verision
I can get in easily under solo/private lobby but going from that in to an open one gives me timed out messages
Tho I got a few things for the girl so far, guy one having a hard time loading
dat american muscle tho.....
Stole a jet for the first time last night, but quickly realized there's not much you can do with them.
Thats been almost everyone bro....
Soooooooooooo how do you replay missions these days?
Bullshit. You lack creativity my friend. I spent a solid 45 minutes "collecting bounties" with my jet. When there weren't any to collect I'd kill police and choppers until more bounties popped up. I had littered the streets with chopper debris. It was awesome.
what does it mean when Ron says "if you get any illegal goods drop them off here"
what goods?
Soooooooooooo how do you replay missions these days?
You can do this in single player? I haven't been able to get online reliably.
Soooooooooooo how do you replay missions these days?
If you haven't already - Sandy Shores Survival
Play 1 player
Hide behind the dumpster in the garage - it's the only defensive position.
I've only made it to wave 9
14K each run
I'm sure they will nerf this so get on it.
I haven't been able to start the first tutorial...
Can't even do solo mode.
Was finally able to get online, thank you patch.
Everyone online is an asshole though. Need to play with GAF.
I haven't been able to start the first tutorial...
Can't even do solo mode.
where is the garage? i dont see any in this area, unless you're talking about this spot
which i wouldnt use cause both the blue and white bins can be moved by just bumping into them and isnt that safe
if anything, the roof on that building is the best spot, unless you walked somewhere else?
Just saw you. got kicked out of TDM![]()
Delete your current online character profile & make a new one, it should work.
Yeah, I looked around that area too and couldn't find a garage. I found a semi-decent place to hide, but still only got to round 5
Yep.PS3 has been down the entire day so far for me...hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng
PS3 has been down the entire day so far for me...hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng
Some asshole shot me as I walked out of Ammunation, so I naturally chased him down and riddled him with bullets, with his car blowing up in the process. Then I get a warning about being a bad sport, because I blew up a car owned by another player. They really designed freemode for crybabies, I swear. Another time, similar thing happened, except this time, I took the guy's car and dumped it in the river. Whereupon I got charged the insurance fee.
PS3 has been down the entire day so far for me...hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng
Yes, this has happened to me too. Destroying another player's making you a bad sport is lame. Isn't that why we have insurance in the first place?
I'm more impressed that people have made it to lvl 37 without losing a character. This is the first day I've played and I've already loss 2 characters...
But the player have to pay a fee to recover the insured car. Thats why u got the bad sport player thing.
Yeah, I looked around that area too and couldn't find a garage. I found a semi-decent place to hide, but still only got to round 5
How do I land a parachute? I just glided over the mark.
Update -- 3:00 PM ET 10/5/13:
GTA Online on PS3 has been down for part of today and we have been working with Sony to stabilize connection on that platform as quickly as possible. We are also very aware of the continued issues with loss of characters, money, rank, and items, and are focused on identifying the root causes and resolving the issue for players. More updates on that topic will be posted here: