You probably will get your character back when the social club servers get fixed.Got all the single player trophies out of the way, so I started the online mode today. Got to rank 6 and was enjoying it a fair amount before it shat itself and died on me. Came back to the game a few hours later and I was made to create a character all over again. All that progress lost. Is this a regular occurrence?
What does swimming increase?
What does swimming increase?
Death by shark %.
You probably will get your character back when the social club servers get fixed.
I'm still getting the cloud is down message. Aaaaaand I got to character select, level 20 character is gone. I'm guessing, or hoping, that once the cloud is back up my character will be back.
Edit: Ok, just checked the social club site and he's still there.
Where do I go on the social club site to see if a character still exists? My gf's char didnt appear selectable and I'd like to check if her character still exists.
Uh oh, my friends level 14 character just got deleted right now.
Just go to the page with all your singleplayer stats, bawsaq, etc. and to the right of the SP character portaits should be the portrait of your character that you can click.
It should really be in the thread title or a must read sticky that any character disappearing is probably a temporary issue; as long as you don't create another character on that same slot, the missing character should return when the cloud is working.
So many of this type or complaints; just remember what I wrote above; no need to grind again, just stop playing for a while and be patient.
My portrait is all black, but I have all the stats from my character, did I lose my character already ro I can still get back my character when the server is up? (I never checked my stats before...)
It should really be in the thread title or a must read sticky that any character disappearing is probably a temporary issue; as long as you don't create another character on that same slot, the missing character should return when the cloud is working.
So many of this type or complaints; just remember what I wrote above; no need to grind again, just stop playing for a while and be patient.
I just selected my character (level 6), and was asked if I wanted to change my character's looks, "only opportunity to do so". I declined because I don't want to change it yet, did I just waste my only chance or will it reappear?![]()
Just go to the page with all your singleplayer stats, bawsaq, etc. and to the right of the SP character portaits should be the portrait of your character that you can click.
It should really be in the thread title or a must read sticky that any character disappearing is probably a temporary issue; as long as you don't create another character on that same slot, the missing character should return when the cloud is working.
So many of this type or complaints; just remember what I wrote above; no need to grind again, just stop playing for a while and be patient.
Note: When the Rockstar Cloud Services are unavailable, you are given the option to still play online on disc-based content (rather than R* Cloud content). You are asked to confirm before entering Multiplayer whether you would like to play on a temporary character, without the ability to save. If you confirm this option, please note that none of your old characters will be available for that play session, and the temporary character you create will not be saved. If you want to make sure the characters you create are saved, you should not proceed into GTA Online when the R* Cloud Servers are unavailable. Even if the services come back up while you are playing on a temporary character, that character will not save -- you would need to return to Single Player and re-enter GTA Online to load your non-temporary characters and resume playing with the ability to save progress.
Appreciate it. Her character isn't displayed there so I'm assuming its been deleted :/ ah well, guess we'll wait till its completely fixed before we play.