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Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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Actually the first episode was all original. From what I believe, they'll do original stories before returning back to adaptating the manga at some point.

So it's basically like FMA Brotherhood, only it'll be multiple episodes as opposed to just 1?

Why can't anime teams just simply adapt the manga? If the manga was popular enough to warrant not one but two anime adaptations I imagine fans would rather see their favorite scenes animated instead of made up crap.
So they're going to start with canon... then make up filler to not retread ground... huh? Guess I just need to read the manga I'm enjoy the anime so far. Stopped at the eye catcher for clarification.

The first two episodes are an original story written by the manga author which takes place concurrent with the events of the first few manga chapters. So they can be considered canon. It'll join up with the manga events afterwards.


I'll change it back to something less ugly one of these days, but I don't think I'm entitled to two name changes in such quick succession.

Speaking of which, who should I contact for a name change? I've requested one in the past, and nothing! I guess I was pinning it on the wrong people.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I have no familiarity with Yozakura Quartet but I was able to pick up on the new series pretty much immediately.
gundam build figthers 1

really like the UI work. and them DTLs.

Really dig the slick UI.

Now all that needs is some actual war going on in the real world and recruited, and some girl. theres always a girl.


Poet Centuriate
Kanon (2006) 22

He forgets events like THAT? Holy shit son, talk about repressed memories; you're the king of the Yuichi.

Makoto! Good to see ya again!

The feels are rising. Let's get this done. I can't sleep with this unfinished.
non non biyori 1

nyan passu~

another 4 girls doing stuff show... but its boring and not really random enough. Everyone seems a bit... 'special'.



Neo Member
Kyoukai no Kanata 1

That was really pretty, but as far as the actual substance goes I didn't really get into it, possibly because I'm incredibly exhausted.

I liked the Mio clone though.
Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta 1

Well this seems like a lot of fun, another solid fall series for this season. Everything I've seen so far has either been good or at least interesting enough to warrant me watching more.


Well I kept saying cashews, so I'm still thinking about nuts.

Fun fact: Cashews are also fruits and the associated juice.

What kind of investment are we talking about here?

50 episodes of the very best show to ever bear the name Gundam. I cry when I watch that show. EVERY. TIME. So good. So silly. So manly. G Gundam is what other Gundams wish they could be.

gingitsune 1

fun show with tons of 'moe'


Gundam build fighters - 01

Excellent start ... veyr good animation ... VERY GOOD ANIMATION ...

and Dat gundam fanservice lol

i have no reason to avoid this show, heck i'll seek it ..give me more Sunrise !
Diabolik Lovers Episode 4

This is easily the creepiest anime Ive so far, the part here with Raito especially was even getting to me
How he was just going after Pancake and then when she called her father and he answered and was right there on the otherside of the street! Creepy.
The sound design does too.

Anyway Raito is alright, superior with hat off and etc, so good. Favorite line was Would you like me to start from the top or the bottom
if only I was

Ah and for Kanato, his best scene yet, hearing the Yuki Kaji angry Eren voice over coffee was a scene to hear.


The Tatami Galaxy 10 & 11 - End

The switch-up they did for the OP and ED of the final episode was pretty clever.

ANYWAY. Fantastic finale! The way everything ties together is just amazing, and definitely warrants a rewatch at some point. When I started this show, I honestly didn't see it ending up as emotionally as it did, but it exceeded my expectations by a lot. Such a good show, thanks for telling me to watch this, AnimeGAF. :)

Next up, The Flowers of Evil! The second worst kind of flower!

I was actually kinda disappointed we didn't see more of Akashi and Watashi together after the excruciating build-up over the series, but on the other hand I also kinda liked it like that.

Out of curiosity, has anyone read the novel of The Tatami Galaxy?

Unbreakable Machine-Doll 1

So I did enjoy watching this but I have issues with how incredibly appalling the CG use is. I was hoping the train scene would be just a one time thing, but the dragon fight is really making me doubt the action is going to get any better, any time soon.

The characters themselves are actually what made me truly enjoy this episode. Yaya is adorable and her antics, combined with a perfect VA for her, are charming and pretty seductive. Raishin actually looks to be a cool MC and his interaction with Yaya is really amusing. Don't really mind Charlotte, since her interaction with her dragon is pretty funny as well.

Music is very lovely. Might actually consider getting the OST if the rest of songs sound good.
Madoka Magika 06-07

Shit is going down. Last two episodes have made former-antagonist Kyouko to become likable and badass in her own way.

Ending of episode 6 was great when Madoka essentially killed Sayaka there for a minute. Fortunately Homura came to save the day and Sayaka's life, however the jig is up for Kyubei regarding his soul-stealing contract with Magical Girls. I would've preferred Sayaka to stay dead to drive the shock factor deeper having her best friend's death in Madoka's own hands. Still enjoyable though despite my wishes.

I still believe Kyubei is eventually going to be revealed as the main antagonist of the series, however instead of being malevolent I find him more of a 'chaotic neutral' nature from Homura's description of him. Really curious to see what a witch actually is and if Kyubei had something to do with their creation.

Episode 7 is what really made Kyouko shine and became likable plus shows the true (unintended) consequences of Sayaka's contract. I'm still predicting/hoping for her death sometime.

No I'm not sadist >_>


Poet Centuriate
Kanon (2006) 24 END

Well at least it ended with a good feeling. Very touching.

Overall, not bad. Yeah, there's a lot of cliches, it leans like crazy on supernatural events, the characters can be pretty annoying at times, it's fully of KEY moeblobs, and the first couple episodes really drag.

But...I liked it. It has charm and an honesty about it. There's these overarching themes of hope and promises and dreams that are told with such honesty that even in the midst of the cliches, I couldn't help but admire it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I scrubbed through this. I was wondering if I was going crazy or if everything was in CG. Somehow, it looks worse than Black Rock Shooter, which was also a CG fest.
The thing that confused me most was the letterbox during the intro. Was it just cheaper to render it that way?
Arpeggio of blue steel - 01

It took me few minutes to adjust to the Cg ...aside from that it's not a bad premise nor a bad show overall ... there is some potential in there for iona , for having good batlles , for them to show how the crew was formed or what the hell happenned during the previous big fight.

i'm also glad that the main protagonist isn't struck in a good POW only ... It should be good for the next arcs .

It's alright , i'm intrested in what will happen ...


Attack on Titan 23


I really, really, REALLY want to hate this episode. Especially with the fucking bullshit of introducing and wasting my time with a bunch of meaningless characters who won't be seen much longer or if they are will die the same boring whiny fucking deaths that everyone else in this show dies. With its boring, slow ass pacing for what had to have been 90% of the episode. With its reveal so painfully transparent that it utterly cheapens the reveal itself. There's so much about this that I want to hate and spit on and scorn and ignore for the rest of forever.

However, I feel it would be unfair not to say that the episode's secondary twist was well pulled off, and that the last three or four minutes of the episode were genuinely entertaining, especially with
Armin breaking it down why he had suspected her, and Annie's dramatic shift in character.

I . . . I'm excited for an episode of Attack on Titan. I haven't felt that way since like, episode 6 or 7 of this show.

I think I should seek medical help.
Being "indie" doesn't make something any less shitty.

Sure, but it does have an effect on your standards. RWBY being of the same nature of Red vs Blue or any other similar CG Web Series (Dragon Age: Warden's Fall comes to mind) I can compare it to those rather than something that is funded with a studio budget like your typical anime.

To make the analogy more simple. Castle Crashers and Dota 2 are great games by themselves. In comparing the two Castle Crashers fucking sucks when set next to Dota 2, however it doesn't make it a shitty game.


Unbreakable Machine-Doll ep.1

Late to this so I've already seen the other impressions, but yeah that CG isn't being used well here at all.

Actually, for the first episode I agree with what most of Save 'N Quit said earlier on this page (nice OST, good characters so far, lackluster action, smartass Jouji Nakata dragon) so just go reread that post again. Might be a drop candidate if it doesn't step it up within a couple weeks, no matter how endearing Yaya is.


Subete no aware
The thing that confused me most was the letterbox during the intro. Was it just cheaper to render it that way?
That was Art.

Yes, it's a full CG anime done by Sanzigen, who also handled the CG in Block Rock Shooter.
Oh really? Did BRS look like this? I don't actually want to go back and watch it, but BRS at least looked like it was drawn if you didn't scrutinize it too much.


YamiBoushi 5


Ah yes. THAT episode heehee. Keep going!

Infinite Stratos 5

Oh shit, transfer student from Germany, and the first thing she does is smack Ichika in the face. Awesome! Screw Charles, this girl is where it's at.

Im hurt Syrinx :(
Although Laura is lovely.

Okay, I now see where BassForever is coming from because I'm watching the Funi version of Unbreakable Machine-Doll as well, and the brightness is a little too much.

Also, that CG Train scene was horrible.

Wait is there more than one version?


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