Shard why are you doing this to me. I was perfectly happy not having this stuck in my head.
the soulless dead eyes of moe culture
I see it's brainwashing night.
Infinite Stratos S2 Ep. 3 - Now this is more like what I'd been hoping for!
But even so, this episode was stupid fun, and was a bit more like what I'd hope an IS thing to be. Was it still bad, and worse than S1? Yes, definitely. This is not quite the same show as S1 was. However, it was somewhat entertaining; the show is improving, at least temporarily. Don't get me wrong though, this is a horrible show "improving" to very bad, but still, that's progress, right?
My take, IS 2 - 3 was one of the worst episodes of anything I have ever seen
Kyousougiga > Kill La Kill for me this season...quite easily too. I didn't see it coming but I love this show. Very interesting setting/story/characters + some great action.
Episode 3 cleared a bunch of things about the story. I can't wait for Episode 4 already
Yes, yes you should
Fine. I will for science then.YES. ADORABLE.
Good times ahead.DTL is watching Utena?
DTL future is now.
Why isn't this on the list?!
"Blocked in your country"
It's obviously S3 of SSO!
Toei is doing a mystery countdown that looks like it'll end in about 10 days. Based on the url it seems likely to be related to Saint Seiya - maybe the upcoming CG movie? They also have a temp placeholder page active on this url:
Yeah there's a lot of cuts to different characters where you're obviously meant to feel some attachment to them but because you only know them from brief snatches, it's hard to feel the connection to people like Hamaji's brother and Funamori.It feels even more like that the second time through, honestly - it feels like there's a whole bunch of character moments that are supposed to be there to set up certain character attitudes and motivations for the secondary cast in that final act that are simply missing. I mean, there's a bunch of things people say that come across like it's supposed to be some kind of hilarious running gag, but we as the audience had't been let into them. Oh, well, guess it was probably in the book.
Alas, I really had to dash last night so couldn't even spare the time to do that. At one point I was giving consideration to kicking some slow people out the way it was that close! The rest of the films I'm seeing all finish at a decent time so I'll be sure to make the effort.I hope you left yourself room to go upwards in the audience voting - the way this normally works is that people really love movies I'm ambivalent about, and hate ones I enthuse over, so you're probably in luck today!
(In all serious, I'm looking forward to Yoyo & Nene today, but the four movie gauntlet I'm in for is going to be hella exhausting. It's easy to forget how ungodly warm that theatre gets when full...)
Do it, if only for this .gif
In all seriousness did you drop it? If so why? Don't know if you watched Toradora but this show is definitely giving off similar vibes.
i used to see reaction images from this show every single day from the same person. they probably reset their ip address dozens of times a day.
I don't get the hate.
Okay now here are the negatives. Listen 'cuz I'm only gonna cover them once. First, the rain effects, while cool in that they added an element of presence and physicality to objects which don't actually exist, became intrusive and obstructed the camera and a clear view of the fight. That Hong Kong fight would've been much better with rain filters off. The rain was distracting and blocked a clear view, and that was not so great. Second, the actor playing Raleigh, while someone who has plenty of experience, was wooden in his performance, and his entire role left me wishing that Idris Elba's character had taken his place instead. Granted, I accept that as a Hollywood movie, a pretty white guy had to be the lead, but still. On the other hand, it's a hallmark of our genre that the protagonist be subpar anyway.
So did you catch those? Cuz that is all that is wrong with the film. Now here is what I really have to say:
I mean really, let's judge this film from the standards of the mecha genre, shall we, and as one that aims more to pay homage to and venerate the standards of the genre. What, then, could possibly have been missing from this film, save it be the Rocket Punch? Otherwise it had everything. Rocket elbow move, a sword from somewhere in the torso, THAT AMAZING KAIJU DRAGON FIGHT, heroic, manly sacrifices, pointless death and wanton destruction! Monsters from below the sea and with little explanation! Interdimensional hijinks! Evangelion mind rape! Piloting a robot as a metaphor for human relationships! It was all there, people. Even had us the questionable Russian mecha pilot team comprised of a big dude Argo Golskii and his sexy, diminuitive, domineering female companion Nastasha.
And again, THAT AMAZING KAIJU DRAGON FIGHT. Serious the thing perches over Gypsy Danger, howls, thenThen they're up in the air and Kamille Bidan whines to Emma that they're out of options and she's all "Nope.POPS WINGS OUT OF NOWHERE." And then theyIt's MOTHER FUCKING SWORD TIME BITCH.I was fist pumping the air the entire time. That fight was the best part of the ENTIRE movie.SLICE THAT THING IN HALF!
Other notes: LOL at the Wall. It's like Guillermo Del Toro saw one episode of Attack on Titan, said he could do better AND THEN HE DID. Now I know that it isn't hard to jump over a bar that is several million miles below the center of the Earth, but seriously: Pacific Rim shits all over Ass on Titan.
And OF COURSE the Seattle Jaeger got its ass kicked. It's never worth rooting for our teams ever.
Yo and that Kaiju theme! MMMMMMMMM SO GOOD. And widdle Mako-chan! Wanted to give that kid a hug so bad.
infinite stratos - 1~3
This is basically an assemblage of loosely related scenarios stitched together to sell BDs.
You leave me no choice...
self fulfilling usernameIt's too late. Blood on your hands.
Because why the fuck not.
Take notes Asuna, this is how you deal with tentacles:
Take notes Asuna, this is how you deal with tentacles:
lol it's perfect.
Take notes Asuna, this is how you deal with tentacles:
It's almost like it's worth watching! But then I remember I only have room for one terrible otaku-pandering show with awesome animation this season, and that's Kyoukai no Kanata![]()
So how well does the Log Horizon anime visually compare to the manga?
Take notes Asuna, this is how you deal with tentacles:[IMG]
The show gives me some Agent Aika vibes. I miss the 90s... boobs, panties and fine animations.
The show gives me some Agent Aika vibes. I miss the 90s... boobs, panties and fine animations.
While I don't miss those kinds of shows, I have to admit it is a rare day indeed when a fanservice show gets decent animation!
Toei is doing a mystery countdown that looks like it'll end in about 10 days. Based on the url it seems likely to be related to Saint Seiya - maybe the upcoming CG movie? They also have a temp placeholder page active on this url:
So how well does the Log Horizon anime visually compare to the manga?
Pokemon XY 1
I really, really don't want to watch 50+ episodes of Ash being a loser again.
But goddamnit, I'm really considering just bearing through the pain of watching filler after filler, just to see more of Serena and Bonnie/Eureka.
Also Froakie is a bro. Ash incompetence better not keep him from evolving into a badass ninja frog.
Log Horizon 3
Boss fight made the episode interesting and a blastoverpowered mind break* or whatever attack it was called, ftw, so intense
Meanwhile the other stuff was boring. I think the details are often unnecessary (did we really need to know how friends are added to the friendlist and how you talk to them via telepathy, kind of a waste of three minutes). And antagonist entity is a bit boring toobandits are pretty unoriginal even if after serara
The last 2 pages have been gif heavy , not that i mind , but ...this hasn't happenned in a while.
This has to be one of the most cryptic spoilers I've seen. Now I'm going to watch every show expecting a death to occur.Watched a bunch more of episodes 2-3 of the new season. An awful lot of secondary character death to drive narrative. Admittedly not much of it will stick. Rather cheap that.
Because why the fuck not.
Eh, it's late-night Friday AnimeGAF. Every will forget about it eventually.
After watching Golden Time - 02 I just had to .gif this legendary moment...
Samurai Flamenco 2
One has to wonder what the tagline "for all those adults who don't want to grow up" is supposed to mean for this show. Is Masayoshi going to abandon the Samurai Flamenco lifestyle once he realises that sometimes you don't have to obey the rules etc. thus making the show slightly moralising? Is there going to be some kind of cop element to the show, or will it continue to play out in this slightly slice-of-life manner? I'm curious to find out.