Can anyone login? I couldnt for past 10 mins
You forgot dat Mahvel son
Can anyone login? I couldnt for past 10 mins
King of Fighters on sale D: D: Do want.
Anyone use Steam Achievement Manager? Safe to use?
Don't forget Marvel 1!Marvel 2 and 3 need to happen.
Please, Capcom.
I would gladly buy Ace Attorney 1-3 for $15 on Steam~
I still laugh at people calling PS+ games free.
Anyone use Steam Achievement Manager? Safe to use?
I already checked there and in GameFly, their deals already expired
Assuming you want to spoof playtime to idle for card drops, there's a better trick to use that doesn't require using an external program from a page emblazoned with "This server is not run by faggots".King of Fighters on sale D: D: Do want.
Anyone use Steam Achievement Manager? Safe to use?
Has anyone ever gotten a foil using Steam Achievement Manager?
Just saw more screenshots from Dark Souls II and the hype is back again, this always happens and then I get a reminder that we need to wait about 5 more months.
The fact that it's going to be GFWL-free makes the deal even better, I can't wait.
What's GFWL?
What's GFWL?
Me either. The prospect of Steamworks means I might be able to get some of my Steam friends to pick it up this time.
I'm hoping being able to experience with proper settings and I hope the invasions to be kind on me since I'm terrible at this game but I simple love it.
You were right about Hotline Miami. So much better with a mouse. Levels that were giving me problems before are really easy now, and I still take advantage of the lock on (it's on middle mouse button).
For example, one guy on the other side of the room with a gun and a guy with a knife right near the door. Lock onto the guy with the gun, open the door and really quickly throw my current weapon at him, punch the knife guy close to the door, finish him off then have barely enough time to run over to the guy with the gun before he gets up.
I equally enjoy when shit just goes crazy. I have this plan in my head and there happens to be a pane of glass I didn't notice, then the mouse quickness really comes into play. Things like mowing people down until I run out of ammo, then throwing the gun at the last couple guys and stomping them down. And all in the span of a few seconds, feels great to not struggle with the input method.
I still laugh at people calling PS+ games free.
It's pretty much what turned me off from that, that and its fanatics.
Nope. But neither is it on PS3.but is metal gear rising on pc for free, is it!?
That's not what you asked at firstyeah it's a subscription, you still can't play metal gear rising on pc though![]()
Assuming you want to spoof playtime to idle for card drops, there's a better trick to use that doesn't require using an external program from a page emblazoned with "This server is not run by faggots".
Details here from warheat1990 and a clarification from our local Romulan fan on it working with any game using CEG, not just Source titles.
Nope. But neither is it on PS3.
That's not what you asked at first![]()
Capcom need to get the rest of the Resident Evil series on Steam. They have 1,2,3 and 4 locked somewhere in a vault.
I'm downloading Path of Exile just to idle it for cards, but then I figured that being f2p, maybe cards won't drop automatically but just buying stuff.
Does anyone knows which is the case for PoE?
F2P, probably costs money. Check your profile and it should tell you.
Badge doesn't show until I launch the game at least once, I think.
At least it isn't showing right now in the middle of the download, so I wanted to know before keep going, as I'm not planning to play it "for the sake of playing it" anytime soon.
You definitely need to buy something. 43 hours of playtime here and 0 of 13 cards dropped.
Not really interested in either.
PS+ wouldn't have much value for me since I probably already own the majority of games on PC and I would prefer to play the games on that platform anyways.
PS+ is pretty pointless feature tho, especially when you game on the PC.
I love the trailer music and graphical style of Lilly Looking Through. Has anyone tried it yet?
I know, right? And where are Firestorm (especially since Killer Frost is in, and yes, even the new one, because nobody asked for fucking Scorpion) and Red Tornado? Captain Atom? Blue Beetle (old or new)? Etrigan the Demon? Dr. Fate? Any JSA members? Hell, why is Nightwing in and Azreal not? Bane, for fuck's sake?How can you make a Justice League game without Booster Gold, Captain Cold and Swamp Thing?
I mean seriously, who asked for Hawkgirl
A lot of PS3 exclusives that are covered by PS+ though, for $49.99 or even less, it's a pretty good subscription model.
Heck it even has.Sleeping Dogs!
A lot of PS3 exclusives that are covered by PS+ though, for $49.99 or even less, it's a pretty good subscription model.
Heck it even has.Sleeping Dogs!
Why isn't that availiable retroactively for new members, I'll never know.
I don't see Steam as a subscription service. It's a digital store, and the games you buy there are yours forever (supposedly, of course, but even if your access gets revoked you could always download a crack and keep playing them).Yeah it's a subscription service, I see both platforms as some kind of subscription service though, I pay a certain amount of money to have access to x amount of games, but the thing is ps+ can expire, but for the region I'm in without rental services, it's kind of great.
This is something I thought about too. Your solution seems like a good idea, and Sony would get even more money.Why isn't that availiable retroactively for new members, I'll never know.
Fuck, I'll even pay them one year of PSN+ ON TOP of a new PSN+ year plus, as long as I could get all the games.
Let me exemplify: If I buy a PS3 and sign up for PSN+ NOW (12 months, 50 bucks), I'll only be eligible for the "free" games going forward. I would pay an extra 50 bucks (or whatever ratio based on the amount of months the "free games" program has been going on) to get access to everything released so far, on top of the regular 50 bucks yearly subscription.
As a new user to the platform, I'd be screwed out of every game released so far.
Since I managed to not spend on the Halloween sale, I grabbed the pre-order for Defender's Quest 2. What an idiot.
Well, have a giveaway for the awesome first game since I don't need the bonus key:
I don't have a PS3, but from what I've heard I believe PS+ to be a great and worthwhile service, and I'd subscribe to it if I owned the console. But those games aren't free, not at all.
4 keys is actually more expensive than the game is on my store.
The illegal steam key blackmarket doesn't benefit me at all.
I was totally of that mind. Then Sony introduced the PSN+ program, where you get free games each month, but ONLY if you downloaded/assigned those games to your account that month. I looked up PS3 prices then, they were absurd where I live (700USD+ for the cheapest one). I didn't buy one, and because of that, I missed on pretty much the entire Catalog of PS3 games I'd want to play, given away for free with PSN+.
As of today, I rather just cut my losses and not buy a PS3 at all, as I already lost all those free games.
Assuming you want to spoof playtime to idle for card drops, there's a better trick to use that doesn't require using an external program from a page emblazoned with "This server is not run by faggots".
Details here from warheat1990 and a clarification from our local Romulan fan on it working with any game using CEG, not just Source titles.
A lot of PS3 exclusives that are covered by PS+ though, for $49.99 or even less, it's a pretty good subscription model.
Heck it even has.Sleeping Dogs!
Once the growth of PS+ slows down (meaning they have more or less everyone they can get), what's to stop them from slowing down the quality and/or frequency of the games provided for "free". So many people will be locked in with so many games they would lose that it would make sense from a business perspective to just milk those subscribers. They can't get any more than the subscription cost, so there's no reason for them to make it any better.
Not something I would want to sign up for.
Once the growth of PS+ slows down (meaning they have more or less everyone they can get), what's to stop them from slowing down the quality and/or frequency of the games provided for "free". So many people will be locked in with so many games they would lose that it would make sense from a business perspective to just milk those subscribers. They can't get any more than the subscription cost, so there's no reason for them to make it any better.
Not something I would want to sign up for.
So, there is a conference in Paris these days, and I have learnt there will be a puzzle-arcade game by Pastagames (Rayman Jungle Run for iOS) which will be released during the first quarter of 2014: Pix the Cat.
The game will be released on Steam.
Here are some pictures found on Twitter: