2013-14 NBA Oct-Nov Season |OT| They can't hide the championship banners Forever


Little is the new Big
I'm buying 2k14 on PS4 at launch, now to figure out where to find the budget for the actual console... Will join y'all whenever I get there :p


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I'm getting 2K14 add me to the list (or don't cause I'd be jobbing harder than the Jazz having basically never played 2k before).

Gotta say the overreactions to the Rockets game last night are truly bizarre. Rockets barely lose a game where they played like shit and the opposition shoots 46% from 3. Yeah they have some issues but every team has issues, these aren't the kind that they can't correct over the course of a season. As in they really have to trade Asik at some point.

Blaming the PG play is moronic. Maybe Howard should be pointing a finger at Harden for getting completely abused by Steve Blake last night. Maybe he should be pointing a finger at Parsons for being garbage for the entire season so far. Maybe he should blame himself for being a scrub free throw shooter his entire career and seemingly getting worse at it every year.

But I guess its easier to point the finger at guys who you aren't buddies with.
$15 million for a bad point guard isn't a very good trade chip. And the contract only counts as about $8 million for trade purposes so you can't even use him to trade for another large contract.

How does that work though? So he's 8 mil on the cap but the Rockets would have to take 15 mil worth of salary in return? Or is it just straight 8 mil? Either way, I've seen a lot worse contracts get moved and he's not a bust anyways. Looking at his contract in totality, I just don't see how 3 years for 25 mil is grossly overpaying him when Calderon signed a 4 year 29 mil contract.


Just finished the 1st quarter from the rockets/lakers game and here are some impressions

Blake scored all 9 of his points on Harden in a short stretch.
Rockets caught up AFTER Lin came back in the game
Beverly made his only 3pts off a pass from Lin
Garcia's shot looks horrible
Harden has some bad offensive decisions
Casspi overplayed at the end leaving wes johnson wide open
Dwight / Asik missing some easy buckets


Just finished the 1st quarter from the rockets/lakers game and here are some impressions

Blake scored all 9 of his points on Harden in a short stretch.
Rockets caught up AFTER Lin came back in the game
Beverly made his only 3pts off a pass from Lin
Garcia's shot looks horrible
Harden has some bad offensive decisions
Casspi overplayed at the end leaving wes johnson wide open
Dwight / Asik missing some easy buckets

Might as well skip to the third bruh

Unless you enjoy watching no fucks given 3s go in


Might as well skip to the third bruh

Unless you enjoy watching no fucks given 3s go in

haha i was out drinking last night and seeing the score on my phone was WTF.

read parts of the thread and hit up clutchfans thread too and decided i have to watch the game to see wtf happened


I gotta say that all of last year I laughed at the Lakers thinking that Kobe and Dwight were at least equally to blame. I never thought D12 would do this shit again on a third team in as many seasons.

Now that the first cancer symptoms are appearing in Houston I take it all back. Fool me once...

And from those that missed or dismissed it before maybe now we can assume there really was some truth to this comment:

(This was originally posted on the Rockets FB by someone that apparently attended the Clippers game):
"Wanted to post my observations from the game last night but will lead the analysis to the pros on the site. My sister and I sat right behind Rockets bench which was great but we had 5 or 6 hecklers sitting right beside us that were super annoying. They were talking trash and screaming literally the whole game. I want to punch them in the face First, Jeremy looked good during warmups. He was making a lot of his jump shots. Not sure if they showed this on TV but Parsons, Harden and Lin have a new pre game ritual. Harden and Parsons facing each other with Lin facing away from them. Harden brushes Parsons hair, Parsons brushes Harden's beard. They do a couple other things that I missed then at the last second Jeremy turns around and they all bow towards each other.

First half was really hard to watch. Looks like dwight and Harden were super lazy on defense. Dwight constantly looks to throw outlet pass to Harden or Parsons. Jeremy was getting really frustrated. There was a play where Coach Mchale was yelling at Jeremy to run a certain play (Index finger and pinky finger raised). Looks like this is a type of "horns" play where they set double screens for Jeremy at the top of the key (one pick on each side). Jeremy calls the play, Harden gets the ball and goes iso and misses.

Mchale then calls time out and yells at Jeremy. Jeremy yells at Mchale back. I heard Jeremy say something like, "I AM trying to run the play." Mchale then yells at Harden and Harden just walks away from him. Mchale then looks at Jeremy and shrugs his shoulders kind of like, "there's nothing i can do."

Jeremy reall looks like he is not having a good time playing. He was constantly being yelled at by Dwight and Parsons between plays. To be honest, I really don't know why they were yelling at him. There were couple time where Jeremy wasn't even involved in the play. In 4th quarter, Jeremy checks in at 8 minute mark on his own. He looked at Mchale while walking to check in kind of like asking "I'm checking in right now right." Made me think maybe they have set times they check in? At the end of the 4th, AB was set to check in for JEremy during garbage time. Jeremy was playing well. I saw AB walk back to the bench on his own and heard him say to Mchale, "Jeremy's doing his thing. Just let him play."

This was echoed by a Clippers fan on reddit

HILARIOUS! i know the guys that were heckling dwight and harden. they are season ticket holders and die hard clips fans, and actually got yelled at by both rockets towards the end of the game.

the assessment about Lin is completely correct. It's crazy how other teams attack him. and it's even worse that the rockets players don't stand up for him. he was bullied by the clips and was OPENLY yelled at by several rockets players for things that weren't even his fault. CP3 would abuse whichever rocket was guarding him, but somehow whenever Lin got scored on he was given crap.

the part about Harden is completely true too. he openly broke plays and went iso. he turned it into a d measuring contest for some reason, when Omri was making everything.
no way the team will contend, they are in line for a self destruct IMO.


That James Harden defense....



How does that work though? So he's 8 mil on the cap but the Rockets would have to take 15 mil worth of salary in return? Or is it just straight 8 mil? Either way, I've seen a lot worse contracts get moved and he's not a bust anyways. Looking at his contract in totality, I just don't see how 3 years for 25 mil is grossly overpaying him when Calderon signed a 4 year 29 mil contract.

Because Calderon is better than Lin?


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Posting Lin stan vomit from clutchfans = you done lost your mind

What was so wrong with what they wrote? He played fine last night and he's already the scapegoat for Dwight. He can say whatever he wants too because unlike Jameer, Jeremy ain't gonna clock him in the face during practice.


Posting Lin stan vomit from clutchfans = you done lost your mind

Beverley is on the hook too according to cyberx, who has a proven track record for Rockets inside information over the past year. Dwight is just unhappy with the general point guard situation.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Beverley is on the hook too according to cyberx, who has a proven track record for Rockets inside information over the past year. Dwight is just unhappy with the general point guard situation.

Seriously though this was a no brainer to happen if they struggled (and I guess 4-2 counts as struggling now lmao).

Dwight ain't throwing Harden and Parsons under the bus, its too early to throw another coach under the bus and they don't even have a 4 to throw under there so whos going to get Dwight's shit?


Do you guys think that Lin/Beverley/Asik is enough to get Rondo?

Well anyway it'll be interesting to see how the season unfolds in Houston.

In other news it looks like Patrick Ewing will be coaching the Bobcats against the Knicks tonight. He has a chance to put his former team out of its misery.


Do you guys think that Lin/Beverley/Asik is enough to get Rondo?

Well anyway it'll be interesting to see how the season unfolds in Houston.

In other news it looks like Patrick Ewing will be coaching the Bobcats against the Knicks tonight. He has a chance to put his former team out of its misery.
If the Bobcats win Dolan is gonna do something stupid like hire Isiah as coach and gm again.
You seem to be suffering from the misconception that Lin is a good point guard. He's a backup at best. You don't pay backup PGs $15 million a year.

He's not being paid $15 mil a year and he's a solid starter at best. You seem to be blinded by your hatred of all things Lin.


He's not being paid $15 mil a year and he's a solid starter at best. You seem to be blinded by your hatred of all things Lin.

He's being paid $15 million next year which is what the discussion is about. Being able to assess someone's talent has nothing to do with hating, when you get benched in favor of Patrick Beverly, you're just not that good.


If the Bobcats win Dolan is gonna do something stupid like hire Isiah as coach and gm again.

That's what makes this game so critical. The Knicks lost at home last time so they have to play the Bobcats in Charlotte. And the Cats have Jefferson back. And the Knicks lost Chandler. And they're starting Bargnani at center. And it's Ewing who's going to be taking a dump on them if they lose.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
He's being paid $15 million next year which is what the discussion is about. Being able to assess someone's talent has nothing to do with hating, when you get benched in favor of Patrick Beverly, you're just not that good.

The way Beverly started this season that benching might not last that long. Jeremy has been the much better player so far this year. Bev looks like he came back from his injury way too soon.


He's being paid $15 million next year which is what the discussion is about. Being able to assess someone's talent has nothing to do with hating, when you get benched in favor of Patrick Beverly, you're just not that good.

id blame mchale first.

Im into the 3rd qtr on the game now.

alot of blown defensive coverage. Parsons actually has had alot of bad rotations - not sure whats going on here. Guys overcomitting on help and forgetting their guy


Tomodachi wa Mahou
That's what makes this game so critical. The Knicks lost at home last time so they have to play the Bobcats in Charlotte. And the Cats have Jefferson back. And the Knicks lost Chandler. And they're starting Bargnani at center. And it's Ewing who's going to be taking a dump on them if they lose.

Clearly Dolan will just fire Woodson after the game and just hire Ewing to be the head coach after tonight.
He's being paid $15 million next year which is what the discussion is about. Being able to assess someone's talent has nothing to do with hating, when you get benched in favor of Patrick Beverly, you're just not that good.

By Mchale...who's proving himself to be a masterful coach. How much is he being paid this year for his output thus far? $5 mil.


The way Beverly started this season that benching might not last that long. Jeremy has been the much better player so far this year.

Sure, but it's 6 games. In the sample size of a full season last year Lin was not good at all. He was mediocre to bad in every category, almost like he got completely overexposed after all the hype from the New York media machine.


Harden is still the most unwatchable player in the league.

well besides our pgs

What don't you like about stupid iso plays where 30% of the time there's a legit effort to score and the other 70% of the time it's just an attempt to get to the line?
Sure, but it's 6 games. In the sample size of a full season last year Lin was not good at all. He was mediocre to bad in every category, almost like he got completely overexposed after all the hype from the New York media machine.

first full year as a starter coming off an injury and he was inconsistent. There were months where he played well but he started off horribly. His 3pt fg% improved as the season went on (IIRC correctly, was shooting it at.400 for like the 2 months of the regular season).


What don't you like about stupid iso plays where 30% of the time there's a legit effort to score and the other 70% of the time it's just an attempt to get to the line?

spot on. dude has horrible looking drives that are obvious attempts to get fouled. Cant wait for the refs to stop calling that shit
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