Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall


Yes the 3D does make it objectively better looking.

Just at the first dungeon but everything is so brisk, the mechanics are so SNAPPY. I'm sure there'll be great things to come but that's the greatest thing you can say, in my opinion, that doing every small little thing feels fun like a Mario game. Oh and the music.


Oh bah, it's download. Kind of hoped for a cart so I can more easily let a friend play it too after I was done but oh well. Can't really beat getting the game itself for 20 bucks technically.


Just got back from GameStop. There was only one other couple there just for Zelda. Everyone else was in line for the XB1. They were nice enough to let us purchase our stuff first. I caved and bought the Zelda 3DS XL. Some guy as I was walking out asked me about it. I guess he didn't know you could buy it early?

I'm ready to play Zelda for a few hours before work in the morning. I'll be tired, but a good tired. :)


Played for three hours and completed two dungeons.

I appreciate not being having to contend with a prolonged introduction. Within thirty minutes I had already accessed the first dungeon. What exposition is there is engaging enough to make me wonder why the Zelda team has insisted on stuff more and more cutscenes into every game.

Being able to complete dungeons in a nonlinear order is refreshing, as is figuring out how to access those dungeons without any blatant hints or suggestions from a companion character.

I was worried that the rental system would mean each dungeon was designed under the assumption you weren't using anything other than your sword and torch, but that thankfully isn't the case. I've already rented every item in the game. It would feel a little too easy if it weren't for losing access to all of those items upon death. Knowing that I could lose my entire inventory makes battles more tense than usual..

The wall mechanic is ingenuous. As obvious as it sounds, the ability forces you to think about every area of the game from a different perspective. I've already found a few heart pieces, hundreds of rupees, and some easter eggs from simply experimenting with it in different locations.

Really enjoying it so far.
I have 8 more pages of a research paper to write and 3 hours of class until I can play this game. I hate you all!

But seriously, I hope you're all having fun :)


Arghh this wait for the 3DS XL Zelda game code to work is just too much!
Really glad I didn't stay up in hopes of it working, nearly 10am here and still not working, just boo. Simply boo.


I'm having so much fun traversing the world just finding little caves and stuff to explore. The game is so fluid, the music is so good and everything is so unrestrained; it really is a treat to play. So far, everything seems so well designed and intricate which is refreshing coming from The Wind Waker HD so recently, which I have always felt became formulaic because of the grid like nature of the map.

I'm already hoping for a (spiritual) sequel that uses the same technology but with a completely original world to explore as opposed to the much requested Majora's Mask remake. Actually, it would be kind of interesting to see that game demade in this engine.



Fuck codes, let's go physical ♪

Y-You got essentially 3 copies of the game?! Ha ha nice!
Considering to just get the physical version if Nintendo can't get their shit together with the download codes...
I'll miss out the treasure chest though now I guess, ha ha
Y-You got essentially 3 copies of the game?! Ha ha nice!
Considering to just get the physical version if Nintendo can't get their shit together with the download codes...
I'll miss out the treasure chest though now I guess, ha ha

I got two copies of this coming my way too. Hopefully before the year changes. And I'm getting a JP copy in January. Yes ;//


Maturity, bitches.


Huh, I think this marks the end of 3DS games seemingly mandated to mirror Start/Select, Select brings up the inventory screen. Probably because not only is it a waste of a button but on 2DS it's right next to it anyway.
I'm only at the second dungeon, but I STILL can't believe that a flagship title from Nintendo in 2013 has the ideals of a flagship title from Nintendo in the early 90s. A beautiful world and soundtrack combined with high respect for the player's intellect. Now this is what I've been missing from my favorite gaming developer from the past ten years.

It is such a brilliant return to form. Good god, if they transfer this design philosophy over to the Wii U, I will buy it over the PS4
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