Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Woo, just got to 100 on Super Multis.
As a warning, it will still take hundreds or even a thousand + eggs to get a shiny with that method.Oh. Badass. I've got a Japanese Pikachu so I was thinking of trying that, lol.
Finished Y earlier and got all those stones no prob in 15 minutes. No time traveling either.All right, whose the retard that decided that megastones can ONLY be caught during 8-9 pm?
I'm time traveling like crazy and I can't find the kangaskhanite!
I already fought my rival and talked to the professor so I don't know whats going on. This is driving me insane. I have my team fully ev'd and I just want to grab 1 megastone and move on.
I really have no idea what to use as my 6th pokemon.
any suggestions? I don't care how good something is, I just play for fun/what I like, my favorites arn't in the game yet though =/
VolcaronaI really have no idea what to use as my 6th pokemon.
any suggestions? I don't care how good something is, I just play for fun/what I like, my favorites arn't in the game yet though =/
I've been stuck at 1550 rating on Showdown for a while now. I have no idea how these people have 2000 on the leaderboards. That's just crazy.
I really have no idea what to use as my 6th pokemon.
any suggestions? I don't care how good something is, I just play for fun/what I like, my favorites arn't in the game yet though =/
Looking for a couple things to kick off my team building:
Prankster Meowstic M
Chlorophyll Bulbasaur
Don't care about IVs or anything, just need them to breed myself. Don't have too much to offer but I can try to dig something up.
...for which metagame
Looking for a couple things to kick off my team building:
Prankster Meowstic M
Chlorophyll Bulbasaur
Don't care about IVs or anything, just need them to breed myself. Don't have too much to offer but I can try to dig something up.
You need some grass.
I suggest chesnaught, because chesnaught is awesome.
Is he? I have so many bulky pokemon on my team, suggest me a grass sweeper![]()
Is he? I have so many bulky pokemon on my team, suggest me a grass sweeper![]()
As a warning, it will still take hundreds or even a thousand + eggs to get a shiny with that method.
I've got time.
Ready to trade but can't Instacheck because I don't believe in it sorry.HypnoDarkrai, I'm ready to give you your Nidoran back! Could you help me mass check about 28 eggs while we're at it?
Thanks, Hypno. Could someone help me check all of these eggs? I'm sick of hatching these little buggers and just want to make the process as speedy as possible.
What do I have to do for this?
It's alright, I already found a perfect one (it was only the third egg, too)! Here, take an Adamant Adaptability Corphish with two egg moves as thanks.
Speaking of Breloom, can anyone trade me a female shroomish, or better yet does anyone have shroomish in their friend safari??
I think I have a few female shroomish to spare. Lemme check in 5 mins.
I can give you a pokerus Prankster Meowstic M, but I'm not at home right now. Only will be back in around 7 hours.
I've got time.
Well then, you should at least get a Pokemon with Flame Body in your party to make the hatching go by twice as fast. Fletchling's evolutions, Fletchinder and Talonflame, are easy enough to obtain.
I think I have a few female shroomish to spare. Lemme check in 5 mins.
Ooh. encountered my first Honedge and it looks badass. Plus Steel Ghost? That's a cool combination.
Too bad it evolves into a Simon Says game.
Too bad it evolves into a Simon Says game.
Buh? I don't get it. D=
Its final form is stupidly easy to bend over your knee if you know how and have the tools to counter it.
Also it's not called Tripaule and that makes me very sad![]()
Yeah, don't let him discourage you. The mon's a gamble, but so is the move Sucker Punch, yet everyone loves that move.Ah, I see. I'll mess around with it later anyway. it looks cool.
Yeah, don't let him discourage you. The mon's a gamble, but so is the move Sucker Punch, yet everyone loves that move.
Yeah, don't let him discourage you. The mon's a gamble, but so is the move Sucker Punch, yet everyone loves that move.
Don't get me wrong; Aegislash squashes everything that doesn't hard counter it. However, it's left flopping around like a wet paper towel if you manage to burn, Taunt, trap, Encore, or predict it, plus it loses one of its most valuable moves if faced with a Special Attacker or Earthquake user.
I guess I've just fought so flippin' many of the things that they seem really drab to me. I've only ever lost to them as of late if I'm on my last Pokémon since some save it just for the occasion.