oh, so it's counterable, like every other Pokemon ever
I'd be willing to have a discussion with you if you weren't always so aggressive and rude.
oh, so it's counterable, like every other Pokemon ever
I'd be willing to have a discussion with you if you weren't always so aggressive and rude.
Do you think it's more wild in singles or doubles; I can't make my mind up.Aegislash is all about mind games. Don't just blindly follow the sequence and you can trip up your opponent.
that's literally the line you guys threw at me in previous threads, word for word
EDIT: You know what, I'm done feeding you.
Do you think it's more wild in singles or doubles; I can't make my mind up.
Mixed wall Goodra with assault vest, what do you guys figure is the better nature - sassy or relaxed? Sassy is of course the safe choice, but I feel like with its already high special defense and the assault vest, that relaxed might be more beneficial (along with 252 defense EVs) since its defense stat can use a little help, and since I'll be running Counter on it as well.
OK, so I've had Y for a month and a half, and only recently have I begun to find shinies. Furfrou was a couple weeks ago, but between yesterday and today, I've gotten Weepinbell, Dunsparce, and Larvesta. Yeesh.
Holy hell do I hate stallers on super singles.
Also swear to god that they rigged the RNG to screw you over in this. Immobilised by love for 5 times? Really?
hey, be glad you didn't miss 5 Will-O-Wisps in a match
(bonus points if you get the reference)
Is naive what you want on an electabuzz? Da FUQ
Smogon says naive for flamethrower, but I don't know why you wouldn't just go jolly or adamant and use fire punch.
Because Fire Punch has significantly lower base power.Smogon says naive for flamethrower, but I don't know why you wouldn't just go jolly or adamant and use fire punch.
OMFG. Was going for a 31/31/31/x/31/x Bergmite with Sturdy, and I was kind of still in the beginning. A 3 IV female Bergmite that I bred with my 4 IV Ditto... and a shiny male Sturdy Bergmite hatches!!
Aegislash is all about mind games. Don't just blindly follow the sequence and you can trip up your opponent.
True, but if you don't make it specialized to fit a single role, it won't be as affective as any decent move can kill blade form. If you don't kill on your form switch, you're pretty much dead.Yeah, that pokemon has a lot more to offer than just sword dance> Sacred Sword>King's Shield/Shadow Sneak.
Argh, I seriously think that I'm having the worst bit of luck lately. Moves like hurricane never miss on me, even outside rain.
Ok can someone explain something to me:
I want to start breeding my Mawile to get better IV's but am confused as to how not to fuck this up. I have a female Mawile with two 31 IV's (HP and Special Defense), and has an Adamant nature which is what I ultimately want. How can I pass on both the nature and hopefully the perfect IV's if they can only hold one item? I thought about the idea of using my Watchog which has the same nature and is compatible... but I also eventually want to breed Fire Fang onto the thing which would come from my Manectric... which does not have an Adamant nature. How the hell can I get Fire Fang on to a Mawile, while keeping my IV's and the nature?
You can leave Destiny Knot on either of the Pokemon and it'll transfer 5 IVs from both parents. But it's random (out if the 12 stats) what it'll pull from. If you're just starting maybe start with Destiny Knot and a Power item so as to ensure at least one stat is passed down. Natures are easy to get and could be gotten last.
And to make things easier you could ask us if we have any leftovers. I was just breeding Mawiles so if you want I can give you one. I'm not online right now though.
So I should really start with getting the move over... then the IV's... the the nature? I guess I was assuming Destiny Knot took five out of the six from the parent holding it. What do you have for Mawile in terms of stats? It's probably better than what I have.
Damn, crimson. I keep forgetting about energy ball on galavantula.
Also thunder hitting twice and fire blast missing once?
I really have the worst luck today.![]()
Damn, crimson. I keep forgetting about energy ball on galavantula.
Also thunder hitting twice and fire blast missing once?
I really have the worst luck today.![]()
Galvantula has Compound Eyes.
Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Sticky Web up on my side.
Lets see if I can make another comeback.
You got the order right, but got confused about what destiny know does. It randomly picks 3 IVs from one parent and 2 IVs from another parent. The only way to have any control at all is using a power item, which guarantees that you'll get at least one of the perfect IVs.
edit: should have seen that thunder coming. I was hoping that mega absol could at least survive one hit though.
Technically, Destiny Knot picks out 5 random IVs from both parents in any manner. So, it could be 2 IVs from one parent and 3 from the other, only 1 IV from a parent and 4 from the other, or even 5 IVs from only one parent.
Mega Absol is too Fragile. It doesn't get a defensive boost, and its HP was already low.
Oh, I thought it was always 2/3.
Finally evolved my Deino into Hydreigon! Man, that took forever. I pushed the last 14 levels with rare candy. Gonna hate having to do this again with Larvesta.
argh this. i love both of them but gosh dang they take an eternity. I haven't even finished leveling her up to eighty for rage powder yet.
You don't even need to level up Volcarona to 80 for Rage Powder, just go to the Move Reminder and get it that way.
that is probably a better idea. i've been educated. thank u, macklelol.
You can get all of Volcarona's moves at the reminder, thankfully. No need to get to 100
For Fiery Dance.
Is anybody ready for a multi-battle? Like, right now? I have a partner.
Is anybody ready for a multi-battle? Like, right now? I have a partner.
does anyone wanna come and beat this water mammal and I up? pls
I'm up for it.
GGs crimson. I just can't deal with sticky web and mega heracross.
What is your friend code?