STEAM Announcements & Updates 2014 - To Next-Gen and Beyond!

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Homeland Security Fail
Oh. Good. I thought I'd lost my touch, especially with all the other people joining their voices to mine ;)

It looks really interesting. I looked up a few videos after your posts and it looks like something I would enjoy. The narration and the style is what drew me in. Definitely sucks I didn't pick it up. Hopefully it goes on sale again before the summer sale.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Started playing Transformers Fall Of Cybertron and my inner fanboy is squealing with delight, it's so damn good. Campaign seems to be a bit more varied than the first one as well. It's a pity we'll probably never seen a third one though :(

Seems to be a strange bug though where you're using the controller but the menus still need the mouse to equip, upgrade etc. Pity they never patched that.

The ending is such a blueballs ending knowing there will never be a third one.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
have I added you on Steam yet?
finally did another reformat with Origin and Steam on their own drive.

I'm fairly certain you helped me get my paws on MLB Office Manager as last year's Summer Sale drew to a close.

is Crysis 3 worth it?

There are worse ways to spend $5. If nothing else, the bow is quite fun to use, partly because it's somewhat overpowered.


Simply awesome, this game is fuckin amazing and so addictive!!!


What game is that yo.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
TR2013 bow >>>>> Crysis 3 bow

We really do need more games with bows and arrows, such satisfaction when it's a well made game mechanic and you make those shots of proper distance and arc, especially when you can reclaim the arrows and basically go forever with it.


We really do need more games with bows and arrows, such satisfaction when it's a well made game mechanic and you make those shots of proper distance and arc, especially when you can reclaim the arrows and basically go forever with it.

I thought Last of Us actually had the best implementation. It was actually tough to make a shot, felt satisfying.
Tomb Raider bow might as well have been hitscan.

For an Early Access game, Paranautical is pretty damn solid.

How much content have they added?

They should really allow us to pick up multiple weapons to mix up the play style.
Been playing some Rise of the Triad '13, I'm at episode 2 right now and yeeeaaaaaah not feelin' this one. I never really played the original so I didn't have any expectations going in, and I think the platformer elements to the level design are a neat novelty, but FPS platforming has almost never been a good idea when you lack a shadow or legs in first person view. That, and the general sense of combat hasn't left me all too impressed as so far 99% of the combat has been against palette swap soldiers, your weaponry choices consisting of basically an infinite ammo MP40 or one of a few explosive weapons you'll routinely find. There's just no variety to it, and it doesn't help that the AI is extremely stupid. The first boss fight consisted of me standing in place and shooting him while he struggled to walk through a doorframe, his attempts at retaliation resulted in nothing more than shooting the wall he was rubbing up against.

And while it's clear that this game was low budget, and that's fine, it would have been appreciated to realize where your strengths are and not inundate the player with intern voicework for the constant player character and enemy quips.

I think I should just stick with Doom wads instead of expecting much from classic reboots. Ah well, I'll stick it out and see where it goes.


How difficult is Risk of Rain for someone that is average at platformers? Every screen/vid I see of it seems like there is so much shit going on; not sure I would enjoy it.

Just finished XCOM:EU. So glad I got it during the sale; can't wait to get started on enemy within :D
How difficult is Risk of Rain for someone that is average at platformers? Every screen/vid I see of it seems like there is so much shit going on; not sure I would enjoy it.

Just finished XCOM:EU. So glad I got it during the sale; can't wait to get started on enemy within :D
It's not much of a platforming game, more about time management, skill use, and item acquisition. It's pretty difficult starting out on the normal difficulty, let alone the hard, but it's nothing too harsh on easy -- and it'll still allow you to unlock a lot of things to work your way up with, but unfortunately not my favourite class.

I'm still slogging through Valdis Story and now wished I got Risk of Rain with all this talk about it.
Having played RoR and only hearing about things of Valdis, I think the opposite. Grass is always greener I guess.
Bows have only gotten better in video games versus traditional guns as time goes on. With bows, there's always the chance of pinning a body to something and having it spazz out in a ragdoll seizure.


damn shame. Sounds like Activision basically sandbagged HM, aiming to release a 'mediocre' game. Really hope something can be done to get another TF game from them.

Don't stop believin'

They really sandbagged them with deadpool.

Possibly due to the Marvel licence expiring. They wanted to get a product out there so they could get some return on investment. Truly a no win situation for High Moon.


Drunky McMurder
How difficult is Risk of Rain for someone that is average at platformers? Every screen/vid I see of it seems like there is so much shit going on; not sure I would enjoy it.

Just finished XCOM:EU. So glad I got it during the sale; can't wait to get started on enemy within :D

The difficult part isn't platforming. It's managing a ridiculous amount of enemies with your abilities and their cooldowns. There isn't any precision in the way of aim or character control.

I'm still slogging through Valdis Story and now wished I got Risk of Rain with all this talk about it.

Personally I thought Risk of Rain was the best game I'd pick up during the sale until I grabbed Valdis Story. Corrupt save file derailed my enthusiasm tonight a bit.


How difficult is Risk of Rain for someone that is average at platformers? Every screen/vid I see of it seems like there is so much shit going on; not sure I would enjoy it.

Just finished XCOM:EU. So glad I got it during the sale; can't wait to get started on enemy within :D

I'm not very good at platformers but love Risk of Rain.
Still haven't made it past the second world on Normal :(
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