STEAM Announcements & Updates 2014 - To Next-Gen and Beyond!

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Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
They really sandbagged them with deadpool.

Possibly due to the Marvel licence expiring. They wanted to get a product out there so they could get some return on investment. Truly a no win situation for High Moon.

Transformers underperformed and Deadpool was guaranteed to underperform no matter how much time they gave them. It sucks that they were killed off, but if people don't buy your games, what are you gonna do?


irresponsible vagina leak
Ok I have a question my bf has since I don't have a mac I'll ask here. He has a Wii U Pro controller and he is trying to make it work on steam games with Big Picture mode and the games. The controller registers some commands but not others. For example the sticks up doesnt register and some face buttons dont register either..

Steam Big Picture mode wouldn't let him re- edit his controllers either so he is wondering what is the best way to make the Wii U Pro Controller work there. If it does not work fine how should he set the Ps3 controller on Mac?

Thanks in advance guys.
How do I protect my penis from getting touched when activating the first teleporter in Risk of Rain?

DayZ in its current state.

Yes or no?

Keep in mind you'll be enabling me to break my New Years Resolution of no games.

If you have friends to play it with, I would say yes.

If not, I would say not yet.
Dawn of the Ronin is finally on Greenlight, with a new trailer as well



DayZ in its current state.

Yes or no?

Keep in mind you'll be enabling me to break my New Years Resolution of no games.

Its in a good place currently, but it is buggy and very bare bones.

Only jump in if you are familiar with the mod's quirks and want to be apart of the development. Otherwise, I would recommend waiting 6 months.


The physical form of blasphemy
Master Reboot is an interesting game. I'm digging the story and the atmosphere. After finishing The Swapper, the puzzles are a nice change of pace.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
They really sandbagged them with deadpool.

Possibly due to the Marvel licence expiring. They wanted to get a product out there so they could get some return on investment. Truly a no win situation for High Moon.

The licence didn't expire: it was valid until 2017. Like Bond, Acti dropped it despite there being a few years remaining on the contract, presumably receiving a partial refund in the process.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
DayZ in its current state.

Yes or no?

Keep in mind you'll be enabling me to break my New Years Resolution of no games.

Very Nay. Wait until they actually make the zombies more than window dressing and fix the melee/combat in general systems.

At the worst, get Arma 2/Arrowhead and play the mod for your taste of what the Standalone basically is right now, minus/plus a few things between the versions.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
is this a movie forum? it was a great scene, it really shows the horror of wars and how it is messed up.

I waiting for the rambo game.
I am certain the game won't be great, but I'm looking forward it too. I hope it's at least entertaining and not just terrible. I hope it comes to Steam, though.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
the game I should have bought but did not
Risk of Rain

EDIT: I need to be convinced to jump on Risk of Rain

wilflare Steam said:
so tempted to get RISK OF RAIN ARGHHH

trying my best not to buy Risk of Rain while my PC is down
(currently on a MBP)

wilflare Steam said:
hehe RISK of RAIN <3

should I get Risk of Rain?

the more I look at this... the more I'm tempted to pick this up. argh

wilflare Steam said:
Dear Santa (don't go back to North Pol yet), should I get Valdis and Hammarwatch? (there's still Risk of Rain and more) lol. goodnight GAF, it's 4:21am

Both Swapper and Risk of Rain are highly tempting ARGH

still thinking on RoR :/ hmm
(pssst. anyone with a spare #5 and #6?)

and good old chap HP_Wuvcraft fixed that right away with a gift of Risk of Rain :D

thank you! <3 <3



I'm afraid the rambo game won't do the movie justice.
Have you seen the material they've released already?
It looks... pretty bad.

The arcade game was fun. Cost me a lot to play 2 players by myself cause having a machine gun in each hand is mandatory.



The first Rambo takes place in southern Oregon, and features Rambo being treated like a criminal and the small town's hostility triggering Rambo's war tendencies. And the Sherrie's an asshole.

And this wonderful scene happens:

You know, Rambo is the first major movie I can think of to tackle the subject of PTSD. It was way ahead of its time in that respect.

The only Rambo I recognise.

She's a lot cuter than Stallone. Once again, Japan gets the superior version. >.>

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I wish I could say I'm surprised, but Activision is pretty terrible to ther consumers. Of course they'd pull availability of their products to save some cash rather than keep it available.


Gosh, CSD is so stressful! It's only day six, but oh my, the anxiety levels already!

Charming, wonderful, addictive STRESS.
I'm afraid the rambo game won't do the movie justice.
Have you seen the material they've released already?
It looks... pretty bad.

yeah it looks bad but I hope is like call of juarez gunslinger, they should do it without being too serious, as long as the gameplay is polished I will buy it on steam.
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