i just want to create cool stuff with creative people that other people hopefully enjoy. enjoyment > money. ANYDAY.
But what if money is the enjoyment? #America
money > money
i just want to create cool stuff with creative people that other people hopefully enjoy. enjoyment > money. ANYDAY.
i just want to create cool stuff with creative people that other people hopefully enjoy. enjoyment > money. ANYDAY.
I'm 22, dropped out. making $13hr managing a ski shop. #ballin
Follow your dreams.
Oh, and I get 65% off the ENTIRE Oakley store. #perks
I'm still very upset at myself for not knowing what major and degree to pursue, even though I should get college ready in 5 months. :|
AMC Film Crew/Maintenance Assistant
May-Dec, $1k in free movies
god damn movies are expensive these days
need to keep part time job at movie theater til Halo movie comes out, must reap the employee benefits, must acquire all the posters, must protect the precious..
I'm still very upset at myself for not knowing what major and degree to pursue, even though I should get college ready in 5 months. :|
I go to the movies every Tuesday, where it's "cheap night" at my theatre. It's $7/tk now, but a few years ago it was $5. Those were the days. Free movies is a pretty kickass perk, though.
Guess heckfu and I are the only natural science nerds. BS Biology/Biomedical Science.
School rules. Stay in it... As long as possible.
When I was younger I was all about science and math. Then as I got older and dumber I realized telling people about other stuff was my true passion.
edit: speedy, don't worry about not declaring a major. you've got at least 2-4 semesters worth of gen ed classes, you've got plenty of time. try things out and see what interests you
Guess heckfu and I are the only natural science nerds. BS Biology/Biomedical Science.
herlerr werpernt said:Weve got an update for those of you following the Halo MEGA Bloks ONI REAP-X line! Coming soon is the UNSC Quad Walker, which is a highly advanced prototype walker based loosely on a number of Covenant models, including the Locust. Deployed from space much like a drop pod, the Walkers primary weapons are two plasma cannons, similar to the Covenants Shade turret.
What a nerd! Who cares!So tonight I decided to work on the HaloGAF Reach stats again. I'm at 107 of 131(~82%) HaloGAFfers from the original list on
Approximately 12.5% of Double Kills ever amount to anything more. But if you manage to get up to Killpocalypse, there's about an 80% chance that you're going to get a Killionaire. But only 0.03% of Double Kills make it to Killionaire.
Sprees on the other hand are far more volatile after the Killing Frenzy. 13% of Sprees make it to Frenzy, but only 60% of Inconceivables make it to Unfriggenbelievable status. Only 0.025% of Sprees make it to Unfriggenbelievable.
HaloGAF's win rate is around 62%. The K/D ratio for HaloGAF is 1.44. The K/D spread is +816,811.
I still want to see Vultures in-game.
What a nerd! Who cares!
heckfu, stop bringing our K/D down
Your shitty misuse of the word "rape" reminded me of this cool thing I saw on tumblr today. Cause guess what: rape is real, and it's a problem, and you should take it seriously.waped
I love this stuff.So tonight I decided to work on the HaloGAF Reach stats again. I'm at 107 of 131(~82%) HaloGAFfers from the original list on
Approximately 12.5% of Double Kills ever amount to anything more. But if you manage to get up to Killpocalypse, there's about an 80% chance that you're going to get a Killionaire. But only 0.03% of Double Kills make it to Killionaire.
Sprees on the other hand are far more volatile after the Killing Frenzy. 13% of Sprees make it to Frenzy, but only 60% of Inconceivables make it to Unfriggenbelievable status. Only 0.025% of Sprees make it to Unfriggenbelievable.
HaloGAF's win rate is around 62%. The K/D ratio for HaloGAF is 1.44. The K/D spread is +816,811.
Your shitty misuse of the word "rape" reminded me of this cool thing I saw on tumblr today. Cause guess what: rape is real, and it's a problem, and you should take it seriously.
Yep it is23 - B.S. in Computer Science
Took till Junior year for me to realize how awesome programming was (it's like magic).
Betas are more of a time/resource issue more than anything else.
Would be cool, but it is probably a lot more expensive then what he thinks. OpenSauce is cool though.
RIP in pieces engaging, fun and creative Halo visual design.
And none of them look that good, especially the pelican redesign. Just because you have the ability to change something, doesn't mean you should. The warthog sounds awful and is an example of pointless changes as well.I mean... have you played Halo 4? Have you seen the Mantis? Have you seen literally every redesign that 343i have done?
It's hardly new
And none of them look that good, especially the pelican redesign. Just because you have the ability to change something, doesn't mean you should. The warthog sounds awful and is an example of pointless changes as well.[img][/QUOTE]
They look more like bad copies of the the locust'sSo basically the humans have their own Scarabs now as well?
It is a very big joke:I've said it before, but I'm still completely convinced that the Marine redesign in Halo 4 is a joke.
These are some very ugly designs I hope they bring back older design's as well, not their own version.
Titanfall beta sign ups have begun. Apparently people thought it was a scam at first.
Yep only on the One, i'll be interested in seeing beta game play though.Only for Xbox One though right, not PC/X360.