So where did the 30 fps for both come from then?
Don't mistake me as participating in some silly console war rhetoric. I have no interest in who sells the most consoles. I said what I meant: the power difference between the XB1 and the PS4 won't mean much to the general public in the long run. Some people will know about it and it may affect their purchase, but there are many other factors that may sway peoples' wallets.
I'll believe it when I see it. Remember ps4 cod:ghost was supposed to be 60fps at 1080P..
Turns out you needed a patch to make it 1080P. Unfortunately that patch didn't fix the framerate issues.
I expect ps4 TR to have the same framerate issue. I'll take balanced 30fps over inconsistent 60fps.
Another Dev not putting effort in the Xbox One version? Color me surprised..... :/
I don't know. Maybe it's the amazing online service that is Xbox Live. The innovative Kinect Sensor with its motion tracking and voice recognition capabilities. Or maybe its the slew of amazing first party and third party exclusives coming to console. I really don't understand it either......
There will be no choppy waters since I don't have an XB1 and will be getting Titanfall on PC. I'm just having a hard time believing a Source Engine game not being able to run at 60 fps and 1080p on a next-gen console.
It's interesting to me that CDPR seems to think that the two versions will be basically identical.
Don't think we've heard much talk of the others though.
Why are so many of us convinced of that? I remember in the PS3's early years, multiplatform games were absolute shart for the system. But it improved over the years and toward the end, there was parity.
Why are we so sure the Xbox One won't make similar strides down the line?
And I'm not saying it will! I'm just curious.
Don't mistake me as participating in some silly console war rhetoric. I have no interest in who sells the most consoles. I said what I meant: the power difference between the XB1 and the PS4 won't mean much to the general public in the long run. Some people will know about it and it may affect their purchase, but there are many other factors that may sway peoples' wallets.
FYI, this is the website I write for, and this is my article. Did some digging, got confirmation, here it is.
Source = Rocket Chainsaw
Someone on my friends list is playing the PS4 definitive edition right now.
Are we sure about the setting though? Have they confirmed the equivalent PC settings?
I hope he got his $3 for that.
The fact that Respawn has not come out and said its native 1080p 6 weeks out from launch should be telling. Being on the source engine has nothing to do with it, it's not like they just replaced HL2 assets here.
i've made a huge mistake.
in all seriousness, thats great news for ps4 owners. at 30fps the improvements dont look that large over current gen, but i admit, if the x1 version was 60 it might tempt me to pick it up. i do find it interesting that we have a current gen port that runs at basically twice the framerate on ps4 vs x1 where it seems to me both should be able to hit 60. maybe a case of not bothering to optimize for the more difficult to program system?
Who is this everyone? Show me a single post in this thread of someone being blown away that the PS4 version is superior. I think most are just surprised that we are seeing such differences so early and so significant, but blown away? C'mon
What do you want? Everyone to just shut up and say "neat"?
Someone on my friends list is playing the PS4 definitive edition right now.
I'm curious what he considers big differences. It seems most multiplats have had their share of differences already.goosey
You'll notice that I never commented on the price difference between the two consoles. That was on purpose, because I'm not interested in talking about which console will "beat" the other. I was simply saying that I don't think the power difference between the two consoles will have a huge impact on sales. I pulled that 30,000 number out of my ass -- it wasn't meant to be literal.Hey at least you can laugh at yourself, I think that's a great virtue.
But your post was funny because no console ever has been weaker and more expensive, that is until Xbox One came along. There many of us here who have been arguing this since E3.
Furthermore, difference of 30,000 between PS4 and Xbox One versions of multiplateform is something that we already see in UK alone. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong).
Sure, that makes sense. But I still think that's a tiny minority of people.To those of us who are informed and are sought after for opinion these things do absolutely matter though. 500 USD is a lot to recommend for the big AAA games which run noticeably better on HW that 100 dollars cheaper.
The mainstream may be informed but you are on Neogaf, the best enthusiast level gaming forum. You bet your ass stuff like that matters here and that permeates into what people advise when it comes to the consumer spending their money wisely instead of throwing money away for overpriced HW. In this case the PS4 makes the XB look overpriced considering the performance disparities and we're only a few months into this generation.
That's it as of now. There's no changing the current perception.
GAF, you are slacking. This should be 15 pages by now.
The differences shouldn't be this huge though. There'd obviously be a difference but so far the gap is bigger than between the 360 and PS3 (much bigger I'd say).
ask him to stream it
Am I missing something? I'm sure every review editor out there has their own personal preferences.Remember folks, this is the reviews editor at Polygon.
It means the overall feature set, your level of investment and how those features and services interact and interface across multiple devices.What does that even mean? What IS the xbox ecosystem? Can someone define it?
Or that ;PFriends list and achievements pretty much.
I guess we'll see. I'm just trying to give the benefit of the doubt to the XB1 since it's the Source Engine. It's not a demanding engine to begin with.
Well, still. There is a lot of smoke for the game saying it is having a hard time hitting 720p and 60 fps let alone 1080. Guess we'll know soon enough. I think they will make a ton of concessions, including having the resolution at 720, to hit 60 FPS than the other way around.
But your post was funny because no console ever has been weaker and more expensive, that is until Xbox One came along. There many of us here who have been arguing this since E3.
What does that even mean? What IS the xbox ecosystem? Can someone define it?
I don't know. Maybe it's the amazing online service that is Xbox Live. The innovative Kinect Sensor with its motion tracking and voice recognition capabilities. Or maybe its the slew of amazing first party and third party exclusives coming to console. I really don't understand it either......
How can you have a performance gap if its exclusive?
So where did the 30 fps for both come from then?
What does that even mean? What IS the xbox ecosystem? Can someone define it?
Yes, It's actually quite an achievement to get 60fps with , must surely be using TressFX 2.0, I believe with TressFX the PC version at 1080p on a 7850 would be 30-40fps?
Slightly better voice commands and achievements.What does that even mean? What IS the xbox ecosystem? Can someone define it?
This is fucking brilliant.
Not every game is taxing enough by design (or in some cases poorly coded enough) to create a scenario where the two versions will offer an appreciable difference. See: FIFA, NBA2K, etc. CDPR's game may fall into this category. Others will not.