That's a different game made by different developers, it haut happens to share the same name.
For all intents and purposes Titanfall from Respawn is a next gen only game. PC and XBO.
How different is it?
That's a different game made by different developers, it haut happens to share the same name.
For all intents and purposes Titanfall from Respawn is a next gen only game. PC and XBO.
Assuming it's 60 fps and even with dips below 60, this is super impressive, as tressfx was very demanding on pc. I beat it on pc and I disabled tressfx in order to maintain a high frame rate. The fact that a $400 system can run this game with tressfx at a high frame rate is highly impressive.
B..b...but MS invented DirectX ! Can't be !
How different is it?
That's a different game made by different developers, it haut happens to share the same name.
For all intents and purposes Titanfall from Respawn is a next gen only game. PC and XBO.
Honestly, I'd rather they simply disable the Tres-fx features in exchange for a higher framerate. It was a pretty demanding feature on the PC and I'd imagine that's true here as well. I'm sure most people would gladly trade hair for framerate.
where you get this info from?
edit: oh. from your ass. nevermind.
...The Xbox One build can technically reach around 45 fps, though this performance is generally only achieved during the most empty, simplest environments.
What? It might a terrible port, but it's still the same game.
I wonder if this news has affected orders at all...
PS4 Version of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition: Ranked #81 in Video Games
XBONE Version of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition: Ranked #875 in Video Games
There is a huge difference there...
Does anyone know if this has always been the case?
Review copies are definitely in the wild. Just got word from a friend, and 60FPS on PS4 is most certainly truthfact. As if we don't have it on good enough authority as is lol.
I wonder if this news has affected orders at all...
PS4 Version of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition: Ranked #81 in Video Games
XBONE Version of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition: Ranked #875 in Video Games
There is a huge difference there...
Does anyone know if this has always been the case?
It's built from the ground up by a different development team. Much like Splinter Cell Double Agent on 360 and Xbox was the same game in name and basic idea, but two different games in the end.
I'm sure it's not just you, some people just don't care or even notice framedrops. It's a fact though that it's very far from silky smooth, I think it's hovering around 35 to 45 fps most of the time, Digital Foundry probably have a video on it if you're interested.Then it must be me because it's never been anything but silky smooth for me.
Someone else posted that the TressFX they are using isn't exactly the same as the PC version. It's still impressive for an affordable machine, like you said. Cerny certainly chose wisely when he went for a larger GPU and an easy to use architecture.
Not really, it looks very last gen. One could argue that its no better looking than Cod @ 1080p on pc.
Wait are you srs.
You haven't played the multiplayer much then. It can get abysmally low sometimes.
I'm not trying to troll but I'm actually glad xbox one is slightly underpowered. Maybe we'll get more 60fps games at least on one console like in the golden age of gaming.
Heh so true...
Major Nelson sitting there like:
This is probably less reflective on computational power and more reflective of a shitty port job.
It's not exactly 'gimping' the game when it ran at 30fps in other console's a very disturbing decision by the dev imo. I would hate to see more devs aiming to have both games versions run at 1080p at the expense of what I believe are the more important aspects of the game. It wouldn't have killed them to lower the resolution while still having a beautiful game that performed better.
If the xb1 version is unlocked and going from 30 to 45 that's going to look horrible.
Will this be a trend this gen? Having to worry about one console hindering the other at launch?
If the xb1 version is unlocked and going from 30 to 45 that's going to look horrible.
This is probably less reflective on computational power and more reflective of a shitty port job.
These are the exciting things i am patiently wait to see on these new's something that PC's are not truly doing yet for gaming and consoles will be the first to "truly" introduce this. I expect to see HUGE improvements at this point as well. Many developers are also really excited about utilizing this technology in these consoles. I guess that is why i am so excited for PS4 even though i am a pretty loyal PC gamer...I am very open to all new graphics technology because it is something I've always loved about gaming. I really feel Cerny and Team knocked out a homerun with PS4 architecture. And Xbox One has this as well so thats good for the X1 gamers too! but i am more excited to see the PS4 harness this tech because of its powerful hardware.
This is probably less reflective on computational power and more reflective of a shitty port job.
I say it again...WHAT!? This is first I'm hearing about this. Why even make a 360 version then?
Hmm. You might be onto something there. Tell use more.
....cant tell if serious...
lol so are you suggesting the PS4 didn't get a shitty port or what?
Just as it was foolish to buy third party games for PS3 last gen, it's foolish to do the same for Xbox One this gen.
lol so are you suggesting the PS4 didn't get a shitty port or what?
I'm a PS4 guy, as I was a PS1 and PS2 guy
Only due to hardware. From the software end of things, Microsoft has always been easy to develop for. Sony was a nightmare, but they cleaned up their act for the PS4. On this front, Microsoft still probably has the edge.Well isn't it pretty much anecdotal fact that PS4 is significantly more easy to develop for than Xbox One? Certainly sounds like a major contributing factor to me.
It's not exactly 'gimping' the game when it ran at 30fps in other console versions.
But i wonder if Devs would choose 1080 over FPS to avoid using the xbox one scaler.
Well here you go, to everybody that said no way to this game at $60... "unless they hit 60FPS which won't happen"
Now what?
This is probably less reflective on computational power and more reflective of a shitty port job.
Meanwhile, an unpurchased PS3 sits on a store shelf, waiting for the soulmate who will never come.
You can bet you're ass it will. That's half the fun lolAre these sorts of meltdowns seriously going to happen every-time a multi play title turns out to be shittier in some way to the ps4 version??