That's exactly what he does through and through. He hinks he gets charged by he word like Dickens.Thanks for posting this but Meltzer basically just summarized the Helwani interview and Comic Con panel. There's nothing new in there. He just stole everything from those interviews and put it in one long ass post. Fucking Meltzer lol...
Oh hey that 2nd comic is out.
what 2.99???
it was 1.99 last time![]()
![](), Cleveland started a "Cleveland sucks" chant and produced The Miz and his family, so I'm not sure how to use them as a barometer for anything.
I have $50 in Amazon gift cards. Giving serious consideration to buying the Foxhound messenger bag even though I have no use for it. Also thinking of a cheap car stereo for MP3 players/USB sticks, but any for $50 or lower seem to not last very long.
poor Batista, gets winded after 2 minutes
He's giving 110%.
What the fuck is this shit,
What the fuck.
Who are those meant to be?
He's giving 110%.
Why is Goldust in that drawing with Sid and Randy Orton?
Good god that's who it's supposed to be?
Has it ever been revealed who Meltzer's sources inside WWE are? It must be someone high up in chain because he always has info about where all storylines are heading towards.
Has it ever been revealed who Meltzer's sources inside WWE are? It must be someone high up in chain because he always has info about where all storylines are heading towards.
Boy, that whole thing with having ADR dump Ricardo so RVD would have a manager right before he was going to leave for an undetermined amount of time sure was a well thought out idea.
Observer is real work, it's not just an aggregate of dirtsheets. Observer is the TRUTH.
Then tell me why Dave Meltzer is BANNED? Can you explain that? Truth my ass. MY ASS!
Oh hey that 2nd comic is out.
what 2.99???
it was 1.99 last time![]()
Via kind twitter-friend STRIGGA,
"According to Dave Meltzer, the WWE offer Prince Devitt has on the table is for an immediate main roster position. #NJPW"
People have asked him this a lot of times, and he always dismisses the idea of a "big source" in WWE as silly. He says he talks to dozens of different people up and down the company to put together his reports.
He's been around for 30 years and the Observer is famous in wrestling, so I imagine quite a few wrestlers and writers are eager to give him scoops. Sheer longevity and effort means he knows a ridiculously large amount of people in wrestling and MMA.
The biggest risk with going to WWE now, is that you're given a developmental contract that pays peanuts, with the hope that it will go well in WWE and you'll make it to the main roster to make good money (or amazing money if you become a real star).
That offer totally bypasses that risk, so I would take it in a heartbeat.