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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 5, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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These last couple episodes have been pretty damn disappointing. How long are they going to focus each episode on these separate groups? So Eugene is dead right?
These last couple episodes have been pretty damn disappointing. How long are they going to focus each episode on these separate groups? So Eugene is dead right?

No he's not dead. That'd be stupid.

There are three episodes left before break. Wouldn't be surprised if next episode is focused entirely on Carol/Daryl and how they wind up separated, then the next one is about Daryl bringing Rick's group to the hospital, then the finale everyone still alive winds up together.

Or they could speed that up and have the last 2 episodes with everyone together, but yeah I can't really imagine them getting all three (four if you count Beth) groups together in the next episode.


Jesus. I'm glad they didn't allude to that in the flashback. Horror shows/films rarely handle it well, and instead it just sucks all the fun out.
On one hand, I agree. But without really explaining why any of that happened it just left me confused. I knew they weren't walkers that he killed but there want any real clue as to why he killed them, just that his family was freaked out by him.

And I doubt Rick knew for sure that Eugene was a fraud. I'm sure he would have said something, especially with Maggie and Glenn leaving with them.


Gosh finally. How could these knuckleheads really think that guy was a scientist?

Because they're fucking stupid? Everyone in the Walking Dead is an idiot. This is a world where a vetenarian kept rotting animated corpses in his barn thinking they could be cured. And the gov did the same thing with his daughter even though I'm sure she was missing a body part or two.

Sure, I believe this guy with half his face missing can live a normal life once we find a cure! Let me imprison him in my barn.


Well can't say I'm shocked about Eugene. The worst feeling I got after the reveal was "this show is really never leaving Georgia is it?" I love the show but it seems like I'm watching Gilligan's Island with zombies. Every week the raft gets wrecked one way or another.


Most people on the show are a little unhinged.

Yeah, I would imagine that the dead coming back to life and bringing about what might as well be the apocalypse would impair most people's judgement. I'm pretty sure we'd all come across as idiots were we put in the same situation.


Best episode of the season so far.

I actually liked the dialogue.

Yeah if people didn't like this episode I don't know what they want from this show. The episode had action, humor, cool zombie kills, a huge ass horde that you can smell from a mile away... I just don't get it.

Also did anyone notice that Glen tried to make a move on Maggie and she shut it down? It was kind of subtle.


Yeah if people didn't like this episode I don't know what they want from this show. The episode had action, humor, cool zombie kills, a huge ass horde that you can smell from a mile away... I just don't get it.

Also did anyone notice that Glen tried to make a move on Maggie and she shut it down? It was kind of subtle.

It was just a lot of long shots in the dark with pointless dialogue that served little purpose.


This was a way better episode than last weeks snorefest. Helps that I'm really vested in this group of characters.

Didn't see the previews next week, are we back to Rick and co?


Man is it hilarious hearing muscly military man Abraham swear on this show.

"This damn poop is screwed up! Darn it to heck!"


I don't understand how Abraham believing Eugene is a display of unusual stupidity.

It makes a lot of sense, and most people, in a situation of insanely high stress/despair, would cling onto some hope like that very easily. And then, when your head cools down a bit and you can see it critically, you have a lot of doubts, but you're so invested into it that you decide it's better than doing nothing.

This final flashback, with Abe saving Eugene and Eugene telling him he has a mission, I can literally feel what Abe is feeling/about to feel. The sense of having a grasp on something, having a purpose, having some hope. And then he recruited other people, they died for the goal, the investment became larger and larger. I'm sure Abe still had doubts in the back of his mind, but he'd always shut them up, repress them, until he finally snapped when Eugene said what Abe feared all along.

That's my take on it anyway, I certainly don't think he's stupid for going along with something this ridiculous. He's just...well-written (in that aspect, anyway.)

I think people grossly overestimate how well their judgement/rational thinking would hold under very-high-stress conditions where everything you knew is gone.

...Yeah, I liked this episode.
Why is DC the best place for survival again? Did he mention.
Worst episode in a while.

He figures that the government there more than anywhere else in the country would be doomsday prepared. And even if the government is totally wiped out, stuff they intended to use to be safe in case of various apoclaypses could still be intact and useful.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Heh, this recap is probably worth checking more than the episode itself. And I say that as someone that thought it was kinda worthwhile for Abraham's backstory.


Well can't say I'm shocked about Eugene. The worst feeling I got after the reveal was "this show is really never leaving Georgia is it?" I love the show but it seems like I'm watching Gilligan's Island with zombies. Every week the raft gets wrecked one way or another.

Hmm, "Love that idea", so who plays Mary-anne, Ginger, the professor and the millionaires?? :p


I'm gonna go against the grain and felt that I didn't enjoy this episode. Not to say the week before was better, but I'd rank them about equal.

With Beth's episode I was actually intrigued by the dynamics of the new group and the set up of the key players like Dawn and the Doctor.

With this episode, I didn't feel it was going anywhere until of course the reveal at the very end which made up for the rest of it.

Next week with Daryl and Carol should be awesome hopefully.
Don't think i've ever been more pissed off at a show. I mean, I knew Eugene was bullshitting,but when he rhymed off that list of people who got killed so he could fulfill his "mission", plus the people in his current crew that he duped, and almost killed by flipping the bus, then it was revealed how he met up with Abe and conned him in the lowest possible point of his life, the on top of that kept reiterating how much smarter he was than everyone I honestly wanted to kill him myself.


Jesus. I'm glad they didn't allude to that in the flashback. Horror shows/films rarely handle it well, and instead it just sucks all the fun out.
They alluded to that during that quick flashback with the cannibals. Still kind of fucks with me. I wish they would've left that out.
I thought, early in the episode, that one of the twists would be that the Abraham's flashback was set before the Zombie apocalypse.

That would be the only thing that could possibly explain why in the hell his wife ran off with the man's kids and got all 3 of them killed.

God this episode was such a piss off.


Don't think i've ever been more pissed off at a show. I mean, I knew Eugene was bullshitting,but when he rhymed off that list of people who got killed so he could fulfill his "mission", plus the people in his current crew that he duped, and almost killed by flipping the bus, then it was revealed how he met up with Abe and conned him in the lowest possible point of his life, the on top of that kept reiterating how much smarter he was than everyone I honestly wanted to kill him myself.

Yeah Eugenes a dick but he's right though, he is smarter than them. And (vague comic spoilers)
He's right about the dc area being a good place to go. Although i wonder how they'll handle it on the show becaue they were already pretty much there when Eugenes reveal happened in the comic. They could just stay in Geogia on the show.
Man this show is really dark. I was watching it during daytime this morning and I couldn't see hardly anything during those scenes with Glen and Abraham talking in the first quarter. I have noticed this in a couple other episodes this season too. I guess it's authentic looking night-time so I should appreciate it somewhat for a horror setting, but sometimes it feels like I am watching nondescript dark shapes moving with voices.

OK episode I guess. The confession and him falling flat on his face was certainly the highlight. That shot of the massive horde of zombies was kinda scary looking too.

I like watching TWD, but it's really kinda all over the place. Wished it had a bit more focus.


Gosh finally. How could these knuckleheads really think that guy was a scientist?

Same way a bunch of people in this thread thought he was legit. (They're dumb)

Seriously though I can see Abraham believing in Eugene because he was desperate and near suicidal at the time, so he clung to Eugene's words for a spark of hope. Once Abraham is in it might have been easier to convince more people to join.


I enjoyed this ep. I'd figured out the twist and was waiting for the other shoe to drop. I like the way it all finally came undone and I'm excited to see what is going to happen next. I guess they are going to give up on Washington but surely they have to set themselves a goal more lofty than just hunkering down in the next available spot after thinking that they were on a mission to save the human race.


Don't think i've ever been more pissed off at a show. I mean, I knew Eugene was bullshitting,but when he rhymed off that list of people who got killed so he could fulfill his "mission", plus the people in his current crew that he duped, and almost killed by flipping the bus, then it was revealed how he met up with Abe and conned him in the lowest possible point of his life, the on top of that kept reiterating how much smarter he was than everyone I honestly wanted to kill him myself.

Exactly how I felt, I really don't like his
character at all.


That would be the only thing that could possibly explain why in the hell his wife ran off with the man's kids and got all 3 of them killed.

God this episode was such a piss off.

That might be explained more in coming episodes, give it some time man.

One thing I didn't like was the part with the firetruck and Eugene just blasting zombies with water, they were way too fragile imo. Those hoses probably have a great punch to them but still, felt a little overboard.

Other than that I liked the episode. Eugene being useless I saw coming, Abraham giving what he deserves was cool. I doubt Eugene is dead though, just knocked out.


That might be explained more in coming episodes, give it some time man.

One thing I didn't like was the part with the firetruck and Eugene just blasting zombies with water, they were way too fragile imo. Those hoses probably have a great punch to them but still, felt a little overboard.

Other than that I liked the episode. Eugene being useless I saw coming, Abraham giving what he deserves was cool. I doubt Eugene is dead though, just knocked out.
I mean that makes sense though right? I mean they are rotting corpses.


That might be explained more in coming episodes, give it some time man.

One thing I didn't like was the part with the firetruck and Eugene just blasting zombies with water, they were way too fragile imo. Those hoses probably have a great punch to them but still, felt a little overboard.
Most fire trucks basically have the same power as water cannons.


The fact that Eugene's eyes weren't moving at all is a bit worrisome. I can only think that if he was 'dead dead' then they would have had the actor have his eyes open more to really communicate it.

That might be explained more in coming episodes, give it some time man.

One thing I didn't like was the part with the firetruck and Eugene just blasting zombies with water, they were way too fragile imo. Those hoses probably have a great punch to them but still, felt a little overboard.

Other than that I liked the episode. Eugene being useless I saw coming, Abraham giving what he deserves was cool. I doubt Eugene is dead though, just knocked out.

Eugene saved potentially everyone with the fire hose, but at least Abe who seemed to just be asking to get bit. That scene shows you why Eugene is not useless, despite him in no way being a front line fighter, he is much smarter than everyone else and that is very useful.

I mean that makes sense though right? I mean they are rotting corpses.

Yeah it made scene to me. That bunch certainly seemed well degraded.


Damn, combo breaker. The last couple of episodes were doing well and this one was mediocre. It felt like half an episode padded out. The flashback made no sense.

Saying that it wasn't terrible. Hopefully this was an anomaly and not the other episodes.


That might be explained more in coming episodes, give it some time man.

One thing I didn't like was the part with the firetruck and Eugene just blasting zombies with water, they were way too fragile imo. Those hoses probably have a great punch to them but still, felt a little overboard.

Other than that I liked the episode. Eugene being useless I saw coming, Abraham giving what he deserves was cool. I doubt Eugene is dead though, just knocked out.

Its already been established that the zombies are squishy and considering the fact that a fire hose couls kill a normal person i dont think there was anything wrong with that scene.


Eugene saved potentially everyone with the fire hose, but at least Abe who seemed to just be asking to get bit. That scene shows you why Eugene is not useless, despite him in no way being a front line fighter, he is much smarter than everyone else and that is very useful.
I don't really see Eugene being smarter than everyone else. Where is this coming from? Yes, he MacGuyver'd the battery to start a fire and sabotaged the bus, but why is there this assumption that since he said he was smarter than everyone else, he actually is?


The zombies are really inconsistent though. In some episodes they grab a full grown man and pull them, break rib cages open, topple fences and yet fall and break apart from a water cannon.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
The zombies are really inconsistent though. In some episodes they grab a full grown man and pull them, break rib cages open, topple fences and yet fall and break apart from a water cannon.
Not saying the show is consistent with this (it isn't), but I think the official explanation is that the longer they're dead the shittier they get. Assuming the group that was hosed was locked inside since the outbreak and how strong a water cannon is, it's not farfetched.


The zombies are really inconsistent though. In some episodes they grab a full grown man and pull them, break rib cages open, topple fences and yet fall and break apart from a water cannon.

Yeah, I kind of meant this. I just worded it very badly.


The zombies are really inconsistent though. In some episodes they grab a full grown man and pull them, break rib cages open, topple fences and yet fall and break apart from a water cannon.
I think it was kind of a safety thing. Fire-hoses are REALLY strong but you can't go blasting extras like that. I feel like they just trusted the viewer to know how strong those hoses typically are. They could've turned it up a notch maybe but I got it.
I think it was kind of a safety thing. Fire-hoses are REALLY strong but you can't go blasting extras like that. I feel like they just trusted the viewer to know how strong those hoses typically are. They could've turned it up a notch maybe but I got it.

Yeah they said the stunt coordinator let them blast him with the hose until he decided what a "safe" pressure was, and that the zombie masks were protective so they could get hit with it in the face.
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