I don't like motorcycles.
The show doesn't focus on motorcycles at all. Just a motorcycle gang and their gun running.
I don't like motorcycles.
The show doesn't focus on motorcycles at all. Just a motorcycle gang and their gun running.
Great and other people have different opinions. Season 2 was absolute garbage and was by far the lowest point of the series. I hope to god that the show doesn't become "Hershels Farm" ever again.
It already happened. Hershel's Farm was better than the last three episodes. At least you had an interesting character with Shane creating drama every episode. Last episode was more boring than any from Season 2. It should have just been skipped.
I think the last episode was really good. Everyone has been like lol Carol Schwarzenegger since the end of last season. This episode opened Carol and what she has been struggling with, and how she went from being a battered housewife to basically a trigger-happy hardass post-apocalypse. I think this episode was a much, much needed piece of the puzzle of Carol's arc. She feels like a person now to me now compared to when she blown up the Cannibal hideout. She has become my wife's favorite character (after Daryl of course) after last episode.
The flashback scenes were pivotal moments in Carol's life where she struggled with "starting over", the main theme of the episode. She has tried again and again. Carol digging grave for the of the girls was one of her attempts at burying the mommy Carol side of her, and her being banished by Rick was her starting over new. The van landing on it's wheels is just TV show magic. If you put a lot of time to it analyzing every law of physics, you won't enjoy the show lol. It was half-assed, but the van landing on its head or wheels would not have mattered to Daryl or Carol who both have major plot armor (for now). They both would have survived.What do you think about the corny flashback sequences? Do we really need to be reminded of the few things that happened to her during the course of the show? Also, the van falling in the first shot (seemingly flipping over) and then landing on its feet is just out of this world bad filmmaking. They only travel from A to B, Carol gets kidnapped that's fucking it. I don't consider this substantial. They could have done something between the two of them.. Creat some extra chemisty or bonding or whatever. Maybe I am just spoiled with good TV writing like The Knick or Hannibal.
What do you think about the corny flashback sequences? Do we really need to be reminded of the few things that happened to her during the course of the show? Also, the van falling in the first shot (seemingly flipping over) and then landing on its feet is just out of this world bad filmmaking. They only travel from A to B, Carol gets kidnapped that's fucking it. I don't consider this substantial. They could have done something between the two of them.. Creat some extra chemisty or bonding or whatever. Maybe I am just spoiled with good TV writing like The Knick or Hannibal.
I don't think we found out anything new about Carol or Daryl or that their relationship with each other advanced any. I wanted more. I wanted them to have longer conversations. Maybe she would tell him about Lizzie. Maybe they would hook up. They're two of my favorite characters but they didn't really do anything.
I was ok with the Carol flashbacks because 1) they were incredibly short and 2) at least one or two showed events that I was actually interested in (like immediately after Rick banished her from the group). The only flashbacks I have absolutely despised were the ones last season with Rick and Hershel and Carl. They were long and massively hokey and to me, at least, unnecessary. We already knew about Rick's struggles with being a farmer or a killer and we knew the correct answer.What do you think about the corny flashback sequences? Do we really need to be reminded of the few things that happened to her during the course of the show? Also, the van falling in the first shot (seemingly flipping over) and then landing on its feet is just out of this world bad filmmaking. They only travel from A to B, Carol gets kidnapped that's fucking it. I don't consider this substantial. They could have done something between the two of them.. Creat some extra chemisty or bonding or whatever. Maybe I am just spoiled with good TV writing like The Knick or Hannibal.
WOW. That is indeed some amazing "development". Come on seriously, This show has been dumbed down. You can easily watch it while playing a game or whatever. Nothing happens at all. I miss season 1 and 2.
We saw Carol finally processing the things she's gone through recently and we see how she and Daryl relate in a microcosm. Daryl knowing that she's going through something internally and trying his best to let her know that she can look to him for support.
Ramping up the drama isn't the only way to have characters progress.
We only say Carol processing for a maximum of 5 minutes. The other 37 minutes were pure filller and of course, the van. Nothing happened at all. No bonding between the pair, no nothing,
I don't care about drama. I care about writing.
Here's a list of all the filming locations they've done so far (up to the end of S3), which doesn't necessarily line up with where the characters are in universe, but I thought it was still really interesting:
#3 is the hospital Rick was at
#16 is the prison
We only say Carol processing for a maximum of 5 minutes. The other 37 minutes were pure filller and of course, the van. Nothing happened at all. No bonding between the pair, no nothing,
I don't care about drama. I care about writing. Which obviously, is something this show has to work on very hard. Only episode 4 was a good episode form a writing standpoint (compared to the rest of the season).
I didn't know she was being domestically abused. All I remember of Carol's past was her being beaten around by her husband during the first season.
I didn't know she was being domestically abused. All I remember of Carol's past was her being beaten around by her husband during the first season.
I mean no one likes to see the scenes they already have seen. I agree on that sentiment. But this particular episode was an attempt to contextualize some of the scenes and their aftermath involving Carol, and how that impacted her. I think it was nicely handled without too much exposition. I would have been annoyed if it lingered on those scenes for more than it needed, but it didn't. Rick had the time to develop his character by virtue of him being the lead and the show's focus for every season. I don't think Rick is under developed, but Carol was before this episode.Thanks for all the responses. I just think we don't need flashbacks of stuff we already know. That being said, I also don't think we need dialogue between the two to let the audience know they're bonding or not. I just don't like they're stretching this show on and on. Would be nice to see some other characters as well. I thought Rick was the lead character? Really, these actors only have to work 2 or 3 days a month and they're done. In the first seasons we got to see way more of each character and that's what I really don't like about the direction TWD is going in. As said before, the writers should play TWD and learn from that. That is storytelling. I'll give this episode a rewatch thanks to all your responses. I want to like this show again.
You know what? You aren't paying attention to the show if that's what you think. No, they didn't use a lot of dialogue to show it but you can see the change between them from the beginning of the episode to the end. And it all culminated in Carol basically begging Daryl to save Noah at the end, which to me signified her finding her emotions again and wanting to "save" people, something she said she didn't believe they could afford to do earlier in the episode.
I also found the moment in the van, after they buckle up, when she puts her hand on his and they look at each other to be really well done. They didn't say anything but in that moment you see how much they mean to each other (romantically or not). That was an awesome moment but because of the stupid van physics a lot of people seem to have dismissed it.
I'm constantly surprised by how much people miss in every episode, probably because they simply aren't watching. Then, they feel like nothing happened because they just missed it.
Also, the way the characters develop IS the story in TWD.
This x 10,000
The characters and their individual arcs, collectively, are the "story" of The Walking Dead.
Honestly, I really wasn't sure when she said it either. In my opinion, it means two things to her. First, it was about saving Beth and maybe that she didn't really think this mission was going to work because TWD doesn't have a lot of happy endings. But I also think it was about saving the less tangible parts of us too, like her being unable to save Lizzie, and losing the sister in the process.I don't even know what was meant by "I don't think we get to save people anymore." I just took it as one of those weird examples of awkward WD dialogue that doesn't make any sense. I certainly never thought it was meant to imply she didn't want to save anyone. It sounded like she just thought it wasn't possible. Even so, what made her change? Was it Daryl's cringworthy "We ain't ashes yet" line? That was all about all he said to her in the episode.
The way the last seasons are panning out, the main characters are indeed, as you say, The Walking Dead.Don't kill me please.
I think a real problem with Walking Dead is that the writers are too afraid to do anything with the characters because they think that fans will backlash to hard if they change ever so slightly. Daryl will continue to be a blank badass cause that's what people want.
They just killed a main character off a few episodes ago and then bombed the hell out of the DC storyline.I think a real problem with Walking Dead is that the writers are too afraid to do anything with the characters because they think that fans will backlash to hard if they change ever so slightly. Daryl will continue to be a blank badass cause that's what people want.
The way the last seasons are panning out, the main characters are indeed, as you say, The Walking Dead.Don't kill me please.
I think a real problem with Walking Dead is that the writers are too afraid to do anything with the characters because they think that fans will backlash to hard if they change ever so slightly. Daryl will continue to be a blank badass cause that's what people want.
They just killed a main character off a few episodes ago and then bombed the hell out of the DC storyline.
And Daryl has never been portrayed as "blank" he's stoic and extremely capable out in the wilderness but that comes from his background more than anything he's also managed to show more depth than the redneck hillbilly he seemed in Season 1.
I agree. I think Merle was very interesting character regardless of sides.I still wish they hadn't killed off Merle, he was incredibly interesting once he switched sides.
Lol I was going to post this haha"You know, Coral, we really are The Walking Dead" - Rick.
I agree. I think Merle was very interesting character regardless of sides.
I still wish they hadn't killed off Merle, he was incredibly interesting once he switched sides.
Agreed I would have loved for Merle to have stayed on for about 1 to 2 seasons.I agree. I think Merle was very interesting character regardless of sides.
Season 1 and 2 were awful
Season 1 and 2 were awful
"You know, Coral, we really are The Walking Dead" - Rick.
Season 1 and 2 were awful
Everyone in my group says Season 2 was the best season. That is my opinion as well.
Season 1 and 2 were awful
Everyone in my group says Season 2 was the best season. That is my opinion as well.