yeah thats my biggest pet peeve for TWD, characters are written so bizarrely. no one communicates normally or says anything specific. its really annoying to watch characters that have been together since season one act like complete strangers when it comes to dialogue. everyone comes off as overly dramatic with their "i dont want to talk about my dark secret past" persona.
Still one of the best writing on TV
Are you talking about this show when saying that...?
The characters on the Walking Dead may as well not talk. Totally worthless conversations. Nothing clever. Nothing funny. Nothing worthwhile.
::smh vertically::
Sooooo... nodding?
::smh vertically::
The characters on the Walking Dead may as well not talk. Totally worthless conversations. Nothing clever. Nothing funny. Nothing worthwhile.
The only exception appears to be Eugene.
Christ man every season its the same old song and dance with you. Why the fuck are you still watching?
Being in the city is much more evocative and drives home what has happened to the world. We have been completely detached from the world as it existed for so long, the countryside really doesnt look much different to the pre-apocolypse state. Touches like the family at the abuse center allow us to remember that each zombie was once a person, with a complex life, not just a knife/arrow/bullet receptacle. The way they achieved that without having to show any back story, just allowing your imagination to fill in the gaps was really impressive.
Melissa McBride is specifically styled to appear much older than Reedus' character. The salt and pepper hair in particular. The characters are much further apart in age than the actors are.
Can't be 'that' much older though. She had a pretty young daughter at the beginning. I would place her around 37 or something in the show, and Daryl would be about 27-30 I think because his brother seemed about Carol's age. More than close enough for a little hanky panky.
Can't be 'that' much older though. She had a pretty young daughter at the beginning. I would place her around 37 or something in the show, and Daryl would be about 27-30 I think because his brother seemed about Carol's age. More than close enough for a little hanky panky.
They're both about their 40s. I thought that before ever looking at their ages on wikipedia. There's no way in hell Daryl could pass for someone in their 20s.
I was thinking this while watching this week.
Everyone must fucking stink! It's been how long since they look like they've been clean haha
our hero will come.I miss Rick... I like the other groups and have enjoyed the last few episodes but it's really not the same without him imo.
I need a map to tell me what is the road they have taken since the beginning of the show, I cant believe they are still a couple of hours from Atlanta.
And yeah, this show got good!
According to the maps that showed the way to Terminus, it was in Bibb County Georgia. Which is where Macon, GA is, and that is only like an hour or two drive from Atlanta.
I need a map to tell me what is the road they have taken since the beginning of the show, I cant believe they are still a couple of hours from Atlanta.
And yeah, this show got good!
According to the maps that showed the way to Terminus, it was in Bibb County Georgia. Which is where Macon, GA is, and that is only like an hour or two drive from Atlanta.
No, I think it is quite good they're still evolving their characters. Carol isn't the same person she was five years ago - Wait, have they been evading zombies for five years? - so it is good they give characters like her, Rick and Daryl a chance to grow. It is bad if they're just doing this to make it shocking when they kill her. At this point, they should just put a safe tag on those three in the writing room and keep them as anchors for the show.Yeh, if you're still developing main characters in the 5th season something has gone terribly wrong. The story needs to move now.
They could go like this for eternity though. Kill character, replace with exact archetype, flesh out backstory, kill character...
Yeh, if you're still developing main characters in the 5th season something has gone terribly wrong. The story needs to move now.
They could go like this for eternity though. Kill character, replace with exact archetype, flesh out backstory, kill character...
That's a terrible notion to have, character development shouldn't stop just because. It should be a constantly evolving process people change throughout different stages of their lives and tv show characters should be no different.Yeh, if you're still developing main characters in the 5th season something has gone terribly wrong. The story needs to move now.
They could go like this for eternity though. Kill character, replace with exact archetype, flesh out backstory, kill character...
Yeh, if you're still developing main characters in the 5th season something has gone terribly wrong. The story needs to move now.
you guys are suckers for punishment lol
we knew everything we needed to know of Carol up to this point once she had learned mortar trajectories, but apparently there needs to be an episode detailing all the reasons
the last episode was nothing but artificial longevity
I haven't seen this much filler since Lost's Fire and Water. Waste of time. Do they think the audience only wants to see characters move from A to B, kill some zombies and repeat? Man, I was in love with Rick's story in season 1 and the group dynamic. Season 3, 4 and 5 are just a shadow of Season 1 and 2. The most weird thing is that the episode gets good reviews.
AvClub review of episode 6.A-
Obviously the show can't be all things to all people. Seems lots of folks like Carol's character development.
Development? Please tell me what they have developed in last episode. Pointless flashback reminders for the lesser of minds?
Her struggling with domestic abuse, having checked herself and Sophia in that abuse center.
I don't understand people who obviously don't like the show and do nothing but bitch about it week after week and yet still watch it. Probably for the sole purpose of coming to this thread and shitting on it. Great, you haven't liked it for 3 years now. Why the hell are you still watching it.
I will explain to you my friend. I really like the premise, the setting and the characters from the first couple of seasons. Episode 4 (season 5)was amazing for instance. I never ever bitched on this thread before and I even hope the show gets better, but of course I will not be silent when I want to talk. It is a forum. Forums are exactly meant for this. I just hope they get a better writing team and stop the dumbminded filler episodes where nothing at all happens except the moving of characters form A to B, some dead zombies in between and credits, We deserve better. Seems fair after the first 2 seasons eh.
I compare season 3,4 and 5 to Dexter's 5,6,7 and 8.
I will explain to you my friend. I really like the premise, the setting and the characters from the first couple of seasons. Episode 4 (season 5)was amazing for instance. I never ever bitched on this thread before and I even hope the show gets better, but of course I will not be silent when I want to talk. It is a forum. Forums are exactly meant for this. I just hope they get a better writing team and stop the dumbminded filler episodes where nothing at all happens except the moving of characters form A to B, some dead zombies in between and credits, We deserve better. Seems fair after the first 2 seasons eh.
I compare season 3,4 and 5 to Dexter's 5,6,7 and 8.
Great and other people have different opinions. Season 2 was absolute garbage and was by far the lowest point of the series. I hope to god that the show doesn't become "Hershels Farm" ever again.
I'd love to see you go off on Sons of Anarchy season 7, then. You think TWD has filler episodes? Sheeeeeiiit.
I didn't know she was being domestically abused. All I remember of Carol's past was her being beaten around by her husband during the first season.