To me this is the best sustained string of episodes The Walking Dead has ever had. The weakest episode has been the Beth centered hospital one. I think what they were trying to do there was interesting but the execution simply betrayed the idea. The situation and characters were clumsily introduced.
Loved this most recent episode. I could watch hours of Carol and Daryl doing stuff. I love the renewed focus this season on the characters just logistically dealing with their environment and situation, whether it's taking and boiling water from a toilet, using batteries to start fires, the efficiency of dealing with walkers, or just finding a safe place for the night. That's the kind of stuff that can make this show different from any other ensemble dramas.
Also love the jump scare getting turned on it's head early in the episode, when they are watching the car after it parks. Something hits the window and you're like "Oh shit, the cop guy spotted them! Oh, no, it's just a zombie. Phew."
Also, how have so many people not realized Daryl is gay at this point?