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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 5, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Just watched the opening... that was unexpected. lol

(Comic Spoilers)
Based Gimple replacing comic Martinez getting road killed by Rick with Bob 2.0. Damn, that was brutal. Givenofucks Rick is best Rick.

"Can't go back, Bob."

Same words Gareth told Bob in the premiere when they were all about to have their throats slit.
Thought I was the only who caught the comparison to the comic car scene with martinez. Was cool to see Rick completely destroy new bob.


Fuck :(

Felt like the season stumbled somewhat in the past two episodes, but I'd be lying if I said the finish here didn't leave me shaken.



(Comic/Season 5.5 Spoilers)
Kirkman just said on Talking Dead that a "prominent gay character from the comics" will be introduced in the back half of this season. JESSSSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSS!! :D


Sucks to lose your meal ticket for nothing!!

She's going to miss her cast mates and crew members. You spend 4 years together with long 10-15 hour days for months on end and you develop deep bonds and they become like family. Now you're gotta leave them all.

She kept tearing up because she was missing her new family.


oh walking dead, ya do something good by having badass rick and then you botch the crap out of the ending. Dumb decisions, made characters do dumb things and hur dur common sense is tossed out the window.

Solid first part of the season capped by dumb endings like that. It felt like a,"well, we need to kill someone and we want people to be shocked and talking till feb. Kill Beth." Death wasn't even needed, no one had to die.


Eh, Beth gone. Nothing of value was lost. Honestly, the only deaths that would get some shock factor would be Rock, Glenn, and Daryl. Everyone else is expendable or is insignificant.


Hunky Nostradamus
sry 4 not posting the content roundup this week

my pc, which has been in its death throes for the last week, finally died ;__;

pretty good episode. cool to see rick run over bob like he did with that other character in the comics and im so glad carol is still alive (and walking!!!) :D

i got spoiled on beth's death in the tvbtn comments a few weeks ago so that scene lost a lot of impact. it still hit pretty hard though and if you had told me at the end of season 2 that beth would still be alive halfway into season 5 and that id be choked up over her death i would have laughed in your face. so well done writers.


(Comic/Season 5.5 Spoilers)
Kirkman just said on Talking Dead that a "prominent gay character from the comics" will be introduced in the back half of this season. JESSSSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSS!! :D

hooray :)

im pretty sure we knew (comic)
was going to be this year though, so that doesn't really come as a surprise.


Eh, Beth gone. Nothing of value was lost. Honestly, the only deaths that would get some shock factor would be Rock, Glenn, and Daryl. Everyone else is expendable or is insignificant.

How isn't Glenn expendable? It's been years since he did anything of note. Seems like it would make for a more interesting story if it was Glenn instead of Beth that died. Then you could have Maggie bonding with the sister she forgot she had. You could have Noah/Beth. The hospital stuff wouldn't have been so pointless. Now it'll just be more of the same.
That was kinda lame. I wish they had stuck with the terminus cannibals for a bit longer. Instead they diverged into story arcs that never got as fleshed out as they could have been. It was all over the place. Started strong but ended in an awkward manner. Just way too many characters to take care of in any meaningful way.

And they did that post credits thing again lol? I missed that last time with the "Clear" guy too. Oh well, that seems kinda tacky way to present the story anyway so I don't really care much.

For some reason I was bummed to see Dawn get killed. She seemed like an interesting character. Rather pretty too.


Oh my god why did Beth do that???

Someone explain pls
Because the writers decided to concoct a contrived situation by way of throwing out all logic and common sense in order to provide a mid-season finale shocker.

I knew after the first season that this show was never going to reach the lofty expectations it marketed itself as but even in its current B-tier state that ending was bad.

I mean you have Rick Grimes, a former police officer, who has been the victim of ambushes already, just walking in to what they consider a possible hornets nest with his entire group. Instead of doing the smart thing and negotiating a safe neutral ground and exchanging the prisoners in the open. And Beth has always been written to the point of annoyingly naiive, moral and innocent but was supposed to have grown smarter and more cunning over her time with the group and in the hospital. But instead the writers turn her into a illogical idiot in order to make the scene work.


Overall I feel like this show has been meh with flashes of brilliance every now and again. The biggest problem is that there isn't a real sense of danger. The episode "Killer Within" was great because everything went to shit and you got the sense that anyone could die at any moment. The show needs another few episodes like that to thin out the cast. Kill off Glen, Rick, Carol, Sasha and Maggie. The cast at this point is ridiculous.


This cast is too big. We lost Bob and Beth but gained the preacher and Noah so the group has remained the same size.


+1 to scumbag facebook page spoiling the final (two) episodes for me. Unliked that page instantly, you should not post episode spoilers on your fb page goddammit.


Considering the fact that she was suicidal back in season 2, I'm not surprised how she went down in this episode.
That is a string they could of played with and actually made this entire arc have some meaning and generate some logic to Beth's decision. As it stands though she hasn't been suicidal in some time and their was no seeds of a set up in the story to justify her actions. So the entire scene comes off contrived and hollow.

They just spent several episode actually writing her character into a smarter and more savvy survivalist and then they flip a switch in the closing minutes of the story and turn her into a idiot.


Congrats walking dead, you came up with a character more stupid than Andrea and Carl. Jesus!
At least he was dumb from the get-go.

How is Eric Bana not the lead in Exodus?

Mike has been gone from TV for too long.
God damn you, Walt. ;-;

Dawn with that God tier CQC. That was unexpected.
Oh, she might get a fanbase from that scene alone. *boom, headshot* oh, nevermind.

Alright, who is going to do a dumb thing...

Beth realized that despite Dawn getting "close" with her, everything she did in the hospital was to preserve her grip on power. She chose a hell of a time to be brave though.
I'd say her line meant that she knew Dawn had to die for the shit she was going to continue to pull like that what she did with Noah.
That was really stupid script to get rid of Beth. Really? She just walked there and stabbed the leader with a scissor in the middle of negotiation. What was her motive? She was just mad at Dawn that's it?
She helped Noah escape. Why would she willingly let him go back to that group after she basically helped him escape (and they both planned to escape together?).
She chose ideology over survival. There isn't much room left for it in that world.

Her best acting yet.
Do people get Emmys for being their self?

her solution was causing something that she knew would lead to Dawn getting off'd. Once again, people are dissecting this way too much. She had good intentions. She literally thought that plan up in about a second. Yes it could have gone wrong but no guts no glory. The sacrifice worked out. And what else was she going to do? The scissors was the only weapon she had and she had to act fast. This is beth we are talking about not rick. She wouldn't be able to slit her throat with it or something lol.
Slice? You stab with scissors.

That actor has shitty luck with cars....

Seriously, if you want revenge, be good at it (and maybe also get away with it).

I do like the idea that the only reason Rick's group's alive is because the Hospital is not a "family", thus letting Dawn's death slide.


Just watched the episode. I completely forgot that guy at the end was the same guy from Season 1/3 until he read Rick's name on the map.
i count down the days till they kill off Glenn...glenn and maggie do nothing together and by themselves they would be better characters. They are so zzzzzzzzzzzzz

A show has never made me more mad then some of the decisions. Carl running the door to break the baricade to let the priest in knowing full well he was putting judith's life in danger for what? Carl's character is pretty much when he sees someone in danger running as fast as possible to help them and not caring about anything. Did he even know about the floor boards and being able to escape? What if that was not there Carl? How was judith chilling in that room anyway?

Oh and when Sasha let the guy talk her into some bullshit story about shooting someone and lets him stand behind her. WUT

Then Beth.. welp.
This show has a knack for rendering everything the characters are working for all season pointless in boring ways. Looking for Beth, going to Washington. The best thing to happen this season was Bob yelling "TAINTED MEAT" and Rick mercilessly ordering the death of the cannibals. The whole "I'm going to believe and help you because we're good people" shtick got old a long time ago, so it's annoying when they go back to it. Finale score F minus.

Can't wait until February!


I gotta' be honest. Last few episodes I've been skipping through most scenes with Dawn. Just a fucking worthless character.

The arc with the cops has been pretty good overall. It's nothing like the first half of Season 2 (easily the worst and most pointless string of episodes in the series) but the cops just aren't interesting and it feels like filler.


Woke up extra early just to make sure The Carolinator was okay. Writers made the right choice - I don't care if she's starting to develop plot armor, she's the best character on the show. I liked Beth but it's pretty clear Tara replaced her - you can't have two 'cheery' chartacters in a post-apocalypse.


(Comic/Season 5.5 Spoilers)
Kirkman just said on Talking Dead that a "prominent gay character from the comics" will be introduced in the back half of this season. JESSSSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSS!! :D
Awesome, can't wait to see who they cast for the role. This guy would be good http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0571964/

You'd think reading the comics spoils a lot of the show, but honestly, seeing how they adapt and cast everything is my favourite part of The Walking Dead.
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