That was pathetic that Beth's scissor to the throat didn't even faze the cop. If she was going to go out they should have at least let her kill her.
Was it the neck or the bulletproof vest?
That was pathetic that Beth's scissor to the throat didn't even faze the cop. If she was going to go out they should have at least let her kill her.
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So what's the take away from ‪#‎TheWalkingDead‬ mid season finale? Bad things happen when White women fight over a Brotha.
Thought I was the only who caught the comparison to the comic car scene with martinez. Was cool to see Rick completely destroy new bob.Just watched the opening... that was unexpected. lol
(Comic Spoilers)Based Gimple replacing comic Martinez getting road killed by Rick with Bob 2.0. Damn, that was brutal. Givenofucks Rick is best Rick.
"Can't go back, Bob."
Same words Gareth told Bob in the premiere when they were all about to have their throats slit.
Yeah that made me angry.Maggie reaction hearing beth alive after not mentioning her for basically a whole season lol
The official Facebook page spoiled the episode for me before I even had a chance to watch it.
Shit popped up on my feed minutes after it aired on the east coast. :/
So if Everybody Hates Chris is coming along, who dies to open his space? Gabe or Tyreese?
So if Everybody Hates Chris is coming along, who dies to open his space? Gabe or Tyreese?
They just brought Emily Kinney on Talking Dead and she's already in tears after 2 minutes. ;_;_;_;_;
Sucks to lose your meal ticket for nothing!!
So if Everybody Hates Chris is coming along, who dies to open his space? Gabe or Tyreese?
(Comic/Season 5.5 Spoilers)Kirkman just said on Talking Dead that a "prominent gay character from the comics" will be introduced in the back half of this season. JESSSSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSS!!
Eh, Beth gone. Nothing of value was lost. Honestly, the only deaths that would get some shock factor would be Rock, Glenn, and Daryl. Everyone else is expendable or is insignificant.
Because the writers decided to concoct a contrived situation by way of throwing out all logic and common sense in order to provide a mid-season finale shocker.Oh my god why did Beth do that???
Someone explain pls
im pretty sure we knew (comic)was going to be this year though, so that doesn't really come as a surprise.Alexandria
She nearly shivved the Doctor too not long ago. Didn't exactly come out of left field.Considering the fact that she was suicidal back in season 2, I'm not surprised how she went down in this episode.
I can already kind of tell who is getting axed by the end of next half mid season.This cast is too big. We lost Bob and Beth but gained the preacher and Noah so the group has remained the same size.
So she acts on impulses. She's not suicidal. She's just an idiot then.She nearly shivved the Doctor too not long ago. Didn't exactly come out of left field.
That is a string they could of played with and actually made this entire arc have some meaning and generate some logic to Beth's decision. As it stands though she hasn't been suicidal in some time and their was no seeds of a set up in the story to justify her actions. So the entire scene comes off contrived and hollow.Considering the fact that she was suicidal back in season 2, I'm not surprised how she went down in this episode.
My wishlist:
- Kill off Carl
[*]Kill off Beth- Kill off Dayrl
Get out!
Impulsive has kinda been her shtick, yeah. Went into overdrive surrounded by strangers she didn't respect.So she acts on impulses. She's not suicidal. She's just an idiot then.
At least he was dumb from the get-go.Congrats walking dead, you came up with a character more stupid than Andrea and Carl. Jesus!
?How is Eric Bana not the lead in Exodus?
Yeah...Mike has been gone from TV for too long.
Oh, she might get a fanbase from that scene alone. *boom, headshot* oh, nevermind.Dawn with that God tier CQC. That was unexpected.
Ouch.Alright, who is going to do a dumb thing...
Beth realized that despite Dawn getting "close" with her, everything she did in the hospital was to preserve her grip on power. She chose a hell of a time to be brave though.
I'd say her line meant that she knew Dawn had to die for the shit she was going to continue to pull like that what she did with Noah.
That was really stupid script to get rid of Beth. Really? She just walked there and stabbed the leader with a scissor in the middle of negotiation. What was her motive? She was just mad at Dawn that's it?
She chose ideology over survival. There isn't much room left for it in that world.She helped Noah escape. Why would she willingly let him go back to that group after she basically helped him escape (and they both planned to escape together?).
Do people get Emmys for being their self?Her best acting yet.
Slice? You stab with scissors.her solution was causing something that she knew would lead to Dawn getting off'd. Once again, people are dissecting this way too much. She had good intentions. She literally thought that plan up in about a second. Yes it could have gone wrong but no guts no glory. The sacrifice worked out. And what else was she going to do? The scissors was the only weapon she had and she had to act fast. This is beth we are talking about not rick. She wouldn't be able to slit her throat with it or something lol.
That actor has shitty luck with cars....
This is who should die at this point:
Awesome, can't wait to see who they cast for the role. This guy would be good! YYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
(Comic/Season 5.5 Spoilers)Kirkman just said on Talking Dead that a "prominent gay character from the comics" will be introduced in the back half of this season. JESSSSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSS!!
This is who should die at this point: