Super Member
I'm taking my Andrea retcon logic and applying it to Beth. It was all a dream, just like Bobby Ewing.Just ignore the hole in Beth's head Maggie it was there because it was empty to begin with.
I'm taking my Andrea retcon logic and applying it to Beth. It was all a dream, just like Bobby Ewing.Just ignore the hole in Beth's head Maggie it was there because it was empty to begin with.
She got shot in the head
She got shot in the head.
If only you could have fit Senpai in there somewhere this would have been perfect.
is your avatar Yuber <3If only you could have fit Senpai in there somewhere this would have been perfect.
See you in FebruaryThat was one of the most boring mid season finales I have ever seen. Who gives a fuck about this police squad? I mean who were any of these people? Tossing names around like as if the audience knows who the fuck Odonnel or Hanson are. It's your mid season finale and you're tossing around names I have never heard of before as if I should know who these people are.
The season started off strongly (by walking dead standards). The folks at Terminus were pretty fucked up and Gareth was charismatic. Then they go to this, which is by far the most boring group Rick and co have ever encountered. Featuring some of he most wooden acting on the show. And the big event of this episode? Beth getting killed? Who freaking cares? There's no payoff. It's not like Heschel getting beheaded by the gov or Gareth eating Bob's leg. That police officer was a fucking nobody.
I am done with this show. Officially. I am not entertained at all. I get that they're trying to cover what life is like in a world overrun by zombies but you need to have a fucking story. I could tolerate that for one season... two... Maybe three, but five seasons now and it's just the same fucking thing over and over. Get some fucking plot in here besides group meets other group, followed by conflict, then a rescue mission, and then as group split follwed by some deaths and a reunion. Same shit over and over. And what was the point of Carol ending up in the hospital? Where was that Rambo payoff walking dead apologists were fantiszing about?
Dreadful show and I refuse to punish myself by watching this shit anymore. This show doesn't even deserve a tenth of th viewership it gets.
is your avatar Yuber <3
hahaha for real. But that's #theBuinessKirkman must feel like poo right now.
hahaha for real. But that's #theBuiness
So next season will be Maggie all depressed and it will ruin her character .
Those 7%....
especially for someone like Emily. Lets be real, this may have been her peak lol.Indeed. Getting a gig on this show must be a very bittersweet experience.
savagesThose 7%....
I'm taking my Andrea retcon logic and applying it to Beth. It was all a dream, just like Bobby Ewing.
Actually Dawn's group was like fuck that bitch so they was part of the 93%It was Dawn's group.
pretty sure he is part of this show and not that one.Is Morgan actually gonna sync up or is he headed off in the spin off direction?
Is Morgan actually gonna sync up or is he headed off in the spin off direction?
And in the end, that's all that matters.Yessssssssssssss we even got substitute teacher Key!
Is Morgan actually gonna sync up or is he headed off in the spin off direction?
Oh man couldn't be more true! Now we will get a depressed maggy all next seasonMaggie : "Sucks they shot that blonde girl, she was so pretty."
Talking Dead was a more genuinely emotional experience than Walking Dead tonight.
cuteness too overwhelming for some soulsShe was choking up on Talking Dead as well.
(Kirkman didn't even explain Dawn either. Damn it. :|)
I really don't get the hate some people had for Beth.
The bald cop (that lived) looks like kurt angle and will sasso had a baby together. Just felt like sharing that.
The official Walking Dead FB page ruined the finale by posting a photo of the spoiler before the west coast saw it.
What did they show on the FB page?