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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 5, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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That "not again" delivered by that girl at the end has to be the most unsettling moment for me on this show.

I kind of hated it to be honest.
Regarding Season 4, I really did like the second half of season 4. I liked the concept of separating the groups, and following a certain group or two in an episode. And also, the episode with Tyrese, Carol, and the two little girls, well that was just a megaton.

Opening was fantastic. It really felt cinematic and chock full of action. Kudos to them for not using Terminus for the first 2-3 episodes.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Anyone want to add guts to the mix?


I personally don't really see any of these characters getting together in a romantic fashion, so I don't partake in this mess.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
So I finally got caught up on this by streaming it the last few weeks, and I have to say , it is finally getting it's quality back. Season 2 was probably the best season in terms of presentation and antagonist. Season 3 was very meh. Season 4 part 1 was very bad. Season 4 part 2 was basically the season 2 finale stretched out over 8 episodes, although I was surprised by how much I liked it, although that one episode with Carol, Ty, and the two girls was just so messed up and something I did not want to see on television, easily the worst thing I have ever seen on TV. The first episode of season 5 could have been used as the finale of season 4, but hey it works. I think that they have finally gotten back to the point where almost all characters have a personality and likeable, except for maybe Bob and the chick with the two Washington DC folks.
- Deadline: ‘The Walking Dead’ Ratings: Zombie Series Bites Off New Cable Record In Live + 3 Results
Bursting the previous record set by last year’s WD Live + 3 results, the S5 debut added 5.086 million total viewers via DVR to the 17.3 million of Live + SD. That total of 22.372M makes the 9 PM October 12 broadcast the most watched non-sports telecast in cable history. The October 13, 2013 Season 4 debut had 20.2 million total viewers when the 4.1 million from Live + 3 results were added to the 16.1 million of the Live + SD ratings. That 2013 result is actually what put WD in the top spot viewershipwise for the first time as it unseated previous throne occupant the Disney Channel’s High School Musical 2. Back in 2007, HSM2 added another 1 million viewers in Live + 3 to the 17.2 million who watched its original airing on August 17 that year. But that all feels so pre-walker now doesn’t it?

In terms of the key demo, the WD S5 premiere added another 3.537 million in Live + 3 results. When combined with the Live + SD numbers that makes 14.523 million. Another record for the series based on the Robert Kirkman co-created comics and another WD top spotter.

Around the world the Season 5 opener of The Walking Dead saw a 45% increase over its S4 debut, according to Fox International, who handled the show globally.


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Sunday's episode did that more graphically, imo. With preemptive baseball bat to the back of the head, to boot.

Having watched both, I have to agree. It was certainly more graphic to me. It was the first time I felt that uncomfortable watching the series. Almost felt like I had stumbled onto some underground beheading video. Didn't care for it.


That one random black guy who isn't tyreese.
Hey man. Bob rules.

The first half of season 4 with the flu was the best the show ever was because of how everything was falling apart at the same time. It seemed like the end of the world for them. Glenn looked like he might die. Hershel was becoming badass. Sick people were being murdered by someone in the group of good characters. Rick and Carl were tag teaming together against the zombies. Excitement level was never higher for the show.

The second half of season 4 was the worst the show ever was. Aside from that one episode with the two kids, it was just characters constantly walking and talking. The farm episodes were better. At least that had an interesting character like Shane being unpredictable and causing drama.
The problem with the first half of season four, which is particulalry apparent in retrospect, is that it just seemed to be treading water until the Governor came back. Whilst I'll agree that those episodes did alot for Hershel (although he was one of my favourite characters anyway), they were a complete waste of time. I mean, is this show about a zombie apocalypse, or some mad flu? What relevance does that flu have to anything at all? Where did it come from? What are the repercussions, other than killing off every single character that we don't know the name of? All it did was delay what was actually the season 3 finale we were all expecting.
So I think everyone covered the awesome parts of this episode, which is one of the best of the series to be honest.

But what I disliked is that the show fell into lame tropes. Glenn gets saved just in time before having his head done in, so he had the plot armor on. "Screwing with the wrong people" don't make much sense when you're all tied up and about to get ganked. Come one. It's a cheap and lame way of raising tension. When Rick says to Gareth that he is going to kill him, it was very cool, but made no sense.

Carol Schwarzenegger's magic rocket was bad. She had to be a genius physicist to make that rocket land right on the tank in first go.

Baby killer dude of course waits and starts to fuck around just as he is going to kill the baby (not that I wanted him to kill her).

Carol just wanders outside the camp and meets the team.

Other thoughts: Ty going full berserker was AWESOME. You do not fuck with the dude. Scientist fella is bullshitting outta his ass. Dude has been reading too many resident evil fanfics.
This group does very well in acquiring the most beautiful people. I don't run into as many attractive people in a functional world as these people do in a zombie apocalypse.

do you find gareth to be extremely attractive as well

coz i do

at least his real life counterpart andrew west is. they do a good job of making him look evil in the show.


I hated the ending of Season 3 with every fiber of my being, so I'm finally getting around to Season 4 and its definitely better but not great. I also loved Season 1 but hated Season 2, so my feelings about the show are varied but the latter half of Season 4 has been a step in the right direction. Looking forward to catching up by Sunday night.
The previews for the show made it look like
Gareth would end up with the group, but after what happened in the premiere I'm having a hard time imagining any situation in which the group doesn't kill him on sight.
I think it's important that we don't gloss over the terrible writing in this season opener, which was very entertaining but probably the weakest first episode yet. I maintain that, while the show makes for some good, brainless entertainment...the show has serious problems behind the scenes, not the least of which are the lead show runners and writers.

Once again, TWD proves that it's at it's absolute best when people are killing zombies, or each other, and not talking or making a feeble attempt at developing a plot point. It did a fashionable job of hiding the lousy plotting and awful development of this Terminus group behind a lot of scenes which were either pure shock value or done to crowd please

First and foremost is the very clunky editing and shoddy continuity. Why did we need the "then" and "now" bullshit? If the writers were determined to launch into an all-out action set piece in Terminus without any build-up or proper development of the people there and the threat they posed, why kill that momentum with such awful editing? What we did get was a terrible attempt to generate some small level of empathy for people we've spent zero time with. They spent a whole half of a fucking season building up to Terminus, only to dispense with it in the very first episode. It reeks of an "Abandon ship" style of writing. The editing also fails at giving you a sense of the timeframe in which all of these things are happening. Rick being kicked in the face, to taken into the slaughterhouse, to the explosion...by the time the explosion happened, my friend and I had totally forgotten that a gas canister was dropped in the crate to knock everyone out cold.

Then you have Beth. Poor Emily Kinney can't seem to catch a break (I met her randomly at a Starbucks in NYC on Columbus Ave, and she's as timid and unassuming in real-life as she is in the show). They spent two episodes developing her character a bit and actually giving her some fucking lines; her scenes with Darryl are some of the best season 3 had to offer. Then she's nabbed in a mysterious "Who took Beth" subplot that has had zero attention since it happened. So, logic dictates we get a scene with Darryl, Rick, and Maggie in holding, and since they have some time to kill, Darryl gives his account of what happened to a very emotional Maggie and an attentive and revenge-driven Rick. Some fucking ACTING to convey the gravity of Beth's disappearance. 30-60 seconds, with the camera focused on them, Daryl looking helpless and apologetic that he lost Beth...SOMETHING?

What do we get? A throwaway line that's spouted in mere seconds while the camera pans aimlessly around the darkness. This is a prime example of how TWD fails at basic storytelling. Who is supposed to give a shit that Beth is even there, or even notices that she's not present by the end of the episode? You have this massive group of people (obviously dispensable and bound to get smaller soon) and Beth's subplot is an afterthought, at best.

Entertaining episode, without a doubt...but the more my friend and I thought about it after it was finished, the more we realized there were so many problems with it.


The previews for the show made it look like
Gareth would end up with the group, but after what happened in the premiere I'm having a hard time imagining any situation in which the group doesn't kill him on sight

haha no way Rick is letting him in, he's gonna walkerise him.
The previews for the show made it look like
Gareth would end up with the group, but after what happened in the premiere I'm having a hard time imagining any situation in which the group doesn't kill him on sight.

Intentionally misleading editing. Watch the trailer again and see how all the Gareth parts are just closeups of him, no one else on screen.

Only real interesting thing about him there was Him talking to someone about having to go with "us" to Washington to cure this
. But that could mean a lot of things.


Not sure if this point got raised last week in all of the hooplah but I just picked up on one clear point of contention between Rick and Carol now that the gang is all back together.

In Season 2, Carol pleaded with Rick to go bring her daughter back to her, he said he would, he left the group to find her only to return empty-handed, Carol's daughter wound up undead and Rick had to put a bullet in her skull.


In Seasons 4-5, Rick banished Carol from the group, lost his daughter believing her to be dead only for Carol to return to rescue Rick from sure death AND she returned HIS daughter to him alive and well without being asked at all.



BOTH resolution episodes were written by Scott Gimple.

It's going to be fascinating to see how they interact with one another now that Carol has succeeded at doing the one thing Rick spectacularly failed at.


this show has never made me feel uneasy but that throat cutting was quite uncomfortable to watch. not sure if they're stepping up their gore game or its specifically something to do with a knife slicing open a throat
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