You'should think someone like Gabriel would die because they zoned out, not Ty.
good, ty has becomes the new lori/andrea
so annoying
Loved Tyrese in the comics and was excited for him to appear on the show, but the writers completely butchered his character imo. He was too soft, mostly useless as a babysitter, died in a stupid ass way.
They couldn't even let Tyrese go out like a badass in his final scene, dude fumbled the hammer and got bit again. Geez.
Woah...woah...you are blowing my mind ..Rick is a cop...
Don't know who asked for this but here you go.
Crazy editing directing in this episode. Loved the shot the of them pulling the car over in the distance.
what was with eugene being in the opening scene?
Don't know who asked for this but here you go.
What's odds of Rick and co. Crossing paths with clementine?
What's odds of Rick and co. Crossing paths with clementine?
None? She's not real.
Omg that gif lol.This is so gif reaction material. And by the time I use it in the NFL thread when next season starts they won't be crying spoilers
Bear does good work.Damn, even after all that...
That music when they pulled over was pretty amazing.
What was the deal with the Governor's "Gotta pay the bill" stuff??
Man, look at all the black people on the show now!
God damnit what a stupid post to start a page with.
Do we know if the actor playing Tyreese wanted out? It was a really pointless death, storywise. Just came out of nowhere. Reminded me of Dale in season 2 and the actor in that case wanted to leave.
It was a really well done character exit, though. Beautifully shot.
Sad to see Ty go.
What was the deal with the Governor's "Gotta pay the bill" stuff??
Did I miss something? Was the radio he was listening to or thought he was listening to have. some reports of villages being plundered in Africa or somewhere? Am I to presume that Tyrese was part of these plunders and he feels guilty?
You are not allowed to presume anymore...
Did I miss something? Was the radio he was listening to or thought he was listening to have. some reports of villages being plundered in Africa or somewhere? Am I to presume that Tyrese was part of these plunders and he feels guilty?
He said his dad made his family listen to the radio growing up. To stay informed about news of the world.
The show was trying to make the connection to being aware of the bad news of the regular world, not shutting it out, to not shutting out the reality of the zombie apocolypse world. Something to that effect.
So yes, you missed an entire conversation.