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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 5, Part 2 – S6 premieres Oct 11th

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Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Really liked the episode. I actually thought it was one of the better ones of the series, from all standpoints.

I think they were alluding to the fact that the estate was attacked. Looked like the fence and concrete under it had been damaged, and somebody must have cut all those walkers in half. Great idea to reveal stuff like that during tense or frantic moments, audience might gloss over it but then remember when the payoff hits.


I thought the episode was a mess - like the writers/director either had no clue what they were trying to accomplish, or failed miserably doing so. It took me about 4 hours to finish it because I kept getting sidetracked with other things I'd rather be doing or reading instead. They dragged out his death too much, and it was super annoying seeing Beth, Bob, the girls etc. "taunting" his death.
Really liked the episode. I actually thought it was one of the better ones of the series, from all standpoints.

I think they were alluding to the fact that the estate was attacked. Looked like the fence and concrete under it had been damaged, and somebody must have cut all those walkers in half. Great idea to reveal stuff like that during tense or frantic moments, audience might gloss over it but then remember when the payoff hits.

Yeah. I was pissed off about Ty dying, but the episode itself was actually quite good.


I thought the episode was a mess - like the writers/director either had no clue what they were trying to accomplish, or failed miserably doing so. It took me about 4 hours to finish it because I kept getting sidetracked with other things I'd rather be doing or reading instead. They dragged out his death too much, and it was super annoying seeing Beth, Bob, the girls etc. "taunting" his death.
Yeah, got a yawn from me.

Edit: Did dig the "bad people" element in this episode however. Seems to have been a lot of bad shit going on.
i like walking dead alot but what happenned in this show tonight is one of the reasons I dont hold it in higher regard/get annoyed with it.

the attack was so fucking cheap.

you cant have ninja zombies only when its beneficial to you. its so lazy and cheap the way tyrese got bit. This episode was just shit all around. a pointless filler where they kill a main character. so dumb.

if they would have made tyrese getting killed more well done and make sense within the rules of the walking dead, then fine. but ninja zombie? gtfo.


Hunky Nostradamus
If people wonder why TV is dying, there is a good reason, so many fucking commercials.

Another commercial? No wonder TV is a dying medium.

TV is dying!? noooo :(

How come people always pretend like commercials don't ever happen? Episodes on Netflix/DVD are like 42 minutes each. It's kinda been like this since forever, stop acting surprised at the amount of commercials

People just like to complain. If commercials are that big of an issue for you, then, like, maybe watch on a 15 minute delay? No one is forcing you to sit through 20 minutes of commercials and it's not like this is a new development. Commercials have been this way for a long time.

I hate commercials - can't stand 'em. Huge waste of time. So I don't watch them. It's super cool. Y'all should try it sometime.

All the comic readers have been like, "Just wait til they get to Tyreese." "When Tyreese joins the show, it's gonna be off the hook." "Tyreese is the most badass character, he's going to kick all sorts of ass."

Show Tyreese is a different character than Comic Tyreese (similar to how Comic Andrea, Comic Carol, Comic Maggie, etc. are different characters than their show counterparts). If they had given us Comic Tyreese on the show, he would have been one of everyone's favorite characters. Comic Tyreese's role was already filled by Daryl (one of the fan favorites - surprise!) though, so the writers decided to make him into a different character, almost the opposite of his comic counterpart.

Black quota ain't no joke!

It is, actually.

Walking dead swears it has to top game of thrones when it comes to death. But they waste the deaths by having no build up and you don't even care about the character.

Terrible to kill off characters for the "shock" of it to have people talking about the show instead of having great and emotional characters people can relate to.

It's weird - people want the show to kill characters off but when they do they get upset.

People hated Beth -> the show kills her off -> people get pissed off.

People hated Tyreese -> the show kills him off -> people get pissed off.

That people got upset signals that they did care about the characters and that they were ones with whom people related to.

But, like, who knows what people want at this point? The show is damned if they don't kill people off because "lol everyone has plot armor", they're damned if they kill someone important off because "the rest of the characters suck so why kill one of the good ones", they're damned if they kill one of the secondary characters off because "they weren't even developed what a waste", they're damned if they kill a black character off because "lol black quota", they're damned if they kill a woman off, they're damned if they stay in one location, they're damned if they travel from place to place, etc. etc.

The Walking Dead literally can't win no matter what they do.

They only try to 'develop' characters when they plan on killing them off. When they realize it's too late but need us to try and care about them. Guess they thought Tyreese's visions would make us feel more for him.

If a character is getting more screen time, it should be a good indicator that they will die soon on this crap show.

This isn't even remotely true.

I'm actually glad Comic Spoiler
that the community was destroyed and really hope they avoid that entire plot line in the show. The Negan storyline dragged on forever and made me eventually stop reading the comics. He is one of the most one dimensional predicable and creatively uninspired villains of all time. Between him and the guy that had a pet tiger with guards that spoke old English, it felt like I was back in junior high reading a comic one of my friends wrote.

Negan is actually the most interesting long form villain they've ever done - certainly the most unique and human. Not that you know since you stopped reading, but the stuff with Ezekial and his tiger and his Kingdom was all explained eventually.

I stopped reading the comic at the same place you did. Such a waste of time.

Keep reading.


Wife was crying during this episode. She actually really liked his character. I liked the episode. Had a really different feel to it especially the beginning of the episode.
People just like to complain. If commercials are that big of an issue for you, then, like, maybe watch on a 15 minute delay? No one is forcing you to sit through 20 minutes of commercials and it's not like this is a new development. Commercials have been this way for a long time.

I hate commercials - can't stand 'em. Huge waste of time. So I don't watch them. It's super cool. Y'all should try it sometime.

Oh man, you're so cool! why didn't I think of that!

oh wait

I was watching it on DVR. There were still too many commercials. The pacing of the episode was constantly getting interrupted by them. I think there was a segment where the game back for like literally 2 minutes before jumping back to ads.

I understand why - they get NFL type money because the show is so popular - 500k to 600k per 30 second spot. but goddamn.


Oh man, you're so cool! why didn't I think of that!

oh wait

I was watching it on DVR. There were still too many commercials. The pacing of the episode was constantly getting interrupted by them. I think there was a segment where the game back for like literally 2 minutes before jumping back to ads.

I understand why - they get NFL type money because the show is so popular - 500k to 600k per 30 second spot. but goddamn.

Why don't you just wait for netlfix? I have friends who wait.


*Beth looking back at Tyreese while driving*

Tyreese: bitch you better watch the road

also thought he was going to get a wooden arm but oh well


Hunky Nostradamus
Oh man, you're so cool! why didn't I think of that!

oh wait

I was watching it on DVR. There were still too many commercials. The pacing of the episode was constantly getting interrupted by them. I think there was a segment where the game back for like literally 2 minutes before jumping back to ads.

I understand why - they get NFL type money because the show is so popular - 500k to 600k per 30 second spot. but goddamn.

I watch a lot of TV and I didn't notice anything wrong about The Walking Dead's commercial interruption cuts. I thought the pacing was fine and no different from any other episode of The Walking Dead.


We need more Rick and Glenn solo moments. It was fun seeing the two of them interact together this week. They have both changed a bunch since season one.


I miss pre-Maggie Glenn. She should get killed off next. Comic Spoilers:
With a baseball bat.


Well, guess I was right about Noah being part of the reason they'll head to DC. Good episode, was a bit surprised Tyrese died. Thought that was Noah coming up behind him... but that was probably the point. The whole death vision thing was creepy as hell. I felt like Tyrese started feeling a bit like Lee when he was talking to Noah at the beginning of the episode, just his voice and the topics. First episode in a long time where he seemed likable, and then he's just dead. I was half expecting him to say sweet pea to the girls though.
What an awesome premiere!!!! I didn't really appreciate it until the end. The misdirection was great. I'm glad they clarified on Talking Dead the amount of time that had passed between episodes eight and nine. Really glad the show is back. The loss of Tyreese hurts, but I think all the characters will benefit as the season moves on. Should be an amazing second half!

*Beth looking back at Tyreese while driving*

Tyreese: bitch you better watch the road

:lol :lol Yup, this.


Thought it was a solid episode. Shame about tyrese but he was a very different version than people had expected. How it happened felt right. Dude was an emotional guy and seeing the pictures of brothers etc just socked him enough o get distracted.

New Villian for 2nd half has been established via the radio playback. A monstrous group of rebels who even as Virginia tried to stay together as its own country rampaged and did whatever it wanted.


Huh. I knew he would be next, but the timing just threw me for a complete surprise. His character got plenty of screen time, yet...no feels.

And I'm assuming they're grooming Sasha to be a female equivalent of Daryl in the sense that they want to stack at least SOME made-for-TV characters to be long-term survivors.

I'll stick by the thinking that Comic Andrea will be split between Michonne and Sasha.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Thought it was a solid episode. Shame about tyrese but he was a very different version than people had expected. How it happened felt right. Dude was an emotional guy and seeing the pictures of brothers etc just socked him enough o get distracted.

New Villian for 2nd half has been established via the radio playback. A monstrous group of rebels who even as Virginia tried to stay together as its own country rampaged and did whatever it wanted.

See I don't know if the radio playback was foreshadowing about another group...I took it to be Ty recollecting about everything that has happened and the people they ran into before, that's why it was cut with the images of the prison and the roads they traveled. The radio wasn't actually on, it was in his head. Like when his dad made him listen to the radio. But the cut up Walkers are definitely from another group.


Solid episode, it felt....confident? Like this season the writers finally nail how to keep a grip on the show as a whole rather than episode to episode.

I love it when the writers fuck with comic readers (baseball bat), but I think it reaffirms the theory that Lucile will greet a different character. Not sure who it could be though, obviously not Rick or Carl. Maybe Abraham (instead of the arrow death), or Eugene, but I don't think either would be shocking enough. Gabriel? He kinda disappears in the comics, so it wouldn't really change much plot. But again, it wouldn't be shocking because he's hated by the audience. Skipping the women because I highly doubt they'd be cool beating to death a woman with a baseball bat. Could they do Daryl? The Internet would explode to Red Wedding levels, people would be furious. Before I said no chance, but it kinda makes sense, doesn't it? Plot-wise he feels like he's coming to an end thanks to his time with Beth and Carol. The question is, would AMC allow it? He's an immensely popular character which they created and own entirely, that's a big potential revenue stream to give up. Guess we'll find out around the second half of S6.


I don't know how to feel yet regarding Tyrese cuz I'm kinda stunned they actually did away with him. :(

but I definitely loved how experimental the structure and direction was, thought


I thought the plot was really shitty, but I thought the hallucinations were really effective and the ending really got me choked up. Tyreese was one of my favorite characters for sure :/ Sasha putting her bit of dirt on his grave was really tough to watch.


Solid episode, it felt....confident? Like this season the writers finally nail how to keep a grip on the show as a whole rather than episode to episode.

I love it when the writers fuck with comic readers (baseball bat), but I think it reaffirms the theory that Lucile will greet a different character. Not sure who it could be though, obviously not Rick or Carl. Maybe Abraham (instead of the arrow death), or Eugene, but I don't think either would be shocking enough. Gabriel? He kinda disappears in the comics, so it wouldn't really change much plot. But again, it wouldn't be shocking because he's hated by the audience. Skipping the women because I highly doubt they'd be cool beating to death a woman with a baseball bat. Could they do Daryl? The Internet would explode to Red Wedding levels, people would be furious. Before I said no chance, but it kinda makes sense, doesn't it? Plot-wise he feels like he's coming to an end thanks to his time with Beth and Carol. The question is, would AMC allow it? He's an immensely popular character which they created and own entirely, that's a big potential revenue stream to give up. Guess we'll find out around the second half of S6.

I bet they'll make it a person.

And I should catch up on the comics. Probably missed the last 2 or 3, but the content is so lacking. You get filler for 95% of the issue.
i like walking dead alot but what happenned in this show tonight is one of the reasons I dont hold it in higher regard/get annoyed with it.

the attack was so fucking cheap.

you cant have ninja zombies only when its beneficial to you. its so lazy and cheap the way tyrese got bit. This episode was just shit all around. a pointless filler where they kill a main character. so dumb.

if they would have made tyrese getting killed more well done and make sense within the rules of the walking dead, then fine. but ninja zombie? gtfo.

Coach, was already breaking the rules. Holding out on his stash of little debbie's snacks while everyone else looks like they're struggling. Plus Abraham is there now too, the group doesn't look too weak rollin with 2 giant ass dudes. I liked Coach's character but when Abraham showed up i knew Coach was dying.


Negan is actually the most interesting long form villain they've ever done - certainly the most unique and human. Not that you know since you stopped reading, but the stuff with Ezekial and his tiger and his Kingdom was all explained eventually.

Keep reading.

Are you serious? *Comic Spoilers*
Saying Negan is the best long form villain this series did is not really saying much. Who are we comparing him to? The cartoon character that was the governor? And what's unique and human about him? He's a big leather wearing psychopath that curses profusely and when angered will brutally kill someone. That's human and unique? He looks like one of the npcs from Capcom's "Final Fight."

And yeah, I stopped reading a few months back but I recently decided to give it a chance and finish the Negan war storyline. I read up to some new group coming in and finding Negan in the makeshift prison. The explanation you alluded to didn't excuse the absolute mess that was a medieval times village complete with a trained tiger roaming around suddenly popping up. And I didn't even touch on the Kung fu master white guy that everyone calls jesus.

Keep reading you say? No thanks. I only hope Kirkman is smart enough to avoid driving the show off the same cliff he did with the comic.
Shame it wasn't Glenn.

There's still time. Just think, in the last 2 episodes of the show we've had the deaths of 2 of the most useless, poorly-written major characters.

If they continue this trend for the rest of the season, we'll be down to only the interesting characters remaining after the finale.
Ugh... it wasn't a terrible episode but all these deaths feel so pointless. Why kill him now? To a god damn kid walker? Why did he grill that picture so hard? I know it must be a shock but why the fuck didn't he run to get that shit chopped off? Why didn't chris yell for help before he got attacked? Just so Glenn and Rick can talk about something we'll forget by next episode.

Again it was a nice episode. Shot well, emotional, ect. but fuck man stop killing people for shock value.


Ugh... it wasn't a terrible episode but all these deaths feel so pointless. Why kill him now? To a god damn kid walker? Why did he grill that picture so hard? I know it must be a shock but why the fuck didn't he run to get that shit chopped off? Why didn't chris yell for help before he got attacked? Just so Glenn and Rick can talk about something we'll forget by next episode.

Again it was a nice episode. Shot well, emotional, ect. but fuck man stop killing people for shock value.
Because Chad Coleman signed on to a new show.


Thought this episode was pretty bad. It seemed like it was trying too hard and dragged on way too long for a pretty irrelevant character. It really felt to me like you could have accomplished everything that happened in this episode in about twenty minutes.


Ugh... it wasn't a terrible episode but all these deaths feel so pointless. Why kill him now? To a god damn kid walker? Why did he grill that picture so hard? I know it must be a shock but why the fuck didn't he run to get that shit chopped off? Why didn't chris yell for help before he got attacked? Just so Glenn and Rick can talk about something we'll forget by next episode.

Again it was a nice episode. Shot well, emotional, ect. but fuck man stop killing people for shock value.

You would fucking hate the comics.


Well, can't say I was surprised with Tyrese's death, since it was spoiled to me on a sports message board thread title. I got spoiled on Beth's too thanks to a news site picture and headline the following morning.

The episode was just okay, but when you already know what's going to happen you watch it through a different lense. Oh well, RIP gentle giant.


Sorry, Tyrese was a tedious character.
Lived stupid and died for being stupid.
Really nice guy, great guy but not cut out to survive and that was exactly what was shown.
He was going to die eventually. I am happy to see him live post prison and have him and Abe be on the same team. Kinda like how they kept Shane on for an extra arc

Funky Papa


All the comic readers have been like, "Just wait til they get to Tyreese." "When Tyreese joins the show, it's gonna be off the hook." "Tyreese is the most badass character, he's going to kick all sorts of ass."
Don't fucking remind me.

This show is all about character assassination, literally.

I'm pissed off beyond words.
Does anyone know what number in the Walking Dead comics the show is at right now? I'd rather continue from there as the show is doing nothing for me anymore.
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