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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Content Roundup – Episode 606: “Always Accountable”


AMC Inside The Walking Dead:
  • The Making of Episode 606, “Always Accountable” - AMC
  • Inside Episode 606: “Always Accountable” - AMC
  • Preview of Episode 607, “Heads Up” - International
  • Sneak Peek of Episode 607, “Heads Up” - AMC | International
Producer & Cast Interviews:
Critic Reviews:
Talking Dead’s Inside The Dead:
  • Dropping the RPG walker Abraham encountered from the bridge involved both practical and digital effects. A scene of such magnitude can often take 7 to 10 days to shoot on a movie. The Walking Dead films an entire episode in that amount of time.
  • Prop Master John Sanders acquired an actual grenade launcher for this episode. The RPG7 was a licensed rental with replica rockets. It weighed 16 pounds.
  • Daryl's stunt double this season is Dalton Simons. He is the son of stun coordinator Monty Simons. It really is a Walking Dead family.
I just don't get why this show still writes people that would approach dead bodies like they are harmless. These deaths are so stupid and pointless, why even show them.

It happens because this writing staff genuinely doesn't know how to create drama naturally.

We've seen that same setup a dozen times now. Someone suddenly drops their guard and runs on for reasons and finds themselves in a predicament.

Angry Fork

That's the main thing I don't like about the show and wish they would improve on, the fake forced tension. This combined with the lack of consistency in the survivor's abilities. If the show needs to get the plot moving quickly and characters are rushing to do something, they're experts with their weapons and can pistol zombies in the head from 30ft away. But if the episode is going slow and it's focused on 1-2 characters moving slowly, they become bumbling idiots, tripping over everything and with no accuracy. It's real silly.

Also wish they would get rid of the constant pep talks between characters who need reassurance. These people should be stone cold survivors by now but they're still whining about shit all the time and 1/4 of episodes are dialogue scenes about some person being capable of a lot and don't be so down on yourself and we're gonna get through this together I know this is tough and bla bla.
Just rewound and that definitely wasn't Glenn's voice. The voice was too deep.

Didn't the people that stole Daryl's bike also steal his walkie talkie? It sounded like karma struck them and Daryl also said "you're Gonna be sorry". It came across to me like they got in trouble and asked for help, but Daryl's crew didn't give a fuck.


Alright who was responsible for these last 2 episodes? The season started off pretty good but these last 2 eps were just bad.


two god AWFUL episodes in a row this season is really decaying

Look I'm all for "WE DONT NEED ZOMBIE HORDES IN EVERY EP!!!" but it's quite CLEAR the facade of TWD all falls apart as soon as the action stops. The writers have absolutely NO CLUE how to write dialogue / character development scenes. The stuff with Abraham made me cringe so hard. The entire Daryl storyline was pointless, cheesy, and awful; pretty much just filler.

Now I can't wait to tune in next week when we figure out - OH Glenn is ALIVE for some miraculous completely unrealistic reason.

I think this is what really defines the show: "it all falls apart when the action stops"

Eheh, i love when people say "This episode was slow and boring but CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!"

Why would i want to see "character development" when they just cant write the characters?
The drama when Daryl was struggling to get his crossbow out of his bag to kill a single walker was hilarious.

It felt pointless, given how easily these people dispatch walkers with knives, arrows (by hand), rocks and other things these days.

The RPG scene could've been a lot smarter, too, if he'd just knifed the thing once.
I think the daryl scene was specifically designed that way for us to get to see the awesome tree walker for as long as possible lol. It was pretty silly.

Good episode overall I thought. Glad reviews reflect that.
These last two episodes have definitely been mediocre. I'm hoping things pick up because this season was off to a great start but now feels like it is stuck in the mud.
Yeah, it's Glenn. I can't wait to see how he survives being surround 20 deep by walkers with a body on top of him that they're feeding on. This is going to be the "jump the shark" moment for this show. Although I would argue that moment was when they lowered Glenn into a well with a walker in it for god knows what the writer thought was a good reason.

Didn't sound like him. I'd consider something like the resolution to Sherlock's Season 2 cliffhanger (where they basically threw up their hands and said, "You figure it out") to be much more of a JTS moment than Glenn's "death". There's a reason they shot it that way.

Overall, I thought this episode was pretty dumb. Half of it was filler, and the other half was filled with stupidity on both sides.
Wow, what a god awful episode. What's up with these awkward romances recently? Last week was Aaron trying to get a piece from Maggie and this week is Abraham chasing Sasha's ass. It was so boring and cringe-worthy. It is clear that the writer can't write good dialogues so they should stick with the action.
The first two episodes were great. Third one was decent too.

I really liked the Morgan episode, thought it was amazing,

However, I do agree that these last two have been pretty weak.
Wow, what a god awful episode. What's up with these awkward romances recently? Last week was Aaron trying to get a piece from Maggie and this week is Abraham chasing Sasha's ass. It was so boring and cringe-worthy. It is clear that the writer can't write good dialogues so they should stick with the action.

Aaron is gay.


Everything went to shit after the first three episodes. I was hopeful we'd get a no-slog season, but they just HAD to do that shit again.

I can't tell how many times I zoned out during the parts where everything just comes to a halt and they start yapping the big talk with all life-changing advice flowing. I just start staring into nothingness at that point and have to force myself to snap back. This has been a problem for several seasons now, and they just can't direct those scenes better.


Another slow episode and dumb filler episode. At least this time it involve characters that we like.

2 episodes left and we have Wolves, the kneeling clan, Glenn's fate, Abe/Sasha/Daryl adventures and Rick's to cover.
Mid season cliffhangers going to make my ass itch.


Actually really liked this episode, not a whole lot with moving the current plot forward but seems to me this could be one of the most important episodes when we later look back on it.

Comic spoilers:
so we got introduced to a non burnt Dwight which I loved. He's already being a scumbag just like the comics. He even looks exactly like Dwight from the comics. I'm loving it. Then we were introduced to the saviors tho they never said the groups name. I'm guessing the reason they didn't show Wades face the whole time because he probably got his faced burnt by an iron just like Dwight will. And then finally they even mentioned Negan. But Dwight only called Negan (him) and it was when Daryl was going in and out of consciousness.

love how they are slowly setting everything up. Pretty funny to see so many people say nothing happened in this episode or that it's filler lol. There's so much that happened viewers just don't realize it.
Another slow episode and dumb filler episode. At least this time it involve characters that we like.

2 episodes left and we have Wolves, the kneeling clan, Glenn's fate, Abe/Sasha/Daryl adventures and Rick's to cover.
Mid season cliffhangers going to make my ass itch.
I doubt it's filler episode. They have Daryl's bike & crossbow. He even says you will be sorry when they 'sorry'. Those people and the person whose shoes/pants we could see are definitely going to show up in the future. I thought this was a pretty good episode, and liked what happened overall. Hated the dumb zombie bites from both the hunter and the idiot girl. This is why WD will never be a 9 or higher on the scale for me, this comedic and horrible deaths that make no damn sense.

I'm also curious what plays Abraham is talking about. One is hooking up with Sasha. Lets hope another one is not overtaking Rick's role by force. -_- The one thing that annoys me is that I have a feeling Glenn is going to be alive 2 weeks from now, even though it makes no sense.


Man this episode wasn't a huge improvement on the last one which was garbage. The writing was terrible this episode, especially for Sasha and Abraham's scenes. What the fuck was she waffling about? I like some of Daryl's scenes because he is one of the only characters with some decency left while also being pragmatic. I really hope they are not trying to push him to be like Rick and Carol after being screwed like that. I hope he keeps his humanity. Diabetes girl's death was pretty funny. How fucking stupid can people be after this long. Can the writers not come up with something better.


I swear to god they will air a Rosita backstory episode before they address the Glenn situation. The season started off strong and then immediately got reduced to this drawn out waiting period which I'm pretty sure served only to promote Badlands.

At this point you know he will live because why draw it out so long only to finally say that he ded but then again it's apparent that the writers are capable of less.
Diabetes girl's death was pretty funny. How fucking stupid can people be after this long. Can the writers not come up with something better.
Seriously. It gave me a good chuckle when they got her, but everyone surely saw this coming a mile off, the writers are really lazy.

And of course Daryl's got to get his beloved crossbow back, so it's not the end of them. And that ending.. zzzzzz


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Diabetes girl's death was pretty funny. How fucking stupid can people be after this long.

Eh, I feel like that scene is a counter-point to some people going "well why didn't they just "firebomb" the quarry instead of leading them out? Surely that'd have killed the zombies?

Nope, as this girls (funny in framing, not so funny in standpoint) death shows. Fire won't take their brain out since they're already dead.


It felt pointless, given how easily these people dispatch walkers with knives, arrows (by hand), rocks and other things these days.

The RPG scene could've been a lot smarter, too, if he'd just knifed the thing once.

The RPG scene was especially weird for all kinds of reasons. There were several shots where it was clear things were shot on green screen. Were these insert shots? Why was it shot on green screen? Was there supposed to be some peril involved here? The geography of the scene was not clear. The zombie was hanging over an edge with a large drop? Why didn't we see the drop? Why was the entire scene when he climbs out onto the fence shot in closeup? We have no sense of any danger if we don't understand the geography of the location. One wide shot showing the drop would have done wonders. Then the whole thing where he freaks out and screams at the walker. What were we supposed to infer there? Some kind of PTSD episode? It was just a weird series of closeups that culminated in guy yelling at walker, but then immediately he didn't' seem affected by it, just chuckling and lighting up a cigar. What exactly did Abe go through in that scene? Did he just learn a lesson from Sasha that you don't have to kill every walker you see, because sometimes gravity pulls the fence they are stuck in through their weakened body and leaves the RPG perfectly there? Or something? And the silly rip on his shirt exposing his belly that we never saw actually get ripped.

It was like a microcosm of all the struggles the show often has on a macro level, condensed into one scene.

Eh, I feel like that scene is a counter-point to some people going "well why didn't they just "firebomb" the quarry instead of leading them out? Surely that'd have killed the zombies?

Nope, as this girls (funny in framing, not so funny in standpoint) death shows. Fire won't take their brain out since they're already dead.

The fire clearly killed a lot of zombies though, as evidenced by the many corpses. The two that killed diabetus girl were protected by the melted glass from the greenhouse that formed a hardened barrier around them though, I guess. That seemed an especially complicated and specific death scenario though, like them reaching a bit too out there to contrive a scenario in order for a character to die unsuspectingly.


I also don't get why most zombies are always moving consistently, but the plot convenient zombies sleep to catch people off guard like diabetes girl.
What I don't get it how those zombies move after all the muscles are gone.

Well they wouldn't exactly be much of a threat if they couldn't move.

I also don't get why most zombies are always moving consistently, but the plot convenient zombies sleep to catch people off guard like diabetes girl.

In the comic, they've always been referred to as roamers and lurkers. Roamers are the ones that tend to move around a lot while the lurkers tend to lay low and take you by surprise. The show does give them super speed and the ability to remain completely silent at times though.
I also don't get why most zombies are always moving consistently, but the plot convenient zombies sleep to catch people off guard like diabetes girl.

I choose to believe eventually even zombies have to shut down to conserve energy. Only when a food source is nearby do they burst forward in a last ditch effort to feed.

But without any explanation of zombies or their biology its just lazy writing.


Shit. First Beth and now this. I have to stay away from cute blondies .........

Dumbest blonde since Andrea.
Man, even I have to admit that blond girl's death was just awful. People do die and get bit in the dumbest ways imaginable on this show. That's something you expect to happen when the outbreak first happened, how does someone survive the apocalypse for two years and die like that?
Cute blondes have a limited shelf-life in the Walking Dead universe. Just like black men.
Hope Jessie is the exception to the rule.

Would've been a good Beth replacement for Carl. Dammit show!!
I'm assuming that Enid is the Sophia / Beth replacement for Carl until proven otherwise.
Wow, death of diabetes girl was about the dumbest and most pointless one in the entire series. Zombies are dangerous, boys and girls.

So what's the consensus - was Faceless Blue Jeans Guy

Also that definitely sounded like Glenn saying "help" at the end there.

What's even funnier is how she rolled over so the zombie could bite her neck.

Worst episode of the season.
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